

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Who knew that George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos was such a funny guy? I mean, really, if he ever loses his current gig on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ he could easily get a job as a stand-up comic. You see, ‘Stephy’ is another of those who seems to think that it’s somehow patriotic to endlessly trash your country while also being of the opinion that if you happen to be someone who opposes the effort to destroy our country, then you’re considered to be a threat to ‘democracy.’ I for one, however, disagree with ‘Stephy’s rather warped perspective, as I tend to see things just the opposite. It’s those like Stephy who actually represent the greatest threat to our Republic.

Those like ‘Stephy’ believe in those policies, and are enthusiastic supporters of an agenda, the goal of which is to bring about the end of our country. And it was this past Tuesday during an appearance on “The View” that ‘Stephy’ said he believed the so-called ‘deep state’ was “packed with patriots.” Clearly, one man’s “patriot” is another man’s traitor. And since when is ‘Stephy’ an authority on anything? He’s nothing more than a propagandist. If the ‘deep state’ truly was full of patriots our country wouldn’t be in the mess that it’s in. The ‘deep state’ is intrinsically anti-American. You cannot be part of it and still be a patriot. It’s impossible!!!

And it was co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin who said, “The book is so good. My favorite thing is you interviewed Situation Room staff. I have always said it’s White House staff whose names you’ll never know are the writers of history. They will tell us so many details.” ‘Stephy’ said, “That was my favorite part about doing the book. I interviewed about a hundred duty officers from the White House and these are people who come, they are relatively young people who come from all over the government, the CIA, the DIA, the Defense Department, military.” And he then went on to say, “Some people like to call those people the ‘deep state.'"

‘Stephy’ continued, by saying, “Well, the big thing I learned doing this book is that the deep state is packed with patriots, people who go to work every single day and are on the frontlines of the most intense crises the country faces and do it to serve their country and to serve the presidency, not the president. They don’t care about political parties. They’re there to serve the presidency and the institution.” And it was co-host Sunny Hostin who added, “And they’re doing it anonymously.” Stephy said, “Absolutely. As one of them told me…we serve in silence.” He simply makes up shit as he goes along and ‘The View’ dimwits go right along with him.

‘Stephy’ is nothing more than a freaking joke. He’s nothing more than a Democrat operative masquerading as a ‘journalist.’  He seems to think the unaccountable ‘deep state’ is a better steward of the country than those pesky populist voters and their representatives. And while patriots defend the Constitution and uphold the law, it’s those members of the ‘deep state’ that work only to subvert the Constitution and distort the law. Everything these Democrats say is the exact opposite of the truth. They do this in an effort to deceive and to create chaos. I love how desperate these Democrats have become. They’re hoping to ride this patriot identity to victory.

Those on the left are not patriots, they are the enemy within. I do agree with one portion of his comment, the people who are willing to stand on the front lines and do what it takes to keep this country safe ARE patriots, even if they work in the ‘deep state.’ What ‘Stephy’ chooses to ignore is that fact that it’s the top echelons of leadership in these agencies that are irrevocably corrupt and aligned to NWO political agendas. And they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of absolute power. ‘Stephy’ clearly, and carefully, constructed his words here to boost the perception of the ‘deep state,’ but his statement is inherently misleading and blatantly untruthful.

You gotta laugh a little at a crowd who can say “there is no such thing as a deep state” and can then turn around and claim the ‘deep state’ are the real patriots who know better than do the voters. First, they claim that it doesn’t exist and that people who believe it are conspiracy nuts, then they say “if it did exist it wouldn’t really be a bad thing.” Then they say, “It does exist, and it is a good thing.” Soon it will be, “It exists and is a good thing, and if you oppose it, you’re a threat to ‘democracy.’” He’s not even a good liar and he’s the kind of guy we used to stuff into lockers in high school. Stephy isn't even believable. He’s a political hack for the Democrats.

‘Stephy’ is the kid in high school that everyone knew, there’s always one or two, and they were the brunt of well-deserved ridicule. Stephy thinks that because he says something we’re supposed to believe it. Those in the ‘deep state’ believe that majority of American are just uneducated rubes and that because they are so highly educated, they know what is best for us. They seem to forget who built this country. Patriots want to make ‘America Great’ and they want to put America and the American people first. Meanwhile, it’s the ‘deep state,’ along with those in the Democrat Party, that are the antithesis of all that it means to be a true patriot.

They’re the same people who have allowed roughly 10 million illegal immigrants to enter our country and who left millions of dollars of military equipment in Afghanistan. They’re the same people that are still trying to sell the lie that Islam is not a cult based on hate, that white supremacy is our greatest threat, that diversity is our greatest strength and, of course, that President Trump is a treat to ‘democracy.’ ‘Stephy’ wouldn’t recognize a ‘patriot’ if they were sitting right in front of him. The "Deep State" has no regard for average ‘American people.’ They care not about the trials and tribulations of the commoners. They are only in it for themselves.

The ‘deep state’ is chocked full of arrogant, condescending, self-serving, lifetime bureaucrats who are ONLY concerned with their own influence, power and income and their ‘standing’ in the hierarchy of the ‘deep state.’ They could not care less about average, hard-working Americans. They protect themselves by voting Democrat and by attempting to scuttle anything that opposes the Democrat agenda. Their biggest fear is President Trump. They fear him because that can’t control him and they fear that he might just come in and take a flame thrower to the ‘deep state’ on his first day of office, and he now knows all the places to take that flame thrower to.

Joey’s personal approval rating is now sitting at historic lows; his policies are opposed by over half of the country. Recent polls now show him trailing President Trump in all but one of the supposed swing states. And he even feels it necessary to lie to sympathetic interviewers. In short, Joey has finally been exposed for what he truly is and has always been and represented. As a Senator and vice president Joey was always sort of a buffoon. As *president he is a grandstander who has handsomely profited from his office. And nothing that can be said by the likes of ‘Stephy’ is going to change any of that. But that doesn’t mean he won’t keep trying.

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