

Monday, June 24, 2024


Well, I suppose we owe the Democrats a certain amount of thanks since they’ve already, despite the fact that the election is still 133 days away, given us all a heads up regarding what it is that we can expect from them, and their followers, should the majority of Americans actually do what the majority of polls now seem to indicate what they are going to and re-re-elect President Trump come this November. Now as we all know, Democrats are very keen on accusing those whom they consider as the enemy of all sorts of bad behavior when things don’t exactly go their way. But if history tells us anything, it’s that it’s the left who always goes on a rampage.

And it was one of those who has a long history when it comes to inciting all manner of hate and violence, ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, who, during an appearance on this week’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Saturday Show” actually tried to make the argument that if President Trump does win in November, there will be violence and “more killings.” And it was the host of this idiotic bit of television viewing, Jonathan Capehart, in what I guess was another attempt to do nothing more than to perhaps stir the pot, asked, “How concerned are you about your safety if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Another guy who can safely be considered an unbiased ‘journalist.’ NOT!!!

Anyway, Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets. He threatens about a civil war, and he threatens there’s going to be violence. I would say all of this talk is motivational with many of those who are racist, who are sitting at home listening to him, and they are taking him up on his threats even before the elections take place."

And it was this two-faced racist scumbag who went on to say, “It is about thousands, maybe millions of people being threatened and being at risk because of Donald Trump and his desire to seek revenge on anything and everybody.” She added, “I do believe having listened to Donald Trump so many times and having the attack, the insurrection that took place on the House of Representatives in Congress, on the Capitol, the Capitol grounds, we could be in for more killings like that. I think Donald Trump has to take responsibility for what he is saying about blood in the streets and violence if he is not elected to be the president of the United States of America."

Now knowing this racist bitch as we all do, I really do think that there is no doubt that she means, “There Will Be Violence, More Killings" much more as a threat, than she does as any kind of a warning. This was nothing more than a call to let the fomenting begin! She’s merely threatening violence and death should her side not win. And, personally, it’s clear that this psycho bitch will do everything within her power to make it happen. Democrats, fulfilling the promise of death and destruction is something that happens pretty much every single day! The greatest contributors to the downward spiral of American society are academia, the media and Democrats!

TRANSLATION: “Nice country you got here. Be a shame if something bad were to happen to it.” Make no mistake, this is a sitting member of Congress issuing a terrorist threat. And while this disgusting cow loves to do nothing more than to imply from which direction any violence may come, and this phony ‘journalist’ does nothing more than to nod his empty head in agreement, both of these examples of human trash know who the troublemakers will be, and they know that most Americans also know who the perpetrators will be. And yet these two work on keeping the charade going. Waters has been one of the loudest voices on the side of mob violence for decades.

Look, this is rich coming from the very same skank who we have video of endorsing violence while talking into a bullhorn to a group of her people telling them how they need to get in the faces of Trump supporters wherever they go and tell them they're not welcome. And this douche bag-wannabe ‘journalist’ simply let’s her skate. This bizarre little exchange told us all everything we need to know about both ‘Mad Maxine’ and the pathetic group that attempts to pass themselves off as bona fide ‘journalists.’ Both are guilty of continuing to peddle what both know is a lie, that there’s no proof of large-scale election fraud by the Democrats in November 2020?

As far as I’m concerned, Democrats can burn down every one of their cities if President Trump wins, and I really couldn’t care less. But I’ll tell you what, if one of these scumbags chooses to break into my home in their effort to send their message, there’s a very good chance that the last sound they will hear is click-click-click after I’ve emptied my 15 round clip into him, or her. So, the choice is theirs, all theirs. I would have virtually no qualms, if placed in such a position, about being the one responsible for ending their worthless life. Especially if they chose to put me into a situation where I felt forced into doing something that I would not normally do.

