

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Just like dominoes, RINOs are now beginning to fall, choosing to side with the Democrats instead of our duly elected Republican president.  It doesn’t really surprise me to hear that Gardner has gone squishy.  Gardner’s spokesmoron said Wednesday that the senator will break with his fellow Republicans and vote for a Democrat bill to end the partial government shutdown without any border security funding gains.  So what we have again is just another example of ‘same shit, different day.’

And in so doing Gardner joins a couple other of our more treacherous, backstabbing RINOs, the senile Susan Collins of Maine and the crazy looking Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, both of whom have said that that plan to vote for both Trump’s offer and the Democrat plan. But the funding bill in question is expected to fail, since it needs 60 votes and most senators will vote along party lines. The Senate is split with 53 Republicans and 47 Democrats and Independents who caucus with Democrats.

Republicans put forward what was called a “compromise” spending bill Thursday and it too is also expected to fail.  Gardner’s announcement comes as the shutdown over border wall funding extends past the one-month mark — it hit day 34 just today. President Trump wants more than $5 billion, not really a huge sum when it comes to government spending, for a southern border wall. Nancy Pelosi has gone on the record saying a border wall would be “immoral.”  And these pathetic RINOs seem to agree.

Gardner is up for re-election in 2020 and at last count had at least three Democrat challengers.  Gardner has represented Colorado since 2015.  Never a big supporter of the president Gardner endorsed Republican Ted Cruz in the 2016 presidential election and was one of those who called on President Trump to withdraw from the race after a 2005 recording of him making some sort of lewd comments about a woman was published in October 2016.  It has been predicted he will lose his re-election bid.

This is the kind of political self-preservation that the president has been up against since day one of his presidency.  These RINO ‘swamp’ creatures are just as bad as, if not worse than, the Democrats.  President Trump knows that at some point enough RINOs will go along with the Democrats to force his hand on the Wall.  Gardner has been a Democrat since 10 seconds after taking his oath. He lied to every Conservative in Colorado and they believed him. Amazing how these RINOs can't tell the truth.

Unfortunately, Colorado has now been made to turn blue. Apparently this jerk, Gardner, thinks he can get reelected by appealing to the independents, but in reality, he's always been a RINO. And thanks to fact this little prick has no backbone it’s becoming increasingly likely that after the next election, Colorado will have two Democrat senators.  Unless, of course, the RNC gets busy now in searching for a good conservative to run against this RINO in a primary.  But it may already be too late.

But I suppose there has been at least some good to come out of all this ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ nonsense.  Because if nothing else it would seem that it’s finally flushing out from deep within the shadows many of those whom we have long suspected were exactly what they are now proving themselves to be, traitorous RINOs who are only too happy to take sides against those of us who love our country and instead choose to side with those who are working so hard to destroy it.

These RINO turncoats has been a continuing source of frustration as they have done nothing more than to ally themselves with the Democrats in the effort to prevent the president from making good on many of the campaign promises that got him elected. These are the very same scumbags who make all manner of promises in their effort to convince you to vote for them, but have no intention of making good on any of them.  Sometimes I think that’s what pisses them off most about this president. 

Democrats refuse to take seriously that which is the primary responsibility of government, which is maintaining the security of the nation and ensuring that the American people are kept safe.  Instead, they continue to make matters much, much worse.  And RINOs like Gardner seem to be only too happy, even eager, to help them.  Democrats have done nothing but obstruct President Trump at every turn in his effort to keep us safe, and our cadre of RINOs has been right there helping them to do so.

I can only assume that this clown, Gardner, thinks that by taking sides against President Trump and siding with the opposition it will somehow assist him in saving his senate seat come re-election time. But if he's not going to support the platform of his party then why is it that he deserves to be re-elected.  He needs to be sent packing and replaced not with a Democrat, but with someone who will support the conservative agenda.  Better that than a back-stabbing, empty-suit swamp dweller.

The ONLY thing that is going to get this country turned around and headed in the right direction is for the American people to take control.  We must draw a line in the sand and when crossed by some rogue judge, the media or politician, regardless of political affiliation, we must be ready to act swiftly, decisively and without fear of retribution.  This is, after all, our country and it is being destroyed right before our eyes.  The president is just one man and ‘The Swamp’ is proving to be quite formidable.

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