

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


You would think, as crazy as things appear to have gotten, that common sense would have kicked in by now and more people would begin to realize that those in public office and who run under the Democrat banner have become unhinged to the point where they have become more of a threat to this country than the savoir of it. And their bizarre behavior would be funny if it weren’t for the fact that these people have now successfully wormed their way into powerful positions. Which instead of bringing a touch of humor had made everything pretty frightening. And just how is it that one can look at what’s going on in this country and seem to want even more of it.

And yet people continue to vote for those whose primary objective seems to be the destruction of this country. Which, of course, brings me to none other than ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, Democrat from the People’s Republic of California.’ You see, it was this past Sunday during an appearance on this week’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Sunday Show” that ‘Mad Maxine’ was calling on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate “right-wing organizations” who supported President Trump “training up in the hill” for a civil war. So once again we have another Democrat reading from the same old script, but it’s an effective deflection from the shrieking mobs on campus.

Waters said, “You cannot trust anything that Donald Trump has to say no matter if he loses he is going to say it was fraud. He still has not accepted what happened in the last presidential election. We have to be very concerned about a former president of the United States talking about attacking his own country, talking about perhaps a bloodbath, talking about perhaps there is going to be trouble. He said it in so many different ways we should take him seriously. This man does not believe in the Constitution. He wants to be a dictator. This is a dangerous human being. We have to know what our country is going to do to protect us from him."

She continued, “I will tell you what I’m gong to do. I’m going to ask the Justice Department and I am going to ask the president to tell us what they are going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting, you know, what communities they are going to attack. We need to know now, given he is telling us there is going to be violence if he loses, we need to know what his plan is and how we are going to be protected.”  Look around you, which side is it that practices violence when their guy loses. It ain’t the right!!!

Waters added, “We know that there are people aligned who are with him who follow him who are already practicing what their government is going to be under Trump. Not only are they planning on a civil war if they have to do that, but he is spelling it out specifically how and what they are going to do and how he is going to get revenge, how he is going to attack his enemies, all of these things. When he talks about race, we know, and I’m going to tell you again today, Donald Trump is a pure racist. I am worried that the attack is going to be on people of color.” More racist, incendiary rhetoric from yet another do-nothing hack of a Democrat politician.

We can always gauge the proximity to the next election by the intensity of the rhetoric coming from the left and the level of insanity exhibited by those spewing said incendiary rhetoric. But more to the point, what is the DOJ doing to prepare for the violence that will happen when President Trump is re-elected President of these United States? We know that it’s coming as we have past experience to provide future guidance for what is likely to be expected. Democrats always accuse the opposition of doing what they are guilty of doing themselves. So, I think we should take notice when this loudmouth starts shouting about how we are training for war.

‘Mad Maxine’ is a political hack and racist who has done absolutely nothing for her district during the decades she has represented these unfortunate people who live there, and yet those morons have continued to re-elect her. Bizarre! And it’s yet again that the nut jobs in the Democrat Party are NEVER held to the same standard of incitement as those of the supposed right wing continue to be. Only in America could someone as evil as ‘Mad Maxine’ come to possess any amount of political power, and the sad thing is that the people who voted for her have to be even dumber than she is. Which is really a pretty remarkable thing when you stop to think about it.

And please explain to me how any reasonably intelligent person can listen to such garbage and still think that it’s conservatives who are the fascists? Waters is nothing less than raving fucking lunatic. What did President Trump ever do that was racist? It’s none of these loons who ever seem to mention anything specific, they just make sweeping statements. Maxine never disappoints for saying outlandish things. Meanwhile, and for decades now, she and her Democrat pals have been wreaking all manner of havoc on this country. But for some reason we’re not allowed to talk about that. And if you dare speak of it suddenly you become the threat to “democracy!!"

