

Saturday, May 25, 2024


Gee, wouldn’t be just oh so great to be a Democrat? I mean, after all, they’re all so smart, so sophisticated, so clever, so cosmopolitan, so enlightened, so, so, so FUCKING STUPID!!! I swear, if I was a Democrat I’d blow my fucking brains out. It’s all of these morons who upon entering any room immediately see themselves as being the smartest person within eyeshot. Actually, it’s just the opposite that’s true. Let’s face it, these people will believe absolutely anything they’re told. They believe that they are somehow responsible for ‘climate change,’ they believe that men can be women and vice versa, and believe that abortion is somehow ‘women’s health.'

And there are those like CNN political commentator, and co-host of ‘The View,’ that flaming nutjob, Ana Navarro. Ms. Navarro seems to take great pleasure in demonstrating, on a daily basis, just how truly ignorant she is. I only say that because it’s she who is one of those Democrats who has apparently been convinced that there is really no need to ensure that our country’s borders should be secure and that there’s no need for a criteria to determine who is to be allowed into to our country. And she is also of the opinion that if you happen to disagree with her opinion then you have a “very stupid attitude.” Because, you see, she’s just so much smarter you.

You see, it was this past Friday during an appearance on CNN’s “Newsroom” that Navarro argued that anti-immigration Latinos who support President Trump have a “very stupid attitude.” It was host ‘Little Jimmy’ Acosta who said, “You and I’ve talked about this many times about his rhetoric, the rhetoric uses to talk about migrants and so on. I just have to ask you in when you look at the poll numbers and you see if you break out the demographics Trump is doing better among Latinos. He is doing better among African-American voters. It’s certainly is a threat to the president’s reelection campaign. What do you make it this disconnect?"

Navarro said, “This is the truth, and you and I know this, as Latinos, there are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them. And who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever. And that’s a very stupid attitude to have.” She added, “What folks don’t realize is that when the guide drives thousands of miles to go hunt down Latinos in a Walmart in Texas, he doesn’t care when you came here, he doesn’t care what your accent is. What he’s looking for is does it look like me? Does it sound like me?’ That is what he’s looking for."

She concluded, “So when people are anti-something, they’re not asking for your papers. They’re just anti that group.” This bimbo is just another stupid, hateful leftist. These people are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable as well. Liars like Ana Navarro try to hide the fact that not all ILLEGAL aliens are Hispanic. Africans, Chinese and potential Moslem Jihadis are also sneaking in thanks to the open border policy of Joey. Americans of every ethnic group want a secure border and country. Navarro is a member of what is an incredibly, willfully uninformed group of women. But that hasn’t prevented her from spewing her idiotic drivel.

This is what the elite truly think of the people they leech off of. It’s nice to see their masks being torn off by President Trump. Personally, I would consider it incredibly racist to assume that simply because someone is a Latino they automatically support illegal immigration. But that’s what Democrats think. The truth is that a majority of all people want immigration to be legal, safe, and fair. But in the racist mindset of Democrats, Hispanics should be glad to have more Hispanics invading the nation just as Blacks should be glad to have more Black criminals released into their cities, in their little minds everything revolves around racial tribalism, not love for America.

And it’s according to Navarro that Latinos possess a “very stupid attitude” if they believe that the level of opportunity that Latinos currently enjoy in this country will get severely reduced, and/or watered down, by those liberal whites who want to give everything they can to those who are in this country because of our Democrat created illegal immigration population explosion. It’s amazing just how many idiots continue to have a place at the podium. Thinking people resent, and rebel against, controlling types who are caught lying and misleading them. And all people rebel against controlling types who purposely go out of their way to demean them.

How do Hispanics like being called stupid simply because they don’t want to continue with historic inflation, a nonstop border invasion, rapidly escalating debt, higher taxes, a rotten public education system, endless wars, skyrocketing crime and high energy costs? I seem to be stupid also because I don’t like any of that; especially the communism they are trying to foist upon the country. You think its miserable now; imagine another four years with Joey as *president. By the way, how racist is it to automatically presume that ALL members of a given race or ethnic background MUST think in lockstep with these leftist noisemakers? Racist stereotyping at its worst.

You’ll notice that the approach that continues is one that involves calling President Trump’s supporters names and/or to make derogatory statements about them rather than offer reasons as to why our current *president deserves another four years.  Calling Hispanics stupid is not the way to get them to see your point of view. Hispanics are not anti-immigration they are anti-illegal immigrant invasion of the country. Unable to comprehend a minority person having a different opinion, leftists typically result to verbal abuse. It's because the Left view themselves as perfect, incapable of ever being wrong. They, and they alone know what’s best for our country.

Hispanics who oppose this were immigrants...the only part of her screed she got right. The people they want to keep out are those coming here illegally. Whether they are black, white, brown, yellow, or whatever, it doesn't matter. And Navarro has either forgotten, or chooses to ignore, the fact that legal immigrants who busted their tail to get here are angry that the Democrats seem determined to simply hand to illegal immigrants everything they had to work so hard for. The ones who spent thousands in fees and taxes to become legal certainly hate working and paying taxes that go to feed and house those people who broke the law to get here.

Navarro calling anyone stupid is laughable. Her lack of respect for those who disagree with her and others on the left is one of the primary reasons many in the minority community are getting fed up with the Democrats and their contempt for those groups they pretend to work for. Navarro is far disconnected from the lives of the working-class folks. Working class Hispanic communities are harmed by illegal immigrants. Many of the illegals form gangs in these same communities and commit crimes. They compete for jobs with established immigrants which lowers wages. Illegal immigration does nothing but harm those Hispanics in the U.S. legally.

This is a perfect illustration of all that’s wrong with the Democrats: they are possessed by an arrogant, self-superior spirit that belittles and insults those of opposing views. When they say “diversity”, what they really mean is: only wacko liberal, trans cultist, intrinsic racist, woke ideology is tolerated; all opposing views are to be deemed as politically incorrect and must be censored, banned, deleted, demonetized etc. Navarro is arrogant and delusional. Again Navarro goes full generalist simpleton for people who don’t question what or why, a tactic employed by a “journalist,” and the company she works for, to nudge folks in the ‘right’ direction.

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