

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Can we all simply agree that Tony Fauci is the very worst kind of fraud? And too, that he is the perfect example of why there are those who choose to make a career out of working for the government? Which, of course, would be for the very simple reason that were they in the private sector they would likely never make it out of the mailroom. And it’s also that in going forward that perhaps Republican presidents ought not place any amount of trust in these career government experts, they should, instead, always bring in their own experts. And I say that because as we have seen those ‘experts’ found working in government always seem to have their own agenda.

Fauci very clearly conned President Trump into believing that when it came to the ‘Chinese virus’ he knew what he was talking about, when very clearly, he did not. After all, this guy was supposed to be a noted immunologist, recognized around the world, so who would you expect a president to turn to? But, instead, what we, and President Trump, would soon come to find out, the hard way, is the fact that Fauci was, and very much remains, nothing more than a world-renowned snake oil salesman. He demonstrated that he is nothing more than medically incompetent, which, again seems to make him ideal for government service.

And, of course, Fauci’s most ardent of defenders are Democrats, which should come as no surprise. And it was those who took the time to tune in to Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by one of CNN’s resident nitwits, Wolf Blitzer, that were again witness to another of these Fauci cheerleaders,” Rep. Debbie Dingell, dingbat Democrat from Michigan. She argued that publicly attacking Fauci’s credibility is putting him in danger and is “threatening to this country.” And Blitzer, being the obedient little ‘fake newser’ that he is, asked, “So, Congresswoman, did Republicans put Dr. Fauci at even more risk today by publicly blasting his credibility?"

There is nothing like a loaded question for a leftist politician to lie about and lie she did. Because telling the truth about this “man of science” responsible for the gain of function research, and that utter stupidity of “distancing,” would not be helping the nation. Anyway, Dingell answered, “I’m certain that they did. And we’ve got to take this further, Wolf, what I’m concerned about is how people don’t trust public health at the local level, at the state level, and the national level. People don’t want to go into public health. They’re afraid of it. They’re afraid of the attacks, the hate, the division that’s out there. And yet, it is public health that keeps us safe."

And this dolt then went on to say, “And when COVID started, we didn’t have a lot of answers. We’re investigating a lot of things. I want to make it clear, Dr. Fauci told me back then, and has, over the course of these years, always said, we don’t know where it came from. He was open to a lab leak, could have come from animals. It was the Trump administration that didn’t push China to let us in when we should have been allowed in that country to figure out what was going to happen. … People’s lack of trust in public health officials is scary and threatening to this country.” So says the woman whose only relevance is riding in on the coattails of her dead husband.

Dingell once promised not to run for her husband's seat, only to then quickly reverse course and do exactly that. Dingell’s husband was a lifetime Democrat and politician who died while in office, and she simply replaced him. Her qualifications? She was married to him. Such dynasties as this only do far more harm than good to our country. It’s all about the power and money for political puppets like this skank, Dingell. And it’s these very same slimy left-wing snakes who have absolutely no problem slandering and threatening President Trump 24/7/365. Perhaps she should be concerned about how the country feels about the credibility of Congress.

And to be perfectly blunt here, Fauci murdered, in cold blood, nothing short of millions of innocent people all around the world with the man-made virus that he paid to have crafted. Innocent people who trusted him to know what it was that he was talking about, while at the same time he had not a clue. There is no longer any point in denying that fact. And that those like this clown Dingell continue to defend him tells us all we need to know about both them and about Fauci! Fauci lied to all of us and those who remain his most enthusiastic supporters know that he was lying to us, and yet they continued to defend him and to tell us that we must trust him.

Contrary to what those like this imbecile Dingell continue to claim, Fauci remains a serious danger to both America and to the world. He is a lying smug and arrogant little scumbag who needs to be held fully accountable. He has a very long and troubled history, and as I have already said, were he working in the private sector he would have long ago been relegated to emptying the trash cans.  His trail of corpses goes back decades. And lest we forget, fourteen days to slow the curve and then the entire world went up in smoke. Millions dead from bad drugs and silly protocols and millions more harmed from the jab. I don’t know who these people think they’re kidding.

It is undeniable that Fauci used taxpayer dollars to fund the lab that spawned this virus and then enjoyed significant personal financial gain courtesy of the taxpayer funded response. It was his directives that caused permanent psychological damage to an entire generation of children when their schools were needlessly closed. He needs to spend his remaining days safely locked away where he can no longer do harm to anyone. He is a mass murderer who was paid millions of dollars. And there is only one person to blame for the damage done to his supposed credibility, and that would, of course, be Fauci himself as well as Democrats like Dingell who allow him to walk free.

Democrats simply do not listen to themselves, nor do they look at themselves in the mirror. Truly eye opening that they can speak such blatant lies. They must really think the American people are stupid. And this moron Dingell, just like every other scumbag Democrat, continues to show zero concern for the safety of the American people and all those who died because of Fauci’s lies. To them it’s likely seen as being all just water under the bridge. Dingell is correct, we don’t trust government, but that would only be because the government has done nothing to earn our trust. We no longer believe anything that comes out of Fauci’s mouth. At this point he belongs in prison.

The American people no longer trust, or buy into, the whole Science orthodoxy, nor the politicized and weaponized abuse of the term “science” used to convey a false aura of competence and authority. Fool me once, shame on me, try to fool me twice and you can go fuck yourself! Our very own government weaponized medicine, and it also seems to have weaponized our ‘justice’ system. Our government, working in concert with the pharma/medical industrial complex, has now blown it for themselves when it comes to any trust they might have once had. Nope, that ship has officially sailed. From this point on if you trust the government, you do so at your own peril.

But look, Democrats will continue to give Fauci a pass because he’s a Democrat hero, and he’s Trump-hater, so they really don’t care how many Americans he killed or threw out of work or school, or had their lives effed up in other ways because of the lockdowns and mandates and other useless COVID measures. Fauci is their boy, period! Besides, they like the public health dictatorship they had going for a while, that’s the way the ‘Deplorable’ American people should be ruled permanently. Of course, Dingle has it all ass-backwards, it’s Fauci and his lying minions and worshipers who are the real dangers to this country and have destroyed the public’s trust in the public health.

Yeah, blame Trump, after all that’s what the Democrats have been doing for nearly 10 years. Fauci lied, other health officials lied, and millions of people died. And yet they wonder why we don’t trust them or their government bureaucracy? And Democrats, which is usually the case, seek to protect the all-knowing and all seeing ‘administrative state,’ aka the ‘American Politburo’. No surprises here, and no surprises that Blitzer has oft looked so stupid and never seems to have any interest in making these Democrats justify their many claims. Those like Dingell are simply allowed to state their position unchallenged. It’s all just par for the course.

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