

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


So riddle me this, at a time when we are all paying more than twice what we were paying for a gallon of gas just four years ago, are contending with the highest rate of inflation in over 40 years, are sitting on the brink of World War III, have a southern border that is essentially wide open and so very much more, how is it that we have those in this country who actually believe, or have allowed themselves to be convinced, that abortion trumps all other more important issues. It’s as if Democrats believe that all of these issues would somehow magically resolve themselves if only we grant to women the right to murder their baby up to the moment of birth.

As I have said before, abortion is not a federal issue, and for the very simple reason that abortion appears nowhere in the Constitution. It’s a matter to be handled by individual states. Any federal legislation, be it pro-life or pro-abortion, is simply unconstitutional. Desperate Democrats who are fearmongering and catering to single-issue voters, those voters who think that killing babies is far more important than secure borders, quelling the old diseases that are new again, getting violent crime under control and being able to sustain a reasonable standard of living or ensuring that we do not turn into some third world dictatorship. It’s simply ludicrous!!!

One of the more vocal fearmongers is Hitlery. And it’s according to Hitlery that if President Trump is reelected, “all” women would “live in a state where abortion” was restricted or banned which, of course, we all know is just another lie told by this old hag. President Trump revealed his stance on abortion in a video posted to Truth Social on April 8. And in his video, President Trump said the topic of abortion is “about the will of the people,” adding that people should follow their hearts, religion, or faith when it comes to the issue. But as we all know the Democrats are not at all concerned about “the will of the people.” After all, what do “the people” know?

Despite President Trump revealing his stance on abortion, Hitlery has previously tried to argue that if Trump is re-elected as president, he will implement abortion bans and restrictions. And it was the day after he released his video that the old girl was out saying, “A good way to gauge what Donald Trump will do on abortion rights is to look at what he’s already done.” And she went onto add, “What he’s done is make possible the worst abortion bans in 50 years, and brag about it.” Hitlery knows how easily some people can be manipulated by greed and hate, even the most educated. Heck, sometimes it is easier to fool the overly educated than it is the less educated.

It was in June of 2022 that the Supreme Court arrived at the appropriate decision on Roe versus Wade in returning the issue of abortion back down to state lawmakers and voters. While President Trump was already out of office at that point, as president he had appointed Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. States such as Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina have since implemented a six-week ban on abortion. Nine states in the southern region have passed almost near-total bans on abortion. In Arizona, Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs recently repealed an 1864 abortion law that had banned almost all abortions in the state.

And yet despite all of this, Hitlery claimed in a post on X, in which she shared an image of a map of the United States that showed which states have banned or placed restrictions on abortions, that under a second Trump presidency “all” women would be living in a state with abortion bans or restrictions. She wrote, “Right now, one in three American women live in a state where abortion is restricted or outright banned.” And added, “If Trump wins office again, it’ll be all of us.” Blah, blah, blah. This is simply more of the same from this pathetic old harpy, who doesn’t give a crap about the country and, if we’re being honest, doesn’t give a crap about women.

Yes, by all means, should President Trump be re-re-elected the Moon and Sun will stop shining, the Earth will start spinning in the opposite direction and high tides will flood only the blue states. It’s just so fucking amazing!!! Notice that Hitlery doesn’t apply that same line of reasoning to the argument that President Trump will “be a dictator” and “never leave office.” If he was going to refuse to leave the presidency, wouldn’t he still be there from the first time he ran and won. On the other hand, we know that if *president Biden is re-elected, children will be sexually mutilated, men will play in women's sports, and porno books will pushed into elementary schools.

You can always count on Hitlery to hate the life of others. She and her throngs are dedicated to the eugenic practices of abortion, assisted suicide, and the democidal policies of the left. Much of the ongoing strife in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere are the direct result of the numerous foreign policy blunders both during her husband's administration and when she served as one of our worst Secretaries of State during ‘BO’s administration. Everywhere she as ever gone she has left a trail of death, destruction, and dislocation behind her. It’s really the only thing she has really ever been any good at. And she still thinks people wanna hear what she has to say.

It’s all up to the woman. A woman has total control of the situation, the part played by the man  in creating this new life means absolutely NOTHING. Nothing under the law, nothing under authority, nothing at all. Democrats act as if all women become pregnant like the Virgin Mary. There is no such thing as a ‘man’ being involved or needed. Only women have children, so says those like Hitlery. Men just have temporary visitation of children so long as the mother permits it. And are there REALLY still people who take this woman at her word? I remember the whole circus which commenced when she lost but I thought she’d been cast out for good.

Is she just still clinging to the hope she’