

Monday, May 6, 2024


I don’t suppose that it comes as much of a surprise, to anyone with a brain, that the same party that seems so preoccupied with ensuring that a woman has the right to murder her offspring right up to the moment of birth, and in some instances ever after, would also to be the very same party that can’t quite bring itself to be all that concerned when it comes to addressing the truly important issues that impact every single American, every single day. But rather than address any of those issues Democrats seek to focus on an issue that actually improves no one’s life, one way or another, and that actually ends a life before that life has even begun.

And it was one of those Democrats, Senator Mark Kelly, who, this past Sunday, during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” boldly declared that he supported eliminating the filibuster for the specific reason of codifying abortion rights. So, here we have a leftwing creep who has essentially remained silent his entire term on the truly important issues, of which there are many, choosing, instead, to spew nothing more than absolute drivel on the importance of a mother being able to murder her baby. This is nothing more reprehensible. If Democrats are this focused on abortion, then they are fully aware that they are losing on the issues that actually matter.

And it was the show’s host, and NBC resident bimbo, Kristen Welker who said, “Let’s talk about what’s happening in your state, Arizona, is now effectively ground zero for the national fight over abortion rights. This week, the state legislature voted to repeal Arizona’s ban that went all the way back to 1864. Do you think the repeal minimizes the urgency that some voters will feel to get out and vote for Democrats?” Kelly said, “I think women in Arizona have been through a really tough time. It all goes back to Donald Trump’s election and what he said he wants to do to Roe v. Wade. Women in the state of Arizona don’t have the rights they had."

Kelly went on to say, “Women can not get the health care they need in this state right now. We have an opportunity in November to sort of fix this at the state level with a ballot initiative. What we really need is national legislation to codify a woman’s right to make these decisions. That’s only going to happen if Joe Biden is elected president.”  Welker asked, “Would you support getting rid of the filibuster to support abortion rights to codify Roe v. Wade into law? Kelly said, “Yes.” Welker said, “You would?” Kelly said, “Yeah, I would. When we were looking at voting rights legislation, I voted for that as well. I spent 15 years at NASA flying the space shuttle."

Kelly said, “If NASA had the rules of the United States Senate had, the rocket ship would never leave the launch pad. At the appropriate time, this is one of them, I would consider changing the rules to make sure that women can get the health care they need.” I’m curious, what part of being able to murder one’s baby has anything to do with healthcare, do Democrats not understand? I’m so sick of the fallacy of this argument that by killing the unborn they are somehow receiving “healthcare!” They are not! What is taking place here is nothing more than the ending of a human life because it would be an inconvenience to allow that life to continue.

I think we all know why the ‘right’ to kill babies remains so important to Democrats. For one thing it provides them with an issue that they can use as a distraction from the mess they’ve made of everything else. And two, despite any claims to the contrary, it’s Democrats who are racist, and 30 percent of babies who are aborted are Black, even though less than 13 percent of the population is Black. Democrats are pandering to their base, who vote Democrat 90 percent of the time and who, instead of taking the proper precautions, simply choose getting an abortion. Ironically, Democrats are terminating future voters, but their hidden racism justifies it for them.

Abortion is not a federal issue, as abortion does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. It is a matter to be handled by individual states. Any federal legislation, be it pro-life or pro-abortion, is simply unconstitutional. And if this creep Kelly was half as smart as he seems to think he is, he would most certainly know that. The federal government has no say over abortion unless, and/or until, there is a Constitutional amendment. But then, when it comes to our Constitution, Democrats view it more as a set of guidelines, or suggestions, than as something must actually be adhered to. They see themselves as being able to simply ignore it.

Kelly, like every other Democrat, actually believes that the wishes of half the country should simply be ignored because…wait for it…THEY’RE right! This is why we have states’ rights. If the people and/or the legislature of any given state think that abortion should be illegal in that state, they can choose to make it illegal. Likewise, if the same people think that abortion should be legal in that state, they can make it legal. This means that if a pregnant woman who lives in a state in which abortion is illegal decides to have an abortion, she just has travel to one of the 21 states in which abortion is legal to have the procedure done. So what’s the problem?

These desperate Democrats who are fear-mongering and catering to the single-issue voters, those voters who think that killing babies is more important than secure borders, quelling the old diseases that are new again, getting violent crime under control and being able to sustain a reasonable standard of living or ensuring that we do not turn into some third world dictatorship, have a special place awaiting them in Hell when their time on this Earth finally comes to an end. If they weren’t Godless Democrats (but I repeat myself), they might stop and think about that. It’s sad that people vote for Democrats who promote the murdering of innocent souls.

So, do these people not understand that the Supreme Court correctly returned the decision on abortion to the States? Any law they pass ‘codifying’ Roe is already, by definition, moot. The courts have already said it’s unconstitutional for the federal government to wade into abortion. Nothing in the Constitution gives them that power and the Tenth Amendment reserves it for the States. The ONLY legal way to ‘codify’ Roe would be to amend the Constitution, and I seriously doubt that they will ever get the required two-thirds supermajorities in both houses of Congress and then get three-quarters of the States to ratify what would be carte blanche infanticide.

Our country is disintegrating at the speed of light aided by the likes of Mark Kelly, who thinks that the rules simply do not apply to his party. Put it on the ballot and let the people choose. Do you value life, or do you believe everyone is expendable from the beginning. We have over 350 Million people, we are $35.5 Trillion in Debt. We have skyrocketing crime from coast to coast, we have a completely wide-open border and rampant inflation. It’s like Kelly who only seem interested only in passing legislation that’s perceived as being best for the party and not the country. And yet there those for whom that’s ok as long as there’s something in it for them.

And finally, with an economy that’s in the toilet, out of control government spending, an invasion underway by millions of illegal immigrants, criminals and left-wing anarchists running wild, and an incoherent foreign policy, it’s somehow abortion that is the most important issue facing this country today! Have you ever heard anything more ludicrous? The real tyrants and authoritarians in this country are all in the Democrat Party, and they are showing themselves on the issue of abortion. Just a word of advice, let them, and only them, be the extremists and let the majority of American voters reject their extremism on Election Day in spectacular fashion.

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