

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Ok, so once again…there’s stupid and then there’s Democrat stupid. Now I will freely admit that I am far from being a political genius. But what I am is someone who’s able to recognize what it is that’s taking place right before my eyes. And I will also admit that while I do hate *president Joey, unlike the hatred those on the left have for President Trump, my hated of Joey isn’t personal, it’s strictly business. He’s purposely destroying my country and there is nothing anyone can say that is going to alter my perception of what is being made to take place. And I fail to understand those who remain supportive of the guy seeking to turn our country into a third world cesspool.

So the latest accusation to now be hurled at President Trump is that he will bail on the debate with Joey. Now I don’t quite get the rationale for making such an accusation, and/or claim, but I’m not at all surprised to hear who it is that’s making it. And that would, of course, be none other than that one hit wonder of the political world, James Carville. It was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat” that Carville claimed that he doesn’t believe President Trump will attend the presidential debate scheduled for June 27 on CNN. Look, Carville hasn’t been right on anything since he got ‘Slick Willy’ elected and hasn’t been relevant for years.

Host Ari Melber said, “When you look at these debates, this is next week, so people who don’t follow as closely as news viewers, they’re going to realize, here’s the debate. I wanted to mention for folks, the new rule, next week, it will be different. No opening statements, two minutes to answer each questions, red lights visible when time expires. In a big win for the Biden campaign given Trump is a rule breaker, the other candidate who’s not speaking will be muted when it’s not their turn.” Carville said, “Well, if I was a gambler – and I am a gambler – I’d take even money that Trump doesn’t show up.” Melber said, “Ha. You don’t think Trump’s coming next week?"

Carville said, “I mean, I don’t know, but I think he’s gonna wake up and decide. Just like he said he was gonna testify at his defense in his trial. He didn’t even put on a defense. Let him show up. I wouldn’t be shocked, but I certainly would not be surprised if you gave me even money, I’d say he’s a no-show.” And as is usually the case with Jimmy, that doesn’t even begin to make sense. Who wouldn't want to debate a guy with dementia when it’s way past his bedtime? Carville is nothing more than a nutjob and losing more of his grip on reality by the day. And why he continues to be sought out is anybody’s guess. If anybody will be a no-show, it’ll be Joey.

Ok, so I get it that there are those who still, for whatever bizarre reason, view this political quack worthy of being sought out for his opinion. But what makes this genius think that after having won every debate that has ever taken place between these two, President Trump would decide to take a pass. President Trump has literally destroyed Joey in every debate, even according to most Democrats. For crying out loud, Joey even reads the punctuation off a teleprompter. As is usually the case, Carville is delusional. It’s Joey who’s likely to be the one who no-shows. Or, if not, he’ll likely need to be tethered to something just so he doesn’t wander off.

Of course, Carville is merely projecting, but in his own senile and irrational way. He is hoping to Hell that Joey doesn’t show up and embarrass himself worried that Democrat down ballot idiots may all suffer from a shellacking by President Trump in November. And to be honest, with CNN involved, it’s not likely to be much of a debate as it will be President Trump who will be made to debate both Joey and these so-called moderators. The whole thing is likely to be nothing more than a joke, to the point where I doubt very much that I’ll even watch. After all, what’s the point, there’s nothing that can be said that will in any way change how I intend to vote.

President Trump is already ahead and should just keep doing what he’s doing and therefore doesn’t really even need the debate. Joey, on the other hand, most certainly does, he needs to show that he’s not the feeble old retard that we see in all of those videos. But not to worry, the moderators will be there to throw him a line should the need arise. And with all of the rules and restrictions that would seem to have tilted the playing field, old Joey might even land a lucky punch. But you know what they say, and what has been proven out by history; they accuse you of what they are doing. So, maybe Joey won’t be at the debate, either physically or mentally.

Personally, I’m confident both men will show. President Trump because he’s winning and Joey because the left is convinced all they need is a cardboard cutout behind the lectern. This is the left's last chance to “get Trump” through their formattable blunt instrument, the ‘fake news’ media. The moderators are clearly biased. Possibility based on their when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife were better worded. I am going to love it when President Trump gives the nation his best Garland/Wray impression, I cannot respond to on-going investigations or judicial matters before the court at this time. Next question. Maybe an occasional, we’ll have to see, might slip in.

Democrats can’t help but make ridiculous statements. There is literally zero chance that President Trump doesn’t show up for the debate. He immediately accepted terms, negotiated some of his own and he will certainly be there to defend himself against the lies, agitprop and incomprehensible nonsense that Joe, aided by the moderators, is sure to send his way. President Trump has shown himself to be a pretty good debater, although perhaps not in the classical sense, and the time restrictions can cause him to alter his style. But he’s a season veteran and knows how to follow the rules of the debate. But he cannot allow Joey to get away with the lying.

That said, I’m sure President Trump surely understands that the deck is stacked against him. But the goal is to expose Joey and I’m sure he knew that Joey’s handlers would never let him onto a debate stage in front of a live audience with unbiased moderators and so he agreed to debates that at least appear to be stacked against him. Many pundits have made a point to note that these unprecedented, early debates are being done as a final hurdle for Joey. If he fails miserably, they might all be forced to unite and dump him. a recent poll found that 41 percent of people polled think that Joey will simply walk off-stage sometime during the debate.

Carville, like all in the corrupt media, knew President Trump would be convicted of bogus crimes because the deck was so very clearly stacked against him and know the same will happen with the debates. The corrupt media has likely already written the headlines that President Trump clearly lost, and Joey looked strong and vibrant. Americans, as with the fake trials, will see a different debate. All President Trump has to do is let Joey, be Joey. The guy can’t put a coherent thought together. It’s the old rope a dope. The Democrats made the rules because they expect to come in hot and on fire. President Trump should lay back and just let Joey implode. Less is more.

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