

Thursday, June 20, 2024


So once again I will start out by stating the obvious, that it is without a doubt that Al Sharpton, faux preacher extraordinaire and all-around flaming asshole, is one of the most useless individuals likely to be found anywhere on the entire planet. There is simply no other way to accurately describe this clown. And as a human being he is totally worthless in every measurable way. And for a guy who’s supposed to be a ‘Man if God,’ he goes about preaching nothing but pure, unadulterated hate. In fact, peddling his special brand of hate has long been his stock-in-trade and one that has proven to be very lucrative for him having made him very wealthy.

Sharpton is another of those who long claimed to be a watchdog over those in the black community but who did next to nothing to demonstrate that that is actually the case. Instead, he’s always been just a little too quick when it came to throwing them under the bus in exchange for a few pieces of gold from the Democrat Party for services rendered. You see, it’s long been his job to convince blacks that’s what’s best for them is to ignore those like Donald Trump, claiming his is nothing more than empty rhetoric, and to remain safely on the Democrat Party. And sadly, he’s achieved a great deal of success in doing so much to the detriment of the black community.

And so, it was as recently as this past Wednesday that Al was once again hard at work doing what it is that he gets paid to do, convincing any black within earshot to ignore the best chance they may have at achieving what’s left of the American dream and to keep their wagon firmly attached to the Democrat Party. It was then, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Schmo” that Al stated that any claims that President Trump helped build economic security for the black community was “absurdity.” Yup, spoken like the true piece of shit that he is. This guy takes being pathetic to a whole new level. You’d think more people would wake up to his idiocy, but they don’t.

Sharpton said, “You must remember that after they stopped Reconstruction and went into this era that ended up with Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896, there was no legal change till 1954 with Brown v. Board of Education. You’re talking about a span of almost a century. We’re the only race that, by law, couldn’t do certain things. We had biases against others that came to the country, but we were named by law not to have equal rights. And we’re talking about my parents, my grandparents. So you’re right. You can’t erase that in a generation, because by law we couldn’t do certain things.” He added, “The absurdity of Donald Trump acting like he did something."

Sharpton droned on saying, “As you know, Joe, I knew Donald Trump for 35 years, fought with him, went to meet with him, tried to get him to do things. I’ve never seen a black employee in Donald Trump’s office. Not one. I used to say going up Trump Towers was like going up the Rocky Mountains — the higher you got, the whiter it got. You didn’t see one black employee at his trial. So, he did what for blacks? He didn’t do it as a private citizen, and as Steve Rattner’s charts show, he didn’t do it as the president.” What’s absurd is Sharpton’s claims that he has helped the black community when the only black Sharpton has ever helped, is himself.

Think about it, just what has Sharpton EVER done for the black community, and how much better off would the majority of blacks be if they had never paid any attention to him, and to those like him? And we all know who they are. All these people do is to work at keeping the sore festering in order to keep the money coming in from the Democrat coffers. President Trump did more for the black community in just four years than this race-hustling piece of shit has done during his entire ‘career.’ Even before he was president, Donald Trump did much to help those in the black community to the point where he was recognized by both Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

So there sits Al and, with a straight face, tries to make the idiotic argument that President Trump’s claims of helping the black community are nothing less than an absurdity. I wonder if they are worse than Al promising to move into various black neighborhoods and help clean up the crime conditions, but never doing it, or blaming white athletes or Asian families who owned businesses of being guilty of acts against blacks, with destructive and even fatal results, but never being held accountable? But it’s neither Al, or old Joe Schmo, that wants to be bringing any of that stuff up. After all, that’s ancient history, water under the bridge, having all been forgotten.

Sharpton wishes to keep the black community in their victim mentality so that he can continue to fleece money from the very people he claims to be speaking for. He’s nothing but a washed-up two-bit shyster. Too bad for him there is an awakening going on in minority communities, as many, although not enough, are finally beginning to wake up and are recognizing just how it is that they have been, and continue to be, used by Democrat Party. It’s all just another example of the Democrats resorting to straight up lying out of what is pure desperation, working hard to convince people to believe not what they see before them, but only what Democrats tell them.

Since Sharpton first came onto the scene with his so-called “Action Network” what has really been made to change for the better in the black community? Frankly, the only thing that has changed is blacks who support him are in a more hopeless situation while he seems to be wearing more expensive suits and riding around in more expensive cars. According to people like Sharpton, “helping black communities” is more pandering, more racism, less prosecution for criminal acts and more handouts. Their misery, created by Democrat policies and maintained by people like Sharpton, is a real money maker for him, so, of course he would say that.

Why should anyone care what Sharpton has to say. And yet it’s someone like Sharpton who has attained the status of spokesperson. Sharpton really does need to look in the mirror, he’s used the Black community to boost his activist status and gain fundraising for his special causes, mostly his own pocketbook. As for calling him ‘Reverend’ that’s such a joke. He was supposedly ordained by a local church at age 9, so at best he’s an itinerate minister. In truth, Sharpton is nothing more than a political activist. He’s a media chasing parasite who’s only ‘talent,’ if you wish to call it that, is making volatile situations worse and in several cases getting people killed in the process.

Think about it, Sharpton has been around for decades and yet he constantly complains about how it is that black people are still oppressed and has convinced them that they can’t get ahead without him and the Democrats. And while his little game has been very a very profitable one for him, it hasn’t done much for those who he claims to want to help. A wiser person than I once said that there are two ways to influence human behavior, you can inspire people, or you can manipulate them. President Trump inspires people. He wants all people have the opportunity to achieve what they are willing to work for regardless of their race, gender, faith or sexual persuasion.

On the contrary, Joey and the Democrats have figured out they cannot inspire anyone with their policies so are therefore forced into trying to manipulate them by using the courts and an endless stream of lies which, with help from their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media, are then force fed to the imbeciles that make up their base and reinforced with the politics of personal destruction. Also, Democrats work to essentially buy support courtesy of various taxpayer funded freebies to the point where those who are weak minded and without morals will pledge their allegiance to the party as long as the freebies keep coming. But that only results in a dead end.

And finally, it’s everyone’s favorite race baiting ‘Reverend’ who never bothers to mention to his devoted followers that the reason that most have such a difficult time escaping a life in poverty is because of the very Democrat politicians that Sharpton has been convincing them that they must vote for. And that would be because the Republican Party, the party that was founded for the purpose of eliminating the slavery that Democrats imposed on their ancestors, is actually the party who wants a return to those days. Now the sooner Blacks realize that they have been, and continue to be, lied to the sooner many will choose to depart the Democrat planation.

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