

Friday, June 7, 2024


Well, if nothing else I think we can all say that our merry band of RINOs are certainly a persistent bunch. But might I add that being persistent is not always a good thing. Look, President Trump is clearly the choice of those who not only vote Republican, but also of a majority of our so-called Independent voters. And yet, there continues to be those who claim to know better than do the voters when it comes to who our nominee should be. And it’s these RINOs who seem to be fully supportive of this recent verdict against President Trump hoping that it my yet do sufficient damage to the point where one of them may actually be able to step in and replace him as the nominee.

But if something like that were actually to happen, which I very much doubt, the only thing that would be accomplished is to virtually guarantee a win by Joey or whomever else it might be that the Democrats slip in to replace him should he come completely off the tracks. Because I’m here to tell you, my days of ever voting for any RINO ended on the day I mistakenly voted for Willard Romney. Those day are gone for fucking ever. As far as I’m concerned, those RINOs who are so desperate to do damage to President Trump are simply pissing into the wind. And you would think that if they were as smart as they think they are, they would see the futility of their effort.

And yet these very same assholes persist in their idiotic endeavor all while claiming that they’re only trying to do what’s best for the country. Which would be kinda funny if the alternative wasn’t so frightening.  And it was another of these assholes, RINO ex-Arkansas governor and once upon a time presidential candidate, Asa Hutchinson who recently popped out of his hole and made a swing around to the ‘Comedy News Network’ to again do what he’s essentially paid to do these days, slam President Trump. You see, it was this past Thursday that Hutchinson paid a visit to CNN’s ‘News Central’ to comment on the recent verdict in President Trump’s New York trial.

It was during this appearance, and while wearing that smirk that makes you want to smack him square in the face, that Hutchinson argued that as the election nears, voters will have “more and more confidence in the jury result” of President Trump’s guilty verdict in the New York business document trial. He said, “I think as time goes on, America will have more and more confidence in the jury result, both in New York but also as you see it happening in the Hunter Biden trial in California, we have confidence that 12 our citizens are going to make a fair and just verdict. I hope that in the end, there’s more confidence versus less confidence in our justice system."

And it was host and venerable ‘journalist’ John Berman that said, “It’s interesting that you mentioned that you think that the verdict in New York will be accepted more and more over time. There’s a new, New York times poll which shows that there was a slight shift and we have seen that in polls in the presidential race, two point or so shift toward President Biden overall since the verdict.” Hutchinson said, “It reflects confidence in our jury system, but also how this jury conducted themselves. It wasn’t all public, but the sense is that they took it seriously. They tried to do the right thing and it was not a 9/3 hung jury, it was 12 zip."

And it was this RINO piece of shit who then went on to conclude, “So I think that will build confidence over time. It’s also important how the jurors are handling this. They’re not going out and holding news conferences.” So according to Hutchinson’s logic can we then also assume that O.J. was innocent after all? Because that’s essentially what this RINO dolt is asking us to believe with his idiotic comments. Look, Hutchinson has made it quite clear, and on numerous occasions, that he is no fan of President Trump, and he has demonstrated on as many occasions that he’s willing to say absolutely anything if there is any chance of doing harm to President Trump.

But it’s just never gonna happen. The American people were cheated with a stolen election, followed with a cheap shot by convicting the very man that millions of them voted for! And they can easily see through this attempted whitewash courtesy of these bogus kangaroo court proceedings! Any man who would prefer what is nothing less than a communist takeover of this nation rather than support President Trump, is nothing less than a disgusting human being. Those like Hutchinson are lower than whale shit. He’s become one of the more reliable ‘useful idiots" for CNN to call upon whenever they’re in need of a ‘Republican’ to bash President Trump.

The left is desperately trying to cope with the fact that their continued attacks on President Trump simply aren’t working. Much like they have for years now they keep telling themselves that vindication is just around the corner. That for sure this time everyone will rush to them, side with them and agree that, yes, President Trump is far more dangerous to this country than is our current *president. You’d think they’d get a clue but, after all we are talking about Democrats, and RINOs like Hutchinson, so there isn’t much chance of them gaining any intelligence. We know who’s side Hutchinson has been on for a long time, so this kind of gibberish is to be expected.

And you may recall that Hutchinson was one of the first ones to claim that the November 2020 presidential election was indeed free and fair. And you may also recall that he was absolutely ecstatic that President Trump ‘lost.’ But deep down he knows President Trump won, hence his reasoning for continuing to attack our nominee. What Hutchinson is really saying is that we children will eventually come to our senses and will get over it in time and willingly accept their superiority because, after all, they know far more than do we and are there to protect us from ourselves. I have no doubt that Hutchinson voted for Hitlery in 2016, Joey in 2020, and will vote for Joey again.

The only confidence that anyone will ever have is that our judicial system seems to have been taken over by those people who are as corrupt, or perhaps even more corrupt, than many of those who they sit in judgement of. And the more people that come to understand just how it is that this recent case against President Trump serves to make clear the ramifications of how our legal system continues to be manipulated and employed against those who represent a threat to the Democrat agenda they will choose to revolt against the so-called officers of the court. Every day that goes by more and more people see how this “lawfare” nonsense is an abuse of our judicial system.

And finally, riddle me this. What exactly do you suppose would happen if old ‘BO’ was put on trial and convicted of something because of Republican-appointed prosecutors, Republican-appointed jurors, all of whom vote Republican and donate money to Republicans. And then Imagine what would happen if it was discovered that the Republican judge’s daughter raised $10 million for the current Republican candidate. I think we can say, with some level of confidence, that if old ‘BO’ were to get the same treatment as President Trump, and got convicted under the same circumstances, most of our big cities in this country would soon thereafter be set ablaze.

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