

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Clearly, it’s these days that Democrats feel they are somehow justified in doing whatever damage they feel like doing to this country and in any way they want. And apparently those of us who dare to disagree with their ongoing effort to transform our country are simply supposed to shut the fuck up and allow them to go about their business. Because if we dare to speak out, we are then accused of “talking shit” about our country. Democrats are of the opinion that only they should be able to determine the direction of our country as they are the only ones qualified to do so. This despite how history shows that everything they touch quickly turns to shit.

And it was recently that another of these trash-talking, scumbag Democrats was out and about actually accusing President Trump of, according to this douche bag, “shit-talking” the United States. But oddly enough the only ones I ever hear “shit-taking” this country, are “shit-talking” Democrats. Anyway, it was this past Monday that the moron who happens to be the governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, made an appearance on MSDNC’s “Inside” and it was then that he made the idiotic claim that President Trump should stop “shit-talking” the United States. I gotta tell you the ‘fake news’ pukes at MSDNC have really hit the bottom of the barrel by digging this guy up.

And it was in discussing voters that this boob Shapiro said, “They want to be led by someone who is honest and decent — someone who’s actually on their side like Joe Biden. All they hear from Donald Trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country. And I think Donald Trump’s got to quit whining, go to quit trying to divide us. I mean, consider this, Jen.” Then he went on to say, “We’re producing more energy than anyone before in this nation. We have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating China for the first time in decades. More people went to work this morning in America than any other time in our nation’s history."

And he said, “So, I got a message to Donald Trump and all of his negativity and whining: stop shit-talking America. This is the greatest country on Earth and it’s time that we all start acting like it. The good people of Pennsylvania understand that this is a great country, understand that we got a whole lot going for us. And not it’s time for us to continue this path of progress that Joe Biden has laid out and not go back to a negative time, not listen to the whining of the former president, and instead, focus on a positive future for all of us.” And all the bimbo host of this program, old ‘Circle Back’ Jen Psaki did during this entire rant was to sit there nodding her empty head.

The first thing that came to my mind after listening to this loon was that he must have got his hands on some of Hunter’s crack. I mean, Joey is honest and decent? Seriously? Since when is selling access to your office for MILLIONS, either honest or decent? And leaving the southern border wide open for marauding hordes of illegals, honest and decent? Or, leaving Americans to die in Afghanistan, honest and decent? Allowing your buddy Putin to over-run Ukraine, just a little incursion, honest and decent? Destroying the economy, honest and decent? You are a moron, buddy. The old Blame-the-Republicans for what the Democrats have been doing and continue to do.

As is usually the case with these muttering dirtballs, he’s wrong across the board. The workforce participation rate is below pre-pandemic numbers. Red China’s economy has been failing for a decade ever since they decided to build ghost cities. And if we’re producing more energy, why aren’t prices coming down? I’ll tell you why. The leader of this once great country signed executive orders reversing ALL of President Trump’s energy and border policies and consumers didn’t like it much because under President Trump, the U.S. was rockin’, that's why. You would think that it would be so simple that even a Democrat could understand consumer confidence! But, NOPE!

Shapiro is more deluded than most if he truly believes that Joey is on anyone’s side but Joey’s. We aren’t whining, and it’s not even fucking close. And we aren’t winning because the left has commandeered the country with their idiotic green mentality and programs that are sending inflation through the roof, while at the same time allowing in millions of illegal immigrants who drive up the cost of housing and alter the face of our society. This imbecile, Shapiro, is obviously one of the elite, those who couldn’t care less about those of us who are just trying to make ends meet. He sees us as the masses, the “toadies,” the “deplorables” who can simply be ignored.

Yes, this dolt can take refuge in that fantasy land that he, and those like him, have built for themselves. Tell the voters how stupid they are for thinking the country has literally been turned to shit under Joey and the Democrats. Tell the voters they are dumb and don’t understand the economy, when it’s you and yours who quite literally have no concept of how the economy works. Tell them how they should be happy that their nation is collapsing all around them and that they’re being invaded by millions of those who have absolutely no business being here. That sounds like a winning strategy to me. Good luck with that, asshole. See you in fucking November!!!

