

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


So riddle me this, what is it that a good RINO, and a fervent NeverTrumper, who couldn’t get elected dogcatcher on a good day, is supposed to do?  What else but to sign on with Fake News & Co., aka the Communist News Network (CNN) and serve as the resident RINO Trump Hater and spewer of all manner political nonsense. And of course it’s ‘Crazy Uncle John’ Kasich of whom I speak and who will joining the ‘fake news’ crew at CNN with his official title being that of ‘political commentator.’

And it was ‘Crazy Uncle’ John’s very first appearance as this supposed ‘commentator’ on the network that took place this very night on “Cuomo Prime Time.”  Sorry, I didn’t watch.   Kasich has long been one of the more vocal anti-Trump members of the Republican Party and he has repeatedly criticized Republicans for not taking a harder stance against the president.  Last week, CNN also signed fellow NeverTrumper Mia Love, who was mocked by President Trump for losing her re-election bid.

‘Crazy Uncle John’ was looking to join a major news network after finishing his second term as governor of Ohio, but had apparently ruled out Fox News Channel, despite previously hosting a show on the network in the early 2000s.  And it was a spokesmoron for Kasich who made it clear that signing on with a cable news channel would in no way affect whether or not he decides to launch a primary challenge or a third-party run against President Trump in 2020.  No big surprise there.

Kasich's main problem is that he has thus far been unable to move beyond the fact that he was defeated by a political outsider for a job he feels he's far more qualified for. He was the last dingle-berry to drop out after it became clear that Trump was going to be the nominee.   But unlike Cruz, Rubio, Christie and Paul, who have buried the hatchet and are trying to work with the president, this bitter old fool sold his soul to the highest bidder among the cable networks most devoted to destroying Trump.

And I’m confident that Little Johnny Kasich, your basic gun hating, baby hating, Christian hating and heterosexual hating RINO SOB, will have absolutely no trouble fitting in quite comfortably there at ‘Fake News’ Headquarters.  I’m sure he will be welcomed in with open arms by all of the many other Trump haters already employed by what has become a faux ‘news’ organization.   And I can only assume that there will be no shortage of those in Ohio who are very glad to see him finally gone. 

So for whatever reason this rabid NeverTrumper has finally shown his true colors.  It’s been pretty obvious for years, but something about President Trump has caused him, like so many other Establishment RINOs, to reveal their liberal leanings. I mean, really, who in their right (conservative) mind would ever want to work for an organization that does absolutely nothing but to lie to the American people?  The man as no pride.  All he has left is to try to take down the man who beat him.

And Kasich’s is not a fighter, frankly he never has been.  He has no interest whatsoever in fighting for the conservative position on any number of the important issues of the day.  In truth because he’s far too interested in always wanting to be seen as ‘the good guy.’  The man is nothing more than just one more of those on a very long list of many spineless RINOs who would much rather cave to the Democrats than to do what’s right for the American people.  He would be a terrible president.

And don’t expect to hear Kasich speak from the conservative point of view on any issue because in truth he’s simply not a conservative.  And sadly, Kasich is either too stupid to understand, or he simply doesn’t care, that CNN wants him for no other reason than to be their token ‘Republican’ stooge to be brought on to discuss whatever topic or issue. Kasich seems to have fooled a lot of people for a very long time. But now that he is openly colluding with the leftist enemy media.

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