

Thursday, May 30, 2024


Let’s face it, over the last few decades you must admit that we have had some ‘First Ladies’ that were some real dregs. And oddly enough the one thing that all these dregs have had in common is the fact that they’ve all been Democrats. First of all, I really thought we had hit the bottom of the barrel with Hitlery. But then it wasn’t long after that that Moochelle Obummer came along which had us hitting another all new low, with things getting a little weird with some folks claiming that she’s really a dude. And then who should come along next but Jill Biden who we’re all supposed to be awe of because she got her doctorate from a box of ‘Cracker Jacks.'

Have you ever wondered what it might be about skanks, that always attracts other skanks? I only ask because it was just this past Wednesday that our current ‘First Lady,’ Jill Biden stopped by ABC’s ‘The View,’ so we had what was a skank convention right there on ‘The View.’ And, of course, the purpose of this idiotic little visit was to tout the benefits of re-electing her husband versus the dangers of re-electing President Trump. This is the same Jill Biden who began her affair with Joey while still married, and while his former wife was still living and knowing he had two young children. So no, I don’t need a lecture on morality from the likes of this skank.

And it was during this most bizarre appearance that Biden claimed that American voters will choose “good” *president Joey over “evil” former President Trump. And then it with a straight face that she said, “We are in a better place now, and what you’re saying is true, and we have to get that message out. Every vote counts. This election is important, and so we are going everywhere. We’re meeting people where they are. We’re meeting them in person. We’re meeting them over the TV. We’re meeting them in social media. we’re not taking anything for granted, because Joe has done amazing things for this country, and we have to get the message out."

She said, “This election is not about age because like, I mean Donald Trump’s going to be, what, 78. and Joe is 81. They’re basically the same age. It’s about character. This election is about character. So you have two choices. You have my husband, Joe, who you all know who has integrity, he’s strong, he’s steady, he’s a leader, he’s smart, he’s energetic or you have chaos.” She added, “Those polls are going to turn. I’m confident of it because as time goes on and as people start to focus a little bit more about what’s at stake and start to become educated on the issues and the differences between the two men, I believe Americans are going to choose good over evil."

Next it was that boob Joy Behar who said, “You know, one of the things that keeps sticking to him which irritates me is about his age. That really drives me nuts because I’m the same age as your husband. I’m reluctant to tell that but because I want people to know this is what 81 is, okay? But I know, I have met him a couple of times. He seems right on top of it.” She added, “What do we have to do to tell people that the man is competent, alert, and doing the job and it’s not about his age. The other one is doddering and doesn’t remember anything and can’t put a sentence together and has like brain farts in the middle of a power grab and they go after Joe."

Biden, of course, agreed with Behar’s idiotic comments, which I found to be hilarious! Joey’s the one who sounds like a babbling moron. He’s the one who can’t string enough words together to make a coherent sentence. Franky, I can rarely understand a word he’s saying, which I don’t suppose really matters all that much to those who voted for him. I’ve never have a problem understanding President Trump. Biden then said, “This election is not about age because like I mean Donald Trump’s going to be, what, 78 and Joe is 81. They’re basically the same age.” They may be the “same age” chronologically, but that’s where any similarities come to s screeching halt.

Anyway, Biden added, “I think the American people deserve a debate because you need to see your choices. You need to see Trump and you need to see the president and you need to see the differences, and my husband, and you’re going to see how smart he is and the experience he has and then you’ll see somebody who, like you’re saying, I’ll use Joy’s words, can’t put a sentence together.” And it was from there that Biden, in playing to an audience with a combined IQ somewhere in single digits, then went on to claim that Americans will “lose all of our rights” if another Republican is confirmed to the Supreme Court. Of course, she was referencing abortion.

And then it was dimbulb Sara Haines who decided to show her stupidity by saying, “Women are likely to play a crucial role in November and we’ve heard bragging about stripping women’s reproductive rights, 14 states have a total ban on abortion, and now IVF is under attack. How dangerous a time is this for women, and how much worse could it get in a second or third as you mentioned Trump presidency?” Biden said, “It could get a lot worse under a Trump presidency. I mean, you have to believe him when he uses words like dictator, bloodbath, third term, violence. We’ve seen it so when he says these words, believe him. Don’t think this isn’t going to happen."

She continued, “And women’s rights, absolutely women’s rights and IVF. I mean, we have to have a choice. Joe wants to codify Roe and we have to. We have to fight hard so we get it back.” Biden added, “We keep thinking this won’t be taken away, but we cannot take things for granted because they can. And think of the Supreme Court for God’s sake. Talk about things getting worse. Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? No. We will lose all of our rights. We are taking about all our rights, women’s right, gay rights.” I never would have guessed that murdering the unborn was actually a right. But hey, maybe that’s just me?

