

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Democrats continually go to great pains to portray those of us who support President Trump as being nothing more than a “cult,” a cult whose only purpose, or so say they claim, is to destroy our ‘democracy.’ And they take great pleasure in claiming that there is absolutely nothing that President Trump could ever do that would dissuade us from voting for him. And yet it is they, no matter how much their own candidate continues to fuck things up, that remain very firmly behind him. After all, Joey is a known pervert, he has gone to great lengths to destroy this country courtesy of his open borders and twisted economic policies, and to thoroughly gut our military.

And despite everything that he has done, few have been convinced of the danger that Joey represents to our country’s ability to survive. And it is one of those devoted cultists that is none other than that lifelong communist sympathizer, David Axelrod. And it’s Axelrod who is one of those who will say whatever he feels he must to convince and many as he can that Joey really is nowhere near as fucked up as he appears, thus demonstrating that there is absolutely nothing that Joey could ever do, no matter how heinous, to further damage this country or to make like for its citizens more difficult, that would keep him from voting for Joey once again.

And it was during an appearance on Monday’s “CNN News Central,” that CNN Axelrod responded to a question regarding the chaos in the world under *president Joey in both the Middle East and in Europe with the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as the possibility that 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Trump will use that as an attack line against Joey by stating that “this is part of the burden of being president of the United States, wars erupt and you are president.” There’s nothing more phony than a boob who poses as CNN Senior Political commentator and who was a former ‘BO’ adviser. Not much credibility there, if any!

Axelrod began by saying that the Iranian helicopter crash isn’t anyone’s fault. He continued, “But listen, this is part of the burden of being president of the United States, wars erupt and you are president. I think the President has handled it well, bringing together allies in Ukraine, for example, bringing together the forces that the Israelis needed in Israel to repel attacks from Iran. But that is the burden of the presidency. What you should — what we should not want…is to be in a go it alone position in the world.” Let’s be honest, wars don’t simply erupt, wars erupt when weakness is sensed. Joey and his policies are what’s to blame for our current wars.

Axelrod said, “We should want allies, we should want measured relationships between ourselves and other countries so that we can move together to try and bring some order when disorder erupts.” Look, it’s not like there’s anything Joey could have really done or said or anything like that, right? He was just helplessly swept along by the tide of history, it’s not like he’s the leader of the free world. Give the poor old guy a break, stop complaining, and enjoy your 40 percent inflation, you ungrateful peasants!! Joey has always been a sheep pretending to be a wolf and the world knows that he’s a low IQ weakling. Therefor there’s no respect nor is there any fear.

Axelrod needs to cut the bullshit. It was during President Trump’s tenure in office that no wars broke out anywhere in the world and there was a relative state of peace throughout the world and bona fide prosperity right here at home. Wars haven’t simply erupted, those combatants behind these new wars have done so because they sense both weakness and incompetence here in the United States. Clearly when you cheat in an election and install into office a senile old fool as *president of the United States it’s the scum of the world who smell opportunity. That Joey is responsible for all of these conflicts through lack of leadership and incompetence is undeniable.

And just why was it that no new wars “erupted” under President Trump? Well the answer to that is an easy one. It was under President Trump that we had responsible foreign policy and real leadership. Both seem non-existent under Joey, and those like Axelrod remain willing to stick by their guy. It was under President Trump that we had four peace treaties in the Middle East. Meanwhile, it’s been under *president Joey that we have had three new wars in three years. Perhaps Mr. Axelrod needs to be reminded that wars don’t happen under all presidents. The only war during the Trump era was the war against Trump led by the leftist Democrat Party and its allies!

What is the purpose of never-ending war? In Orwell’s 1984, the endless war enabled the ruling class to remain in power while the lower classes remain powerless. In the manifesto, it is observed that a country that is productive will eventually become prosperous, unless something is done to destroy the fruits of that productivity. Marx himself told us that the only thing which could stop his worldwide revolution were those nations which harbored a thriving Middle Class. If we keep these two things in mind, everything the One Worlders and Socialist Left do makes perfect sense. The world is always on the brink of war whenever there are Democrats are in charge.

When you do things that allow forces to create war, even if you don’t know you’re doing it or you’re too stupid to know it, you’re still complicit, you’re still responsible. Most of the time Joey is just a greedy, evil, corrupt moron. But some of the time he really does know what he’s doing when he’s helping to create violent deadly chaos and he knows it. So they continue to prop up the diaper jockey as if he has nothing to do with them, they’re just innocent bystanders trying to help the whole world live in peace. Weak leadership and cowardly behavior Is an open invitation to hostile aggression! The world will never again trust America under Democrat ‘leadership!’

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