Anyone who doesn’t see how severely insane ‘Mad Maxine’ is, has no cognitive awareness! As if anyone needs to be reminded regarding the toxic behavior of this kook, this is far from being the first time she has let fly with all manner of political fiction aimed at those of us who dare to support President Trump. She has done this before, she’s fomented false and inflammatory demands to address her adversaries who were simply eating in a restaurant, and now it’s false rumors of her enemies plotting a civil war! It’s she and those like her who need to be constantly monitored by the authorities! Not that that is likely to happen anytime soon.

And if there is a Second Civil War, the honest historians will write that it was caused by: 1) a Democrat insurrection and election interference during President Trump’s first term, 2) Democrat support for BLM riots and anti-police and pro-crime policies, 3) Democrats opening the southern border to the largest illegal invasion in history, 4) Democrats spending causing the bankruptcy of the U.S., 5) Democrats creating laws designed to penalize law abiding citizens for gun ownership and free speech, 6) Democrats support for terrorist groups and enemies of the U.S. and, 7) Democrat 2024 election interference to rig an election by using fraudulent voting schemes.

So once again we have a high-profile Democrat making all manner of inflammatory statements and go completely unchallenged by a supposed ‘journalist.’ Instead, they will likely start questioning Republicans, saying, “sources say right wing militias are planning an insurrection like January 6th.” They never challenge Democrats on any of the lies they spew. What’s scary is that this was probably prompted by the current administration and is part of the plan in an attempt to try to control conservative patriots. I have no doubt we will see the DOJ will soon begin in-depth investigations of anyone who dares to make it known that they support President Trump.

Oddly enough it would seem that simply by being a Democrat makes one immune from what President Trump has been, and continues to be, made to endure. Why else has ‘Mad Maxine’s’ incendiary accusations been ignored when she openly advocated for insurrection against a duly elected U.S. President and his administration and personally participated in the subversive, seditious, insurrectionist, treasonous coup attempt to overthrow the results of the 2016 presidential election? Shouldn't she be prosecuted for the crimes she has committed? Apparently not, she has a permanent ‘get out of jail free’ card courtesy of her membership in the Democrat Party.

And, of course, she doesn't give any evidence whatsoever to back up her lunatic claim, nor is she asked to. That’s not how the game is be played, no actual evidence is ever actually needed, the accusations will suffice. But when was the last time a right-wing organization did anything violent? And don’t say January 6!!! That was tame by comparison to the entire summer of 2020 when Democrat supported groups carried out protests that were “mostly peaceful,” but that ended up with half the country being torched!  Why is she not calling on the DOJ to investigate the violent left-wing groups? Oops, can’t have them going after your own, how would that look?

In his entire life, there is zero evidence that Donald Trump has ever been a racist. On the contrary, there is, however ample evidence that Waters is, and that black people are, some of the dumbest people on earth, if they believe her. And if we’re being honest, contrary to the many claims made by those like ‘Mad Maxine,’ no one kills more blacks than blacks themselves, and that, my friends is a ‘solid gold fact.’ From the womb to the grave, nothing is more deadly to the black community, than the black community itself. It is 32 percent of black pregnancies end in abortion and it’s 95 percent of blacks who are murdered in this country are murdered by fellow blacks.

It’s an election year for the ‘plantation party’ and they are running out of ways to prevent President Trump from being the Republican nominee. So what are they to do but to send out a worthless piece of shit like Waters to do the party’s bidding. Joey & Co. are in panic mode since their out-of-control Democrat youths have now turned pro terrorist. Add to that the fact that Democrats knowingly and deliberately celebrate the butchering of live human infants referring to it as “women’s healthcare.” And let’s not forget that Democrats are the party of slavery, Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, segregation, poverty, drugs and human trafficking.

Finally, this is simply more ranting from a leftwing loon. ‘Mad Maxine’ has not been in touch with reality for decades, if ever. Yes, there could be a civil war, but it is not the conservative right that is trying to destroy the country. It is the lunatic left that wants to destroy this country by destroying the rule of law including the Constitution, and they, the left, are working hard every day to do just that. She has a long history of fomenting violence against her political enemies and is again doing exactly what she accuses them of doing. Funny how Democrats are pulling out the same old play book they used in 1859, when Republicans were talking about doing away with slavery.

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