

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


And so it was that another scum sucking Democrat, and one I’ve never even heard of,  was recently dragged out from under her rock by the imbeciles at MSDNC in what was clearly another attempt on the part of this joke of a cable ‘news,’ and their Democrat masters, to convince Republican voters that President Trump simply is not the man that we have somehow convinced ourselves that he is. Neither these Democrat stooges nor these ‘fake news’ pukes seem able to get it through their cement heads that there is nothing that they can say, or imply, that will dissuade anyone who genuinely loves this country from voting for President Trump, absolutely nothing!!!

And now to that scum sucking Democrats whom I’ve never heard of, and recently dragged out from under her rock. Her name is Donna Edwards who hasn’t been in Congress since 2017. She’s another of those leftwing loons who calls the ‘People’s Republic of Maryland’ home, so her rantings should come as not much of a surprise. And it was on Monday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Chris Jansing Reports” that she sounded almost gleeful as she claimed that President Trump doesn’t have the same “juice” because the New York business record trial was taking a toll on him. Seriously, who is Donna Edwards and why should any of us care what she thinks?

After all, this goofy bitch hasn’t been in Congress since 2017 and even then, she was just another Sheila Jackson Lee, and just as bright. Anyway, Edwards said, “Well, I think that’s certainly true. Look, it’s really clear that these, the trial is taking toll on Donald Trump and I think his ability to juggle between what he’s doing in the courtroom in Manhattan versus what he needs to do on the campaign trial. It is the reason you saw the organized rally in the Bronx, something close by, near his golf course in New Jersey.” And she then went on to add, “Again, I think you know, trying to conserve his energy and his time to make space for these trials."

She continued saying, “It’s not going to get easier as the calendar marches toward November. I do think that Brendan is right. There is a money issue and he doesn’t have the same kind of juice to draw those large crowds that he did back in 2016, certainly a lot less in 2020. So he has to go to these prepared, preplanned events in order to maximize the time that he’s spending out on the campaign trial.” And so might she be bragging about the corruption going on in the ‘justice system?’ This moron assumes that people who watch MSDNC will never see a Trump rally and that they will just believe what she says. But then, maybe she’s right about that.

The sound of desperation seems to run deep with these Democrats, at least seven years deep as it turns out. It’s in this clown, Edwards, that we seem to have yet another screwy Leftist attempting to cope with President Trump’s growing lead in the election and ends up admitting that the trials are open campaign interference. These Democrats continue to scream at the sky in the delusional belief that if they scream long enough and loud enough, their psychotic delusions will somehow become reality. But seriously, folks, how would this clown have any idea how President Trump is doing. She is a nobody and beneath him, just like every other Democrat hag alive.

Now I may not be as smart as Ms. Edwards, but it would seem to me that someone who, as she says, “doesn't have the juice,” wouldn’t have been able attract 100,000 people to a rally in deep blue New Jersey. And neither would he have been able to attract 10,000 people in the Bronx to cheer for him at a rally. And most importantly, it’s someone who “doesn't have the juice” that wouldn’t have led in the polls for seven months straight. This was a stupid comment, made by a stupid politician. Clearly the Democrats are whistling past the graveyard. This trial has been nothing more than a juice producer for both resident Trump and his millions of supporters.

It has become increasingly apparent that all these new ‘insta’ prosecutors and judges elected, or appointed, over the last three years are nothing more than jackals trying to pull down a lion. Any functioning Republic would never have allowed jackals such as Edwards to have undeserved power over other free individuals and innocent men. President Trump will be just fine! These Democrats have run out of horrible things to wish upon President Trump! President Trump just keeps getting stronger and stronger. The more the Left demonizes, and persecutes him, the more popular he becomes. Democrats are giving him more free publicity than he could possibly buy.

No other mere mortal could endure that which President Trump has had to endure. It’s obvious to even those unfamiliar with the law that the entire system has been rigged against him. Joey would have run off crying long ago if he had been made to face such unfair trials. And any of these Democrats, like this scumbag Edwards, would have folded after five minutes of what President Trump has been dealing with for years.  These people will make up anything in order to excuse what they are doing to President Trump. As is always the case with these Democrats, the end always justifies the means. But perhaps it was this time that they may have gone too far.

This latest attempt to smear President Trump is just another case of pure political propaganda that only serves to reveal what they’re trying to accomplish with all these illegitimate charges. They will once again fail, of that I have no doubt, either in the verdict or after the appeals. After all, there has been no actual crime committed. They had to make one up in the hope of getting a biased jury to issue a verdict on, but the first appeals court is very likely to overturn it based on the vacuity of the charge, without even going into the blatant bias of the court. And there’s no way in Hell the Supreme Court would uphold the charges the trial is predicated upon.

The entire scheme has likely backfired on the Democrats and rather spectacularly so. When all is said and done this fake trial nonsense will likely end up being little more than millions of dollar’s worth of free publicity for President Trump. Look, anyone with a brain knows this is all nothing more than a political stunt designed to prevent President Trump from campaigning. Democrats have shot themselves in both feet by demonstrating just how vile and corrupt they really are by weaponizing government agencies to attempt to assassinate, politically speaking for now, a political opponent. This is the type of BS that goes on in the Russia, China and other leftist cesspools.

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