

Thursday, January 31, 2019


Well it’s official folks, this big blue marble that we all call home is going to be coming to a rather unceremonious end somewhere around 2030, plus or minus a year or two, unless we here in America change our greedy, self-destructive ways.  Now mind you, it doesn’t matter squat what other countries do, or don’t do, but we here in America must now mend our evil ways, and apparently shoulder the entire burden in what will be the effort to avert what has been described by many on the kooky left fringe, as the next apocalypse.  And it matters not how many times we’ve heard this same story before, only to have the next much heralded apocalypse never quite materialize.  This is all nothing more than the next act in the continuing scam of ‘climate change.’

This time around it is everyone’s favorite dingbat-socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has made the rather bold prediction that the world will quite literally stop spinning in just a dozen years if “climate change” continues to go unchecked.  Ocasio-Cortez is pushing a new plan in Congress, one which she calls her “Green New Deal,” to confront climate matters.  And yes, it’s just as nutty as it sounds.  For example, her ‘Green New Deal’ proposes to “cut military spending by at least half” and calls for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from overseas.  And it also proposes eliminating nuclear, natural gas, LNG, oil and coal in the next eleven years.  And never mind that that accounts for about 88 percent of America’s current energy sources.

And it doesn’t end there, not by a long shot.  Because this exercise in leftwing lunacy referred to as the ‘Green New Deal’ also calls for a ban on all non-electric cars, and all “non-essential” cars.  But who is it that gets to decide whether your car is a “non-essential individual means of transport”?   The Green New Deal would eliminate unemployment benefits, instead turning the federal government into the “employer of last resort,” for a few hundred billion a year.  The ‘Green New Deal’ declares, “a British think tank recently put out a study saying that all fossil fuels could be eliminated in 10 years.”  Now granted, I am far from an expert on such matters, but does one really need to be to recognize the pure insanity of such a statement?

And of course it was this genius, Ocasio-Cortez, who said, “I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and Gen-Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change,’ and your biggest issue is–your biggest issue is, ‘How are we going to pay for it?'”  She went on to say, “And, like, this is the war; this is our World War II.”  Ocasio-Cortez was speaking during an interview with Ta-Nehisi Coutes, a leftist writer, at Riverside Church in Harlem in New York City for their Martin Luther King, Jr., Day MLKNOW event.  She was, of course, celebrated by those on the brain dead left for the stand she is taking for her “Green New Deal” plan.

But Ocasio-Cortez’s push for the idea that there is now headed straight for us some coming crisis resulting from supposed ‘climate change’ and that it MUST be averted no matter what the cost is remarkably similar to the many claims made by ex-vice president Algore over the years going all the way back to 1992. It was from there that Algore would go on to spend the better part of the next couple of decades pushing one cockamamie theory after another in his effort to justify that there is a climate crisis, in some cases citing claims that the polar ice caps would disappear by 2014. Algore made those claims in the mid-2000s, years before 2014, but 2014 has long since passed, and the polar ice caps, in case you haven’t noticed, are still there.

Regarding Algore’s reason for continuing to peddle this nonsense, it’s all pretty simple really, it has made him very, VERY wealthy.  However, in the case of the very loony Ocasio-Cortez, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to separate her delusional side from her stupid side.  And at the risk of stating the obvious here, ‘climate change’ has never been about manmade ‘climate change.’ If manmade ‘climate change’ were real, the high priests, like Algore, of this new religion wouldn't have a house that consumes roughly the same amount of energy as does a small village and fly around on a private jets.  The ‘climate change’ lunacy is about control. Scratch a leftist and just below the shiny surface is a dictator just waiting for his, or her, chance.

There is no better illustration than the one provided to us by none other than Barry ‘O’ when he said, “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes at 72° at all times..and then expect that other countries are going to say OK. That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.”  The Left wants to control your vehicle, your diet, your home, it wants to control every aspect of your life. In reality, their vision of that ever elusive ‘utopia’ is nothing more than what's left of humanity after being sent back to the days of cave men.  And I fail to understand how it is that any reasonably intelligent individual, regardless of gender, political affiliation or ethnic background is unable to see right through what’s being attempted here,

Because what’s being stated here defies completely all reason and logic, as well as physics. Give me some manner of actual proof, some scientific fact, and not some mindless political drivel, for why I should buy into the claim that this celestial body that we call home, and that has been spinning for God knows how long, is suddenly going to, in just 12 short years, stop spinning.  It simply makes no sense, and I find it all rather mindboggling that those making such claims are not being laughed at hysterically.  I mean, how stupid must you be to believe that which has been proven to be wrong more times than I care to count.  The entire premise on which this theory is based is nothing but a work of political fiction, and it needs to be seen as such!

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