

Monday, May 13, 2024


So how is it that someone of the Jewish faith can bring themselves to vote for those who so obviously support the obliteration of their ancestral homeland? And yet, that seems to be the case as it continues be a majority of Jews in this country who vote for Democrats. And weirder still is the fact that the majority of these very same people insist that it’s President Trump who has demonstrated some prejudice against the Jews. This despite the fact the members of his own family are Jewish. But then that’s the way those on the left operate, they’re always accusing others of behaving as they themselves behave. And the ‘fake news’ boobs are glad to back them up.

Which brings me to none other than that self-described Socialist, Bernie Sanders. And it was during an appearance this past Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Sanders said, “I think any objective observer knows Israel has broken international law it has brought in American law. In my view, Israel should not be receiving another nickel in U.S. military aid.” He continued, “Look, the facts are quite clear. Hamas is a terrible disgusting terrorist organization that began this war but what Israel has done in the last 7 months is not just gone to war against Hamas, it has gone to war against the entire Palestinian people in results that have been absolutely catastrophic."

He went on to say, “I mean, we’re talking about not just 35,000 Palestinians dead and 77,000 wounded, two-thirds of home a women and children. That is not the way you conduct award a civilized society to the degree that war is civilized. We’re talking about 60 percent of the housing in Gaza destroyed, the civilian infrastructure that’s water all that is raw sewage now running out into the streets, no electricity. You are talking about a systematic destruction of the health care system there. Now every university in Gaza has been bombed.” I’ve said it before and I’ll it again, those who live in Gaza have brought this destruction upon themselves!

Sanders went on to add, “Right now most frighteningly, according to the humanitarian organizations. we are looking at the likelihood of hundreds of thousands of children facing starvation. The foreign assistance act is very, very clear, 6201 the provision, any entity state any country that blocks U.S. humanitarian aid is a violation of law and should not continue to receive military aid from the United States. That is precisely what Israel has done.” War is ugly, and Bolshevik Bernie chooses to ignore history and how it was that the U. S. totally destroyed Dresden, Hamburg and other German cities in the effort to defeat the Nazis and to assist his beloved Soviet Union.

All the deaths of Gazans in this war have been justified. They are all the fault of Hamas as the vast majority of Gazans still support these terrorist thugs. And by Bernie’s own reasoning, these ‘Palestinians’ broke international law and should not receive one cent of aid from the American taxpayers. Bernie is an example of what happens when one’s religion is communism and personal wealth, in lieu of Judaism. He is a disgrace to the human race, just as are those who have voted for him in the past and who continue to vote for him. Perhaps Bernie’s home state shouldn’t get another nickel from Washington until they vote in someone other than a communist.

Democrats are working to get their stories together. Clearly, we can expect to hear some version of this to be coming from them right up to the election. They coordinate well. They never let truth get in the way either. Bernie is among those who insist upon holding Israel to standards that we here in American have never applied to ourselves and like never will. What concern did we show about the welfare of civilians when we bombed Hanoi and Haiphong in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. When did we drop leaflets, send texts, provide maps to safety? The U.S. breaks other countries laws every minute of every day. Double standard there much, Comrade Sanders?

As is always the case with Democrats, Sanders is simply spewing fiction and is quoting made up numbers. He knows as much about International and U.S. law as he knows about economics, a which is absolutely zero. When combatants embed themselves among civilians, THEY are 100 percent responsible for resultant casualties. That’s the LAW. Even allowing for the inflated figures the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths is about one third of what the U.S. army experienced in Afghanistan and Iraq. So please, spare me all of the political bullshit. If the sub-human Hamas animals really cared about their people, then they would surrender and lay down their arms.

Jews voting for Democrats is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders. Sanders is a despicable liar and a communist. I would argue that it might be time to let the air out of his tires. Babbling Bernie should tend to his own knitting and let others tend to theirs. Something that Sanders is completely oblivious to, or chooses to ignore, is the well-known fact that Hamas intercepts the humanitarian aid, keeps what their military needs and sells any small amount of surplus to the people. Hamas is the one committing war crimes here! Perhaps Sanders would like to point out who Hamas are and who Palestinians so the IDF could simplify the process for everyone.

Hamas is the duly elected leadership of the Palestinians. They put Hamas in power and still support them. Every poll says that the Palestinians in Gaza are in complete agreement with what Hamas did on October 7th. Let them bear some of that responsibility by at least getting the Hell out of the way as Israel seeks to make Hamas a dark stain on history. Israel has broken no international law that the world has applied to any other country. Over 50 years of suicide bombers and everything else has now come to this. Both sides hate each other so much there is no other solution. Those who have been the instigators of the violence must be exterminated!

Finally, Democrats are fine with the fact that Hezbollah, Hamas, the PLO and other such terrorist groups have been attacking and killing Israelis for over a half a century, with the attacks on October 7 being the most barbaric, but Israel putting an end to the violence is somehow breaking international law? Israel is at war. No country in history has attempted to be as careful with enemy civilians as Israel is today. Sanders should shut up about international law. Israel has the right to defend itself. And everyone knows that even one remaining Hamas terrorist will continue to try to murder Israelis. They all need to be exterminated, like the inhuman scum that they are.

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