

Friday, May 31, 2024


Ok, so for now those on the left very clearly think they’ve finally accomplished that which they have trying to accomplish for nearly 10 years. They’re all now running around patting themselves on the back, and all quite proud of themselves. But I’m here to tell them that all of the gloating now taking place is very likely more than a little premature. But let them think they’ve won, because while they may have won this battle, it’s in their rush to do so that I would like to think they might have just made it a bit more difficult to win the war they seem so intent on bringing about. The ultimate victory will come about this November, so we wait and see.

One of those cheering the loudest would be one Jamie Raskin, Democrat from Maryland. It was Thursday while appearing on MSDNC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” that this dolt claimed President Trump’s guilty verdict in his New York trial was a “sweet vindication of the rule of law.” Democrats are despicable people in every sense of the word. And would he have felt the same if the verdicts were not guilty on all counts? Would he even be on MSDNC? ”Rule of law”? Whenever I hear a Democrat say that phrase it makes me want to puke. The party that violates the “rule of law” now wants us to believe that this trial was legitimate? This was far from a “vindication."

Raskin said, “I take great pride in what happened because I feel that it is such a sweet vindication of the rule of law and the complicated parts of it that frustrate people because it slows things down, like the presumption of innocence, like the fact you need to get a unanimous verdict among 12 citizens randomly, like the fact that the defendant does not have to testify and can elect not to testify, like due process and the right to appeal. Undoubtedly Donald Trump as a convicted felon now will exercise in order to exercise his appeal rights. He has every right to do that.” He hasn’t been vindicated, he’s disdained as he is an absolute disgrace.

He added, “I think we can feel proud that the system of justice and rule of law within liberal democracy has survived. I also felt proud actually about being a politician because most politicians don’t behave like Donald Trump. Of course the very first thing he ran for was president and that was an act of great hubris that paid off for him. Most of us try to go out and get things done for our constituents and then we ask for vote. We don’t do this as an exercise in celebrity and glamour.” They say cancer takes the best of us, then why is it that Raskin is still here. But, we should be thankful to the slimy Democrats for energizing the President Trump’s supporters.

Those cheering this verdict are nothing more than a bunch of Marxist pigs. They’ll be squealing like the pigs they are when its overturned and President Trump wins yet again. Raskin is one of those few people who I wish was dead, I was pulling for the cancer to take him. Everyone knows this trial was purely political, and yet the lying ‘fake news’ media types will try to sell it anyway. What kind of pathetic individual is it that celebrates the end of the rule of law? To celebrate such a verdict as this? Raskin is an idiot. Raskin is clearly nothing more than your typical piece of shit, lying Democrat. He has no credibility, no legacy, nothing but his pathological lying.

Raskin all but admits that Democrats shouldn’t have to actually prove guilt or have to convince a jury to find someone guilty, and reluctantly admits that President Trump has the right to appeal. He, and they, would much prefer a Soviet-style show-trial system where you’re guilty because they say so. Which is what they got here. These imbeciles don’t understand that a massive red line has now been crossed. This verdict will be reversed on appeal for so many reasons it will most assuredly make Democrat heads explode. Any ambulance chasing lawyer knows that a defendant has a right to know what he is being charged with, and even defendants have freedom of speech.

Raskin, along with every other scumbag Democrats and their kooky supporters, are all taking part in a celebratory mock fest. And make no mistake, people, we are in a spiritual war, and the face of evil has once again reared its ugly head and in the form of the Democrat Party. So, as they high-five one another, stay calm and focused. As I said, they may have won the battle, but they have a long way to go before they can claim victory in the war. This verdict should remind all of us what President Trump has said, “They are coming after you, I’m just in the way!” Truer words were never spoken by him or any other man. The vendetta has been underway for years.

If you’re a Trump supporter wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat who walked around the Capitol Building taking selfies, or in some cases didn’t even enter the building, such activity may have got you on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ list and your home raided by SWAT and heavily armed stormtroopers at four in the morning. If so, you were likely then arrested and frog marched from your home in cuffs, before then being denied bail and remanded in custody where you were brutalized by prison guards, denied medical treatment, and held in third world conditions for over a year before your trial. No businesses looted or torched, no body count…and yet!

But if you happened to be a former high-ranking Democrat government employee who illegally held classified information on your personal computer server, which was accessed by foreign government entities for big bucks, and who was subpoenaed to hand over said personal computer which was then immediately smashed to pieces before it could be handed over to investigators, well then, no harm, no foul. As a member of the protected class, you have a get out of jail free card. No arrest, no conviction, no nothing. In fact, such behavior is viewed as being a resume enhancer, and somehow adds to your credibility on such topics as government corruption.

And if you’re a President who promised to demolish the deep state and clean up the corruption in government, you’re impeached twice, have a two-year special investigation into a Democrat concocted Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, and impeded every single day of your term in office. And even when you leave office they don’t stop trying to take you down. And after three years of an imposter in the Oval Office, they wheel out 91 separate indictments, call a porn actress and an ex-con liar as witnesses against you, with the latter lying on the witness stand, after admitting he had lied to Congress, and admitted to stealing money from his former boss.

And after all that played out right under their nose, we’re to believe that a supposedly unbiased leftwing jury presided over by a supposedly unbiased bought-and-paid-for leftwing judge, ably aided by an unbiased left wing prosecutor and bought-and-paid-for left wing DA finally, after seven years of the Democrats non-stop efforts to “get Trump,” arrived at a just verdict? On the contrary, they showed the world just how utterly corrupt-to-the-core the U.S. government has become. The world is standing back and watching in total disbelief at the blatant gutter-level tactics employed by the illegally installed government to take-down their own nation.

But Joey & Co. may have overplayed their hand. When this conviction is overturned on appeal, as every supposed legal expert has predicted that it will, President Trump will storm back into the White House next January in a landslide victory and once again all will be made right in the world. And then it’ll be our turn!!! The Democrats always think they’re impervious to escalations. But I’m here to tell you, I am very much a believer in that old adage that says, “What goes around, comes around.” Now granted, while salvaging the country must be the primary objective, retribution must be handed out against all those who have done grave damage to this country!!!

The jury that convicted President Trump has as much credibility as the jury that acquitted O.J. Simpson. So, I hope Democrats enjoy their felony binge because when this November comes rolling around and Americans are still broke, the economy still sucks, big cities are still crime ridden, drugs are still rampant, the homeless still fill the streets, our schools are still failing, wars are still raging, WWIII still looms, Joey is still incoherent, and Democrats are still morons, tens of millions of fed up voters who make up the jury in the court of public opinion will head to the polls and render their verdict on them. Stay tuned because it promises to be a sobering event.

Clearly Raskin is proud of the gaslighting and lying to American people courtesy of the January 6 committee and show trial. It shows how he is corrupt to his core! Only in Joey’s America do you allow those who committed crimes against an individual testify against that same individual over a far less serious offense. An offense no other person would have ever been charged with. What a great precedent. Finally, America has now been made to be hanging by a thread, and whether or not it survives will not up to the Republicans or Democrats, Joey or even President Trump. It will be up to the American people to now decide what kind of country they wish to live in.

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