

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


After Christian Bale recently won an award for his movie about Dick Cheney I got to thinking that perhaps he should consider also making a movie about ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden.  The movie could focus on Biden’s rather disgusting penchant for the fondling of young girls and his bizarre habit of skinny dipping in front of female Secret Service agents.  I even have a name for it, ‘PERV.’  But let’s be real, something like that is never going to happen, such things are reserved only for men like Dick Cheney who’s only sin is that he loves his country.  Creeps like Biden are always given a pass.

But be that as it may, we’ve been told that ‘Creepy Joe’ is still in the process of making up his rather feeble mind about whether or not he intends to make another run for the presidency come 2020.  And apparently that’s going to be taking at least another couple of weeks.  ‘Creepy Joe’ reportedly told those close to him that he does not think any other Democrat challenger would be successful in taking on President Trump in a general election.  We’re told ‘Creepy’ has spent the last few weeks reaching out to allies and supporters as he prepares to announce his decision.

And apparently it was during a recent phone call to his many supporters that ‘Creepy Joe’ was reported to have said, “If you can persuade me there is somebody better who can win, I’m happy not to do it. But I don’t see the candidate who can clearly do what has to be done to win.”  ‘Creepy Joe’ has felt pretty confident about his own chances of winning against President Trump in the 2020 presidential contest, telling ‘The Intercept’ back in December that “anybody” could beat the president.  Whether he will be proven right will depend entirely on the American people.

And aside from his long and very bizarre history of questionable behavior regarding much younger members of the opposite sex, if ‘Creepy Joe’ does decide to make a run at the presidency there are plenty of other issues that he may well end up having to contend with.  For instance, there’s the $1.5 Billion deal that he and his son Hunter made with the Chinese government-backed Bank of China.  The deal was made just ten days after ‘Creepy Joe’ and his son returned from a trip to China aboard Air Force Two.  But as is always the case, since he’s a Democrat it’s no harm, no foul.

In a way I hope ‘Creepy Joe’ does choose to run, because I think he'd be the perfect Democrat candidate.  He’s a do-nothing pervert who is little more than a symbol of the failed Barry ‘O’ administration.  And during all of his years in Washington, what, if anything, did he ever actually do?  Nothing, absolutely NOTHING!  And consider this, in 2020 ‘Creepy Joe’ will be 78 years old and you have to wonder if he’s really the guy the Democrats will be wanting to hang their hat on!  That the party that hates white men would have as their candidate an old and white guy, to me seems pretty ironic.

‘Creepy Joe’ has been riding the government gravy train since the1970s.  This limousine liberal-open borders-America hating globalist got to the U.S. Senate in 1973. He’s a big supporter of socialism, but only for you, not for him and HIS family.  He’s your typical ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ leftwing kook.  And it would seem that 40+ years of destructive politics simply isn’t enough for him.  And so he will likely feel compelled to give one more shot at becoming president with his only aim being, of course, to finish that which Barry started, the total destruction of America.

You’d have to be blind not to be able to recognize the fact that the Democrat Party has now been moved very sharply to the left.  Granted, the party has always been tilted to the left, but over the last decade, or so, that tilt has become much more pronounced. And I have yet been able to figure out why any reasonably intelligent individual, even though they may have long considered themselves to be a Democrat, can look at the party as it is today, and at everything it now seems to stand for, and can find themselves in agreement to the point where they can vote for any Democrat.

Let’s be honest here, it was by electing Barry ‘O’, not once but twice, that the Democrats made it painfully clear that whether or not the candidate is qualified for the job of president is really no longer important to them.  It’s no longer about what’s best for the country as a whole, for Democrats it’s become all about, and I do mean ALL about, is how much ‘free’ stuff are they going to be the recipient of.  Many of those who vote Democrat feel that they should be made to pay for anything, nor should they have to work in order to cover the costs of life’s necessities.

And finally, I have a dream.  A dream where ALL Americans come together and reject every corrupt politician regardless of political affiliation, and take it upon themselves to salvage what remains of the country that was first cobbled together by a group of very unique men whose dedication and will has yet to be equaled.  A dream where we in this country return, as a people, back to being that which we once were, a patriotic, God fearing, hardworking and proudly self-reliant people, and a dream where being able to call oneself an American is seen as something very special.

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