

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Ya know, your average working-class blacks in this country continue to do themselves a yuge disservice by listening to many of their fellow blacks who are very wealthy, are members of the ‘fake news’ media or are in government who continually tell them how it’s in their best interest to vote for Democrats. And it remains a vast majority of blacks who do choose to follow that twisted advice despite the fact that for over 60 years their lives have come to differ very little than the lives of their grandparents. But polls do show that there is a growing number of blacks who, while they may be unwilling to vote Republican, are willing to take a gamble on President Trump.

And of course, there are those in the black community who will argue that those polls showing any shift away from Joey and toward President Trump are simply not to be trusted. And one of those who has been more vocal in that regard is none other than ‘Little Jimmy’ Clyburn, Democrat from South Carolina. And why it is that any blacks continue to listen to this old moron is anyone’s guess, but many blacks still do. And it was just this past Friday that old Jimmy was once again out and about doing what it is that he does best, conning his fellow blacks. To me, this is nothing more than a backdoor admission that Clyburn is privy to inner city election fraud schemes.

And it was this past Friday that Clyburn paid a little visit to CNN’s “The Situation Room,” hosted by resident buffoon, Wolf Blitzer. And it was then that Clyburn made the idiotic claim that he doesn’t believe that *president Joey has had a “loss of support among African-Americans.” Clyburn just loves the early 1800s southern style plantation model that continues to be used by the Democrats in the 2000s, and that to a significant degree continues to work. And Democrats will continue to use it until it ceases to produce the results they need. And in being the industrious little fucks that they are, I’m quite sure they’ll come up with some new way to con the blacks.

Blitzer said, “How far does President Biden’s message on democracy go when Trump is still leading Biden in several battleground state polls and just raked in a massive fundraising haul off of this felony conviction?” Clyburn said, “I am not all that concerned about the polling taking place now. I remember the poling over there in Maryland a few weeks ago when the candidate who’s down five and won by 13. There’s something going on with polling today that I don’t think we have taken into account. If you’re pulling people with landlines and there’s so many people with landlines, I’m not too sure we can get an accurate poll."

Clyburn continued, “I know this what I keep hearing about the loss of support among African-Americans by Joe Biden is not when I’m hearing you want to go into barbershops as I go into churches, my Sunday polls, I don’t hear that. So I’m not sure what’s going on with polling today, but I think that Joe Biden is in a very good place.” Clyburn added, “I think it’s faulty polling. I just don’t see anything else.” On every plantation there was a black overseer that kept other blacks in line. Clyburn was that black overseer in 2020 but now there is a black rebellion against Clyburn and his master Joey B., both of whom have spent the last three years lying to blacks.

Democrats remain convinced that they can continue to scam those in the black community by arguing how Republicans want nothing more than to put them back in chains. And they’ve convinced themselves that every poll is wrong and that all polling is simply undercounting their support. And they also seem to be ignoring their own strategists who have been shouting about this falling support for several years and their own pollsters who are telling them that they are losing support. If polls are skewed then they’re skewed in favor of the Democrats. If anything, this situation is probably worse for them than they’re being told, but I guess we’ll soon find out.

Americans can collectively blame the Democrats for the fact that most of us are now unable to afford a house, for out of control inflation, for the fact that gas and groceries have become nearly unaffordable, a wide open border, our diminished standing in the world, the world having been set on fire, for the fact that we’re sitting on the brink of World War III, and all because of people like this scumbag Clyburn. Clyburn is another of those who’s nothing more than a poster boy for term limits, and another who has very clearly outlived whatever usefulness he might have once had. Anybody who believes anything out of the mouth of Clyburn is a fool!!!

This guy is one of the most useless politicians that blacks have ever elected. He’s never demanded that the freeloaders try to educate themselves and work hard for a living instead of simply depending on the government for their ‘free’ handouts. Clyburn is another of those who happens to be of the opinion that giving away more ‘free stuff’ to the black community will solve whatever problem Joey may have regarding any supposed lack of support from that particular voting bloc. Clyburn has become a millionaire from his career in politics, while the people that have supported him remained poor and dependent on government for all their needs.

I have no doubt that the captain of the Titanic firmly believed that his ship was unsinkable. Hearing a report that there were icebergs in the area, I have no doubt that he likely responded with “full speed ahead”, eager to break the trans-Atlantic crossing speed record and earn numerous accolades and heaps of praise. It’s the same sort of pride, blinding the woke to reality. The polls are reporting that there are “icebergs are in the water”, but Democrat captains, like Cylburn, believe their own lies and that their ship is unsinkable. But just like the captain, I’m thinking that the Democrats might also be in for a bit of a rude awakening, with similar consequences,

Clyburn is unable, or unwilling, to accept that a lot of blacks have figured things out and are not near as stupid and/or as ignorant as he and his fellow Democrats think they are. A lot of blacks are finally starting to realize that over the course of the last 60 years the Democrat Party hasn’t done one thing for them. Blacks have supported the Democrat Party in every way because they thought they’d get something in return, but little panned out, even with a black president. They were not any better off until a rich private businessman became president! President Trump did more for blacks in four years than Democrats ever did, including eight years of a black president.

Any why is it that black ‘leaders’ work so hard to keep blacks on the socialist plantation? Since LBJ, all they’ve done is to work to destroy the black family, public education, and make large numbers of blacks totally dependent on government. Now they are giving the illegals all the jobs they can and casting blacks aside. Clyburn is nothing more than a traitor to his own people, delivering his people over to the enemy in exchange for a few pieces of gold and power. And as his power has increased his bank account has also grown and the district which he ‘represents’ has sunk lower and lower into the depths of hopelessness, dependency, dope, and crime.

And it’s strange, don’t you think, how Democrats will always tell you that news stories and polls are clearly inaccurate if they show that the Democrats are somehow behind. A poll could show a Democrat ahead by one point and they start screaming from the rooftops about how great they are and how the polls show how the people enthusiastically support them. However, if the polls go the other way, and are actually against the Democrats, by multiple points, they always say it’s ‘fake news’ or political propaganda or just an outright lie. And if it happened to be just one poll then that might be the case. But if you have multiple polls, well then, then you have a trend.

So the truth of the matter is that despite the idiotic claims made by Clyburn, Joey is in fact suffering with the Black vote. Blacks don’t see EV’s as a big issue, they’re not swayed by European wars and they’re not into Hamas. Theirs are very parochial issues, the economy, illegal migration, education and health care. And it’s none of those issues that the outcome be sighted as positive. Blacks in the U.S. are making progress entering the middle class, mostly in those areas in which the economies are actually growing. They are now protective of their own financials. And many are now of the opinion that the Democrat Party is more of a hindrance than a help.

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