Oh, and let’s not forget those polls that seem to be indicating that Joey is on the verge of having his bony old ass handed to him. But again, it’s according to doofuses such as this guy Shapiro that all those polls are simply all wrong. And why might that be? Might it be because everyone really loves Joey and don’t care that he and the Democrats are driving their country into the ground. Keep telling the voters how dumb they are and remind them how brilliant your ideas are. When they tell you how hard it is to live in this country make sure to tell them they’re really doing just fine and don’t understand economics and that the economy is doing just great.

And so Democrats will most assuredly keep doing all of these things convinced, I’m sure, that victory is just around the corner courtesy of their amazing messaging strategy of calling every freaking person in the country too stupid to understand their brilliant policy ideas. Joey is neither honest nor decent, he’s made that painfully obvious over the course of the last three years. Bringing in 9 million illegals, fentanyl, human trafficking, and weaponizing our government against political opponents, are not decent. Lying about it is not honest. Joey is on the side of illegal’s side, the criminal’s side, everyone’s side but that of your average hardworking Americans.

What we have here is a case of ‘beaten country syndrome.’ The more Joey abuses the people the more these Democrats lie themselves into believing that everything is OK. Joey is not a decent and kind person. He is a grifting criminal with the power to eliminate his detractors, but these leftist clowns just can’t get enough of him. We see the trash, the poop, the hypodermic needles, the graffiti, the tents, the boarded up buildings, the high food/gas prices and more. We go out less, protecting ourselves from knock outs and carjackings. We home school to avoid drag queen reading hours. President Trump doesn’t need to tell us what’s happening, we see it for ourselves.

Sadly, it’s been in pretty short order that America was brought to her knees thanks to morons like Shapiro. Just look at Pennsylvania’s major cities. They’re disasters. They’ve been made into places that no one in their right mind would want to live. Secondly, everything he said is a lie meant to prop up Joey who hasn’t done anything for America other than to flood the country will illegals, bring us to the cusp of World War III, divided us even more with his hateful rhetoric and on and on. Most of the time Joey has no idea where he even is, so all of what going on is really cause by those behind him. And we all know that the people behind Joey are a lot like Shapiro.

These clowns lie about everything. More energy than ever? Then why is my electricity bill steadily climbing? My food bill? My rent? Why is the cost of everything steadily climbing? The job market is shit. Lots of low paying jobs that Joey & Co. are handing off to illegals. He sends far more money to foreign nations than he'll ever spend on Americans, and it’s OUR money. These people have convinced themselves that, as Hitlery herself once declared, the economy always does better when there is a Democrat in the White House. And that’s another thing that Joey has proven to be a fallacy. Because for working stiffs nothing could be further from the truth.

It's true what they say about how being a liberal, is a mental disease. Truly! Being a Democrat has got to be the worst feeling in the world! Get out! Smell the roses man! Your delirium has got a hold on you. Just look at the desperate Democrats. All they do is trash talk America and how we’re a racist country while flooding the country with illegal invaders. Remember how they worshipped ‘BO’ who constantly trashed America and the people who built it? President Trump can criticize all he wants, the First Amendment allows speech the government doesn’t like. Besides seems like Hitlery was screeching about how dissent was a right and a duty just a few years ago.

And finally, working to bring attention to how leftist policies are ruining our country is not “shit talking on America.” It’s called sounding the alarm about how we’re headed down the shitter. All we have in this boob Shapiro is another idiot Democrat talking nonsense. A hardcore leftist complaining about talking down America while actively working to take down America. His party’s agenda is being criticized and his party’s failed policies are being exposed so excuses need to be made, and made now. Joey is not on the side of the American people. If he is, he’s got a weird way of showing it. To anyone with a half of a brain Joey is doing everything he can to the wreck the place.

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