

Monday, June 17, 2024


Democrats never seem shy, or the least bit hesitant, when it comes to allowing their hypocrisy to come shining through. And what appears so painfully obvious to those of us who are on the receiving end, I can only assume that it now happens so often that Democrats have essentially become blind to it. And as expected, it’s the repeated examples of this blatant hypocrisy on the part of Democrats that are never pointed out by any of our venerable ‘journalists’ in the ‘fake news’ media. Nor are any of these Democrat politicians ever challenged regarding the many lies that they tell. These ‘fake news’ clowns simply act as if no hypocrisy actually exists.

And it was this past Sunday that one of these scumbag Democrats showed up on CNN to once again spew more of the party’s incessant drivel and to again demonstrate just how stupid members of this party think the American people are. This time around it was Chris Murphy, member of the U.S. Senate, who appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union,” for the sole purpose, or so I assume, to whine about how he thinks that the Supreme Court is “becoming brazenly corrupt and brazenly political.” I gotta tell you, this guy Murphy is as stupid as they come. To the point where you have to wonder that if this is the best guy Democrats could find, Connecticut must be full of morons!

Anyway, host Jake ‘Mr. Fake News’ Tapper said, “At a fundraiser in Los Angeles last night, President Biden referred to the upside-down flag that Martha Alito flew outside their home. He said the Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. And there are a lot of other remarks along those lines. Is it appropriate for the president to criticize the Court like that?” Murphy responded saying, “Oh, absolutely. I mean, I think there’s a crisis on the Court. In particular with respect to Justice Alito and Justice Thomas. What Justice Thomas is engaged in is just a grift, right?” A crisis on the Court? And this idiot Tapper does nothing but nod stupidly in agreement!

And Murphy went on to add, “He’s got a major political player on the outside who absolutely has political and business interests at the court paying off a justice. Justice Alito is openly displaying affiliation with political causes in public.” Murphy went on to add, “I think it would be irresponsible for the president not to talk about the fact that this court is becoming brazenly corrupt and brazenly political. It’s up to the American people. This election to do something about that. It’s also up to Congress to step up and pass a code of conduct. The code of ethical conduct for this court before it’s too late.” Shame on those people who voted this imbecile into office.

And what was really so remarkable in this entire exchange was the fact that Murphy was able to spew his nonsense with a straight face knowing full well that the ‘journalist’ sitting opposite him would not question his lies. In other words, the Supreme Court is corrupt because they prefer the U.S. Constitution to attempts made by leftists like this clown Murphy to undermine and destroy it. The Court’s decisions are always bad when they go against what liberals want, so who is it that’s really disrupting constitutional government? The loony libs get mad when they can’t shove their ideas, and laws, down your throat with liberal Supreme Court justices.

And so, despite the fact that the Democrats continue to have their panties in a bunch over abortion, Roe vs. Wade was never constitutional to begin with. So, Roe vs. Wade was more “notorious” than was its eventual ‘reversal,’ which did nothing more than to send the issue back to the states where it has always rightfully belonged. The U.S. Constitution says nothing about abortion, and so according to that same Constitution the issue is under the jurisdiction of individual state governments. We all know that Democrats love the Court when it rules their way. Democrats hate the Court when it rules on the lawfulness of a law. That’s just the simple fact of the matter.

What we have here is more dangerous and more irresponsible rhetoric from an incompetent, ethically challenged piece of trash. This is the sickness of the left, and the corruption of the media, any conservative decision is “corrupt and political,” any leftist decision is perfectly normal. When members of one branch of government attack another branch of government without a consensus and just because one branch doesn’t follow your agenda of interpretation of laws and policies doesn’t count for much as far as one being more established in its entirety over the other. It’s exhausting to always hear the same rhetoric over and over. Change the tune already.

The Democrat Party playbook has become tattered and shopworn. They’ve been making the same accusations against political organizations that stand in their way for over half a century. And if I remember correctly, it was ever time, and I mean every single time, that President Trump made any sort of comments about the Court Democrats, like this puke Murphy, were quick to pounce, accusing him of not understanding the three branches of government. So what’s this asshole’s excuse?  Clearly, whenever the Supreme Court makes a decision that doesn’t jive with their leftist beliefs, Democrats accuses the Court of being corrupt and political.

And we’ve gotten to the point where you really do need to wonder if dolts like Murphy actually believe any of the shit that comes out of their mouths. And, if we’re being honest here, in reality it’s Murphy, and his band of leftwing cronies, who are the ones that are corrupt and political! And it’s justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown Jackson who are nothing more than corrupt nincompoop Democrat Party puppets. They are all affirmative action dullards that just sign whatever their clerks write for them at the direction of the Democrat Party leadership. Democrat politicians RELY on a system of government that is “brazenly corrupt and brazenly political."

For 80+ years, Democrats have used the Supreme Court to cobble together, out of thin air, policies that become law outside of the legislative process. What could never pass a vote in Congress was bypassed by the then radical extremist ‘Men in Black’ who decreed these concepts and opinions into law. From 1933 to 1953, FDR and Truman made 11 consecutive appointments to the Supreme Court which is just now recovering from decades of leftwing extremists dominating the majority of the Court. The left is now collectively so sick that it has to attack the Supreme Court while they themselves repeatedly violate the law. Democrats need to be eradicated, politically speaking.

And instead of sticking to the accepted process of drafting new laws, Democrats in Congress choose to jack with the Supreme Court, even though there are three co-equal branches of government. Most all of the Supreme Court’s decisions are disputes between the Executive and Legislative Branches or between the people and Congress or Executive. I think that perhaps Mr. Murphy needs a little refresher course when it comes to the Constitution. Especially when it comes to the part where Congress DOES NOT have oversight over the Court, period, end of story. Murphy needs to step back into his lane, as does every other Democrat currently bitching about the Court.

And as is usually the case, it’s from the perspective of those like this doofus Murphy, that this supposed “crisis” involving the Supreme Court likely arises from the fact that they’ve become a bit more focused on the Constitution and less focused on advocating for, and/or working to advance, the leftist agenda. The Marxist wing of the Democrat Party doesn’t like it when these appointed defenders of the Constitution, accurately interpret the Constitution as written. Further erosion of our constitutional rights is an obstacle to the Marxist police state that Joey’s owners only dream of. They want to be the elites while the rest of us eat cabbage and beets for sustenance.

And so, if I’m right, this is where the Democrats try to smear and to discredit members of the Supreme Court who refuse to yield to the insanity because they are afraid that the Court will rule that President Trump has complete immunity wiping out several of their LAWFARE cases. But if the Court does end up siding with the woke and corrupt Democrats, then likely nothing more will ever be said about the Court. I just hope the Court is just and does rule in President Trump’s favor so these trumped-up court cases will go away. But if they do it will mean that no one can go after ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton, ‘BO’ or any Democrat president in the future, not even Joey. 

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