

Monday, January 21, 2019


When I was in the Navy we used to have this little saying: “One ah shit, wipes out a thousand atta boys!”  But I’m not sure if it’s applicable regarding the little incident that occurred this morning on Fox when Fox & Friends briefly aired a graphic which erroneously suggested that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had finally moved on to the great beyond.  But I am quite sure there were those watching who thought that it was long overdue and who also were more than a little disappointed to find out that it was nothing more than a cruel joke stemming from a graphics error. 

While I did not witness the incident myself, apparently it was upon returning from a commercial break that a graphic of the 85-year-old justice briefly came onscreen with the dates “1933-2019,” before a teaser of co-host Ainsley ‘Airhead’ Earhardt’s upcoming interview about college culture appeared.  It was later in the show that co-host Steve Doocy said, “We need to apologize … A technical error in the control room triggered a graphic of RBG with a date on it.”  And he added, “We don’t want to make it seem anything other than that was a mistake. That was an accident.”

Ginsburg, long the liberal face of the Court, is ‘said’ to be recovering from a December 21 procedure to remove malignant nodules from her lung. The cancerous growths were discovered while receiving treatment for a November 7 fall in her chambers. Ginsburg missed the Court’s oral arguments for three consecutive days earlier this month, participating in cases using transcripts — a first in the justice’s 25-year tenure on the bench. Ginsburg missed oral arguments last week as well and has also pulled out of two upcoming speaking engagements in recent days.

Appointed by ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton back in 1993, it was on several occasions that Ginsburg sternly rebuked calls for her to leave the bench during ex-resident Barry O’s second term, when a confirmation process appeared much less volatile due to a Democrat-controlled Senate.  Last year, the justice signaled that she intends to stay on the Court by hiring law clerks for at least two additional terms.  In a December interview published by the Communist News Network (CNN), Ginsburg affirmed her commitment to remain a justice “as long as I can do it full steam.”

Now personally, I would argue that old Ruthie passed away a long time ago, and it’s only through the miracle of industrial grade formaldehyde that she still ‘appears’ to be with us today.  And regarding this error, perhaps we should do what the left always does whenever they make a mistake, that being to double down.  Declare that Ruthie is, in fact, dead and if we don't see proof of life in the next 48 hours then it must be true. It just might be the biggest scandal ever to hit the Democrat Party, especially if Pelosi ‘knew’ all along she was dead and has worked to keep it hidden from us.

And this latest attempt by Hollyweird, not withstanding, to portray her as being some sort of saint, it’s neither dignity nor respect are that can in any way be applied to someone who has shown herself, and on more than one occasion, to be someone who most certainly does not believe in our Constitution.  And this movie, ‘On The Basis Of Sex’, is really nothing more than a fictionalized account of the life of one who can very easily be described as an icon to the progressive left in this country.  She is the poster child for leftist ‘judges’ who pose such a grave threat to our freedom.  

Let’s be honest, old Ruthie has long been little more than a progressive hack in a black robe.  She’s essentially nothing more than a political operative, a shill for the Democrat Party and stands not for the rule of law and neither does she stand on the side of the American people and our Constitution.  She has made it abundantly clear that she supports an increasingly leftist Democrat agenda, and I will most certainly celebrate the day when she finally does leave this earth. And I have no doubt where it is that she will likely end up upon her departure.  It’s where all of her ilk end up!

And remember it was Ginsburg herself who has said she would retire when she could no longer perform her duties to an adequate standard.  And now having essentially gone missing in action I’d say that criteria has now officially been met.  And how much longer is it that we can expect her to fill what has become an increasingly important position without actually having to show up for work?  Imagine if she was a conservative and a Democrat was in the White House, calls would have already begun for her to vacate her seat on the bench so that a replacement could be named.

Imagine the massive leftwing head explosion when old Ruthie finally does leave the planet!  One thing is for certain, it ain’t gonna be a pretty sight. Without proof that she is not dead and just holed up somewhere, I think President Trump should present a list of those he is now considering for his next nomination to the Court. Otherwise the Democrats may very well try to play this charade through 2019 and then scream no pick can be made in an election year.  Many are speculating Ruthie is already dead with the ‘Deep State’ doing everything that it can to delay the announcement.

Whatever we get from the ‘fake news’ media is likely a lie. I don’t know the truth, but I do suspect that we’re not getting it. When an 85 year old falls it generally means it’s the beginning of the end. Next we will hear she is in training to run a marathon and Democrats will swear to it. Justice Scalia dies and doesn't even get an autopsy and we can't even get any proof that the old girl is still alive.  There is something very strange going on here.  But it is logical to assume that if she had died the left would do all that it could to cover it up for as long as was humanly possible. 

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