Would that be versus the rights that exist that Joey is now actively trying to take away? President Trump isn’t taking any rights away. If anything, conservative justices allow the Constitution to survive as written instead of perverting it to suit every disgusting whim of the day. If someone wants to have an abortion, be my guest. If you don’t, that’s your prerogative too. The law sees it as a social issue and not a legal one but what’s abundantly clear is that it isn’t a constitutional issue. Even that icon of the left ‘Ruth Buzzi’ Ginsburg said so. So it's up to the states to choose how they want to deal with it. If your legislature is conservative and chooses to bans it, so be it!

Joey has been nothing more than an arrogant, incompetent, lying, corrupt old scumbag for his entire half century in politics. And sending mama out to visit with the skanks of ‘The View’ and their audience of braindead bimbos is going to do nothing to change any of that. I mean, it’s not like there isn’t a mountain of video showing Joey’s dementia. And how conveniently they forget the fact that President Trump has already been elected and none of their all of their apocalyptic predictions came even close to reality. On the contrary, President Trump created an economic boom the likes of which we had not seen since the days of President Reagan.

Jill has a peculiar definition of what is ‘good’ and what is ‘evil.’ Perhaps she could tell us in what way her decrepit husband has done ‘amazing things’ and what exactly they were and how they improved the lives of the American people. Personally, my wallet and an increasing fear of nuclear Armageddon, among MANY other things, are proof positive for me, that her husband belongs in some retirement home somewhere, where he can no neither himself, nor the rest of us, any serious harm. She is one dumbest women there is, and she has not an ounce of shame. Her husband is a laughingstock and the biggest embarrassment our nation has ever experienced.

All of these Trump hating leftwing loons are all either living in denial about Joey’s obvious dementia, ignoring it and deceitfully denying it or some of both, while at the very same time doing all they can to project DNC/CCP puppet Joey’s incompetence and dementia onto President Trump. But like all propaganda, it starts out with some level of effectiveness before eventually all the targets become totally aware of its complete and utter falseness. The willing sheeple still eat it up like it's nutritious, but the non-sheeple eventually become immune to it. Nothing they say in favor of Joey is accepted by anyone other than the most determined of Democrat sycophants.

And where does this goofy bitch come up with this stuff, that somehow Americans will “lose all of our rights” if another Republican is confirmed to the Supreme Court. Not one American has lost any rights because of President Trump, other than the man himself. The only rights lost came courtesy of Joey. He also has weaponized endless federal and even state authorities to carry out vendettas against his political rivals. Never before has a legitimate political candidate ever been subjected to the laundry list of phony charges for the express purpose of keeping said opponent off the campaign trail and to impact the election. It’s utterly repugnant.

The only drum the Democrats have to beat during this election is abortion, abortion, abortion. They must get out the nutty female vote, so they’re desperately pandering to imaginary fears. Watch for more appearances on female-centric shows with doom and gloom predictions about how bad it's going to be if President Trump wins. And the sad part is the millions of low information voters will actually believe this crap. ‘Dr.’ Jill is as corrupt as her pedophile hubby! The only way we keep all of our rights is to keep Democrats off the supreme court, but since joe has faced no real consequences for defying the supreme court what does it really matter?

Under Joey Americans are losing their homes, their jobs, their children are being indoctrinated and sexualized, their communities are unsafe, their Second Amendment is constantly under threat, as is their freedom of speech. Boys are being allowed in the girl’s restrooms and our girls right to enjoy their sports is being destroyed. Under Joey we lost the protection of law and a strong border. Joey censors media outlets and social media avenues. Then Joey uses the judicial branch to jail dissidents protesting a tyrannical government. What is left for President Trump to take? Sounds like Jill is by projecting the deeds done by Joey onto President Trump.

And Jill is afraid they won't be able to kill full term babies? First Lady Jill Biden exposes her confusion of evil and good. What President Donald Trump brought about during his presidency was good and the American people were and are grateful. What her husband Joe Biden has brought about is a suffering people due to a failed economy which he and he alone caused with his inflation pumping trillions of dollars increasing the national debt. The only miracle Joey could ever produce would be telling the truth about anything just once in his feeble worthless life. There is not one Joey policy that helped the ordinary Americans or bolstered the standard of living.

We have drugs and illegal immigrants flooding across our unsecured border, 1000 National Guard troops are on duty in the New York City subways just to maintain some semblance of order, credit card debt and delinquencies are up, and so much more. We have had disasters in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the Middle East, the Chinese Communists openly insult our diplomats even when on our own soil, and the Ayatollahs launch mass missile attacks with near impunity while they continue to enrich uranium. Biden depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve for purely political reasons, something no previous President, including President Trump, has ever done.

With Joey in the White House our country has been turned into a banana republic where his political opponents face years in prison for baseless charges while he rakes in millions from foreign entities through shell companies controlled by his relatives and our national debt is now more than 10 percent of our GDP. Americans used to sneer at other countries that had openly corrupt leaders jailing their opponents and implementing ruinous debt fueled spending to maintain power. That is America under Joe Biden. With Trump we had peace, prosperity, better schools and less crime. When President Trump is back in the White House our basic human rights will be restored.

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