

Monday, June 3, 2024


So, the Democrats, after having put on what was really nothing more than a bit of legalistic ‘Vaudeville,’ now seem to be under the misguided impression that what we witnessed take place in a New York courtroom affords to them a certain vindication of what it is that they have continued to do to President Trump. And they also think that the verdict arrived at is somehow a “validation of the American judicial system.” Of course, the reality of the situation is that virtually nothing could be further from the truth. But, as well all know, Democrats have a rather difficult time with the truth. Democrats are very clearly confusing perversion, with validation.

We saw that yet again just this past Sunday when Hakeem Jeffries appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and claimed that President Trump’s guilty verdict in the New York trial was a “validation of the American judicial system.” Guest host Peter Alexander said, “I want to start by asking you about this historic verdict. President Biden opened his remarks on Friday by saying it is irresponsible for anyone to say the verdict was rigged just because they do not like it. This is eight years old, and there are questions about the validity of legal theory, untested legal theory to prosecute it. Would this case be brought against anyone other than former President Trump?"

Jeffries said, “Yes, of course. This verdict in the case of People vs. Trump was a validation of the American judicial system. Donald Trump was entitled to the presumption of innocence. He received it. Donald Trump was entitled to a jury by his peers. He received it. Donald Trump was entitled to a vigorous defense. He received it. Twelve jurors, after five weeks of a trial evaluated the facts, the evidence and the law and came to a unanimous decision as it relates to convicting Donald Trump on 34 felony counts.” Yes, if the point here was to prove just how far the corrupt Democrats are willing to go to remain in power then, yes, it has definitely been validated.

He added, “That is an affirmation of the American judicial system. This is America. We are we are not a system occupied by a monarch, king or dictator., We are a democracy, and in a democracy, no one is above the law.” Again with how it is that “no one is above the law,” unless, of course, your name happens to Clinton, Biden, Obama or any number of other corrupt Democrats. Jeffries can peddle that bullshit to the brainless minions who persist in voting for Democrats. This choreographed bit of political theater that resulted in a bogus verdict validates nothing more than the fact that we do in fact have a two-tiered justice, complete with double standards.

And so, to absolutely no one’s surprise, Jeffries is wrong yet again. The show trial's verdict reflects just how far down the road we have been moved toward Stalinism. This was a show trial reminiscent of the 1930s Soviet Union. And it was from day one that it betrayed, and mocked, the American system of justice. I suppose that in at sense Jefferies can be said to be right. Because it has been validated that our legal system is biased, corrupt and blatantly unjust. And to view the outcome, the verdict of this trial in any other way, is to be purposely blind to what actually took place. This ‘trial’ was very clearly politically motivated, and nothing will change that.

The overthrowing of our constitutional republic has been very calculated and has been underway for over 50 years. Our enemies have infiltrated our government, our public school system, our institutions of higher learning, and our ‘fake news’ media. Our own laws, culture and paradigms have been, and continue to be, used against us. Our enemies have succeeded in keeping a majority of Americans divided and distracted with fake news, contrived crisis’ and, most recently, a sham trial of a president, while the invasion of this nation is allowed to continue practically unabated. Democrats only think the judicial system is working when they get the rulings they want.

For anyone still on the fence, stop and think about your choices here. You have a party that continues to demonstrate a willingness and, dare I say, an eagerness, to use every tool at its disposal, first to prevent a sitting president from doing his job in running the country and secondly preventing him from being able to run for re-election. Trial after trial, investigation after investigation and impeachment after impeachment. And that still wasn’t enough. So then it was indictment after indictment. And now, a conviction over an eight year old misdemeanor where they are now trying to jail their primary political opponent for over 134 years!

Does that really sound like the party you would want to support? What have they actually done for you, for anyone other than themselves? What have they done for this country? These people have spent every waking moment trying to destroy their primary political opponent, and not on running the country. These Marxist Democrats will rue the day they pursued this strategy. And sadly, it’s likely only a matter of time before this country ends up being ripped apart with it being totally dismantled as we know it. This is a pivotal point here in these United States. It’s past time for people to realize that the American dream may just be done, and because of the Democrats.

This is clearly an affirmation that our judicial system in this country can no longer be trusted. Instead, we’ve been moved to a place where it should now be feared. It’s a system that requires thousands of dollars to even have a chance to defend yourself against spurious charges and treatment of tyrannical judges, and the system where grand juries can indict anyone for just about anything., The Democrat Party has made a mockery of our system where rioters, felons and all manner of criminals are released immediately after arrest and then never even see the inside of a courtroom. They need to be swept out of office if there is going to be any hope for this republic.

What Jeffries doesn’t understand, or what he simply chooses to ignore, is that this verdict ‘invalidates’ our entire justice system and our entire legal apparatus. They allow the criminals and psychopaths to run free, and prosecute the productive, law-abiding citizens. How do they think this is going to work out? This verdict and the entire judicial process surrounding this trial was as much a “validation” of the American judicial system as were the verdicts in Mississippi in the 1960s where KKK members couldn’t be convicted, and black defendants couldn’t get a fair trial. The corruption and injustice of those cases and this Trump case are unamerican.

And so it’s in someone like Jeffries that we have another Democrat who thinks the American people are stupid, and no matter what he says there is no way they’re going to buy that our justice system is fair and equitable. Everyone, including many Democrats, are fully aware of how totally unjust this trial was. And they all agree that were it not for politics this case would never have been tried at all, or at a bare minimum it would have been moved out of the jurisdiction in which every participant in the prosecution and the judge was aware that the local population was biased against the defendant. There was no possibility of the jurors being impartial.

This judge made sure that they would be biased by the ‘fake news’ media as well as politicians’ commentary by choosing not to sequester them after closing arguments. Now Jeffries and the ‘fake news’ media are going to constantly tell the public the opposite of what was obvious to everyone and will repeat this lie hoping that if they say it often enough for it to be believed. Ask them to put themselves in President Trump’s position and ask themselves if they still think he got a fair trial. Their response would likely be they would never be in his position, which is not the point. Let them try to explain this nonsense all the way to November.

Those like Jeffries are in denial of what has been, and continues to be, orchestrated here, and it’s each and every one of them that must be forced to face the music, and soon. Every country around the world is watching, and monitoring everything that has been said during this entire shit show. And they all see it for what it was, a hit job on a political opponent. Anyone willing to validate this non crime conviction is complicit. The Democrats are so afraid they can’t win a free and fair election that they remain blinded by this obsession and are willing to commit fraud to destroy their opponent. It was a total miscarriage of justice and the whole country can very plainly see it!

Finally, the time has come to fight dirty. And when I say we need to fight dirty, let me clarify what I am not saying. I am not saying that we should persecute innocent people, like the Democrats do. What I am saying is that that we need to go full-throttle, no-holds-barred lawfare against all of those who do break the law, and smugly think they can get away with it. The Democrats must be made to understand that someone is going to come after them if something they did was illegal. What happened here with no specific law(s) being violated and the ‘biased’ judge, wasn’t right. If they can do it to someone like President Trump, they can do it to absolutely anyone.

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