

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Apparently it’s those who comprise our cadre of turncoats that so many of us in the Republican Party refer to as RINOs, are of the opinion that we have made, in their view, a horrible mistake. That mistake being, of course, our refusal to abandon President Trump instead of choosing to support someone much more to their liking. And why they claim to be none too fond of *president Biden, you can rest assured that they will be voting for him before they would ever vote for President Trump. After all, they really were holding out hope that we could be conned into selecting one from their ranks to go up against Joey, but we’ve all had our fill of these RINO pukes.

And so it was in that vein that RINO Paul Ryan recently made an appearance on FNC’s “Your World,” hosted by fellow Trump hater Neil Cavuto. He did so to once again complain about how it is that President Trump is simply “unfit for office.” Cavuto asked, “Now, I know a lot of these folks who also shared your same concerns about Donald Trump that sort of said, all right, we’re rallying around Donald Trump. You said that would not be the case with you. You had said that he’s a populist and an authoritarian narcissist. That character is too important to me, and it’s a job that requires the kind of character he just doesn’t have. That’s pretty strong."

Ryan said, “Yeah, that’s the way I feel. I agree with that. I don’t support Biden either. I think his policies are terrible. I hate the fact that I feel I got to write in a Republican like I did the last time in 2020.” Ryan said, “I voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was gonna be a different kind of person in office. And I do think character is a really important issue. If you put yourself above the Constitution as he has done I think that makes you unfit for office.” Too funny, Ryan talking about a lack of character. There’s no way I believe that this RINO asshole voted for Donald Trump, no way at all!!! And Ryan also said that American voters have terrible choices for president in November.

Cavuto asked, “There is this historic, unprecedented situation that we’re going to have a former president who’s a convicted criminal and we’re going to have a son of a president who’s a convicted criminal. And I’m just wondering what you think of that?” Ryan said, “Yeah, I think in a country with 350 million people, this is the choice we have. I, like the majority of Americans, wish we had a different choice than the ones that none when we’re being presented with.” But you know, that’s exactly what many said back when Ryan and Romney were running against ‘BO’ and Joey. But even then I had no idea the degree to which both of these scumbags were to blatantly lying to us.

Ryan continued, “I can’t help but think of Nikki Haley. The week she was dropping out, she was 16 points on Biden. She’d probably win this thing by 12 points.” Of course, he would favor someone of his own political persuasion, in other words a RINO. But there’s no way she would have defeated Joey because there isn’t a Trump supporter alive who would have voted for her. So it’s once again the Ryan is simply blowing smoke! Anyway, he went on to add, “It’s gonna be a very, very close race. I think they’re terrible choices that we’re being presented with. And that’s just what the primary voters selected and I regret the fact that that’s where we are."

Someone really must take the time to explain to ‘RINO Ryan’ that we wouldn’t even be faced with this dilemma had the ‘Establishment Republicans,’ aka the RINOs, actually governed like they campaigned. But they didn’t, resulting in populist revolt that gave us Trump. So they have no one to blame but themselves. They screwed the base one too many times. And the funny thing is that he thinks anyone on the right is listening to anything he says. Ryan could have very easily gotten his wish, if he had fully supported President Trump, Trump would just now be wrapping up his second and final term, and a new generation of Republican choices would be running this year.

But instead, Ryan chose to intentionally block the Trump agenda because he was firmly in the pocket of the big money donors and had virtually no interest in assisting President Trump to put ‘America First.’ Because of RINOs like him, the wall was not finished, and the border remains essentially open and Americans are suffering through high inflation, rampant crime, identity politics and so much more. And now that President Trump is coming back, I look forward to Ryan’s future meltdowns! Ryan is a true snake in the grass. Ryan was the worst speaker in history, by far. At least Pelosi fought for her crazy ideology. RINOs like Ryan are a far bigger threat to this country.

President Trump accomplished more in his one term than most other Presidents did in two. He got nothing but pushback from the RINOs on securing the border and yet still managed to slow the flow of illegals coming across the border to a trickle. He made our country less dependent on foreign crude and succeeded in getting the price of gas down to below two dollars a gallon. And his foreign policy achievements were unparalleled on the world stage. And there were no new wars anywhere. Why, because he “walked softly and carried a big stick.” There’s much more to list, but these come to my mind as being some of the biggest achievements in his first term.

When you look past all the noise, from both the media and both parties, President Trump’s policies were spot on. Prior to Covid, the economy was booming, a border relatively secure and our enemies seemed to be in check. When both parties go after one person, if you’re a reasonable person you have to ask yourself, “What’s going on?” These RINOs are no better than the Democrats, work to advance policies that benefit only themselves and their big donors. President Trump may not be “Person of the Year,” but I'll take a “convicted felon” over a politician that keeps the boarder open, does not allow us to produce our own energy and sends U.S. jobs overseas.

Ryan sold this country out when he had a chance to make a real and lasting difference for those who live here. He was essentially a ‘Speaker In Name Only,’ he was an abysmal failure and lacked the necessary balls to do what was best for the country. And it was Ryan who purposely allowed Republicans to lose control of the U.S. rather than to assist President Trump in advancing his agenda. That act in itself tells us all we need to know about ‘RINO Ryan.’ And the result was catastrophic, something that Pelosi was quick to pounce on with both feet. All of the stupid impeachments, “investigations” and smears prevented some of Trump’s goals from being reached.

If Ryan had done his job back when the Speakership was entrusted to him, America would be far different place today than it is, without question. And it would be a far better place. But instead, he chose to do his RINO thing. He chose to stand with the Democrats to blockade, in every way possible, President Trump from being able to move forward with his ‘America First’ agenda. And look where we are now. I’m sick and tired of these Democrats disguised as Republicans talking trash about President Trump. The economy doesn’t affect them because they’re all millionaires! I wish we never again had to hear from Paul Ryan, if only he would just quietly fade away.

If anyone should have had better choices for president, it’s the 2012 Republican voters who were stuck with Romney and Ryan. And it’s been since then that both have shown us the kind of men they really are and how it was that they had lied to us back in 2012. And I get sick to my stomach every time I think about how it was that I held my nose and voted for these two RINO pukes. What the Hell was I thinking? Never again!!! If Ryan were being honest he would admit that the charges against President Trump were clearly politically motivated. But no, he would rather support a traitor who hates America and Americans to take the Presidency over a real patriot.

Ryan reminds me of a petulant child, one who insists upon blaming everyone else for the problems that he has caused. After all, if Ryan, and the many other Establishment Republicans had not spent decades continually throwing their own base under the bus, it’s in all likelihood that Donald Trump would have never chosen to run, or at the very least would not have won in the primaries in 2016. The reason the base voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was because he was a big FUCK YOU to the establishment types who they felt had chosen to ignore them. Now, he has a lot of support because he actually did things he had promised to do if elected. What a concept, right?

And finally, on the subject of Haley, regardless of the numbers she was pulling during the primaries against Biden, the moment she got the nomination, the Democrats would have pulled out all of their heavy artillery against her, and like all RINOs, she would be standing there fighting them with a butter knife. And by the time the election came around, she would be down double digits to Joey. It seems that these RINOs simply lack the will to fight the far left. They think it’s flag football, while the left treats it like a back-alley fight to the death. They insist upon bringing a knife to a gun fight. Not President Trump. We need a fighter, and he’s the fighter we need!

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