She is absolutely correct about one thing! If President Trump is successful in getting re-elected, again, it’s without a doubt that the Democrats are going to insurrect like they did when the first Republican president was elected, and they tried to keep from having to give up their slaves. After all, the Democrat Party have allied themselves with those in the ‘fake news’ media in an effort to convince weak-minded Democrat voters that “democracy is at stake.” If that’s true, and MSDNC says it is, then what would you do to “save democracy” for the world? As she did in the BLM riots that killed many, she will be cheering the riots onward “for the sake of democracy."

Perhaps ‘Mad Maxine’ ought not to look now, but there is already blood in the streets, particularly in Chicago where 269 people have already been murdered thus far this year. That amounts to a rather impressive 1 every 15 minutes, accomplished under in a city with the strictest gun laws in the country. Yet even with that Chicago is no longer the murder capital of the US. According to the statistics, that title now belongs to St. Louis, Missouri. She’s concerned for the safety of black Americans if President Trump gets re-elected? Yet, in Chicago, 171 of those murdered and 26 of the assailants were black. Mind you, that’s only of the assailants who they have identified.

And while I am certainly no expert on the subject, I would be willing to bet that if we still had the mental hospitals, we wouldn’t be having most of the mass shootings taking place that we have today. Normal people very rarely snap and do such things, which is why it basically never happened half a century ago, when we committed these psychotics to mental institutions. But then the left forced their “compassion” upon everybody else, insisting that so long as they took the heavy-duty psychotropics, these psychotics could live among us without incident. But as we have continued to see, this is all nothing more than wishful thinking and all just a dangerous pipedream.

The problem is that these same psychotics often report that taking these drugs makes them feel flat and dull and vapid, and left to their own devices, some of them decide they don’t want to take them any longer, because they hate how it makes them feel. And so, they simply quit taking them. And several weeks later, we read about another horrible tragedy somewhere, where a psychotic took a rifle into a school and went nuts, because the voices in their head told him that’s what he, or she, needed do. And then the left attempts to blame the system, never accepting the fact that it was their idea that these people could police themselves, without endangering society at large.

The part that this retarded old dunderhead, ‘Mad Maxine,’ conveniently leaves out of her idiotic little rant, is the fact that even if President Trump were to lose, their side will still carryout violence and more killings. And why? Because then the Left would feel they have the right to go after those who have made it clear that the disagree with the vision Democrats have for America. Everyone knows that’s true. It isn’t President Trump’s side who’s spewing hate and un-American drivel! That Democrats can’t win honestly in the arena of ideas is blatantly obvious. They know it and they know we know it and that drives them insane! ‘Mad Maxine’ is a corrupt lunatic.

I’m sure many will recall how these morons said the very same thing last time Donald Trump was elected. But the entire world is able to see which party it is that acts like the Gestapo, and/or the KGB, with their fabricated charges and show trials, and, of course, that would be ‘Mad Maxine’s’ very own Democrat Party. So, we’ve all been warned, you see the tactics they employ. If you give them power, where do you think they will stop with it? The Democrat election platform is one of vote for us or everyone will die. Meanwhile President Trump’s platform is one of stop the invasion on the border, lower taxes, end wars, increase energy production and lower inflation.

If there is one thing that we can all take to bank, it’s that there’s no doubt that there will be more violence and more killings regardless of who it is that’s elected because that’s what America has become, thanks to the ‘no consequences’ loons who now seem to now be running the country! People like ‘Mad Maxine.’ If Joey gets re-elected it will only be because enough voters are either not intelligent enough to discern what’s going before them or that Democrat ideology has succeeded in completely rotting their brains. Democrats are peddling nothing more than hysteria because it’s all they have. It's not like they have any sort of a record of actual accomplishment.

Of course, ‘Mad Maxine’ is correct in that the left will start riots in protest should President Trump succeed in being reelected. History tells us that Democrats don’t take losing very well. And I think we can all agree that the only reason this woman remains is Congress is because her voters are even dumber than she is. Whether President Trump wins or not, the Democrats and their minions will riot, they will loot and they will burn. If President Trump wins, they will do it and say they are protesting the vote. And if he loses, then they will do it and blame his voters for not accepting the results. Either way, get ready for election night Hell!!!

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