

Friday, May 24, 2024


Once again the NeverTrumpers appear to have their panties in a bunch. And the funny thing, I mean the really funny thing, is that this time around it was one of their own who was responsible for causing said bunch in said panties. And you know, there’s something deserving about that, call it ‘poetic justice.’ And all because one of their own has said she will be voting for President Trump. But what did they expect, that she would cast her political fortunes to the wind? Or, stranger still, that those struggling to make ends meet under the current regime would also join them on the crazy train and vote against the one guy they see as being their only hope.

And so the source of this most recent panties bunch would, of course, be former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley who was recently dismissed as being “pathetic” for simply saying that she does, in fact, plan on supporting President Trump over Joey in the general election come this November. And it was former member of Congress, and now CNN commentator, Adam Kinzinger, who said, “Not a surprise but: Pathetic,” in response to Haley saying she would vote for President Trump. His rather short and sweet assessment followed other similar appraisals made in other media outlets in the hours after she made her intentions known.

It was on Wednesday while at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank, that Haley said, “As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses.” She said, “A president who would support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands we need less debt not more debt.” She declared, “Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I’ve made that clear, many, many times. But Biden has been a catastrophe. So, I will be voting for Trump.” Haley has previously stated a choice of Trump as GOP 2024 contender “is like suicide” for the U.S.

NeverTrumpers seem determined in their support of our Disaster-In-Chief for re-election. They’d rather see the country destroyed than to have their feeble feelings and social status take a hit. Several of them outright said they’d vote for a communist instead of voting for President Trump. They were never conservative to begin with. They’ve always Democrats pretending to be Republicans and they’re now angry that they’ve been outted. If President Trump walks into the White House after this election Kinzinger will likely be seen on camera bawling his eyes out and spouting off the same pathetic whiny statements people as weak and cowardly as he is always do.

Look, all we really have here is one totally irrelevant person, talking about another totally irrelevant person. I don’t really care what Haley does, or doesn’t do, and I care about Kinzinger even less. He would rather have Joey be president, effectively putting the Democrats in power. That’s even more pathetic for someone who claims to be a Republican politician. Over half of the American people clearly want President Trump to be re-elected. Just what exactly are these NeverTrumpers implying about those Americans? All this from a coward who decided not to run for reelection because he knew he would suffer a rather embarrassing electoral defeat.

Why doesn’t Kinzinger tell us why he chooses to support Joey, instead of just whining and badmouthing President Trump? Give us some details, Adam, so we can better gauge just how far from reality you’ve strayed. And why do they insist upon putting an (R) next to his name? I guess the only way to get a job on some leftist propaganda station is by claiming you’re a Republican who will attack President Trump. As much as these NeverTrumpers hate President Trump, how they can possibly think Joey is the better choice for the next four years? If these NeverTrumpers loved this country as much as they claim, they would hold their noses and do what’s best for the country.

As for Haley, it’s too little, too late. She’s burned too many bridges, and she can no longer be trusted and has no place in a future Trump administration. What’s pathetic is she railed against President Trump for months on end and now she is like, “Trump is a saint.” So was she lying then or is she lying now? NeverTrumpers are beginning to realize their wing of the Republican Party is dead and has been dying for 20 years. They couldn’t drag McCain over the finish line and couldn’t get Romney to fight. Then in 2016 they thought we’d go for a third Bush because the first two were so outstanding. The Bush GOP is dead and gone, and none too soon either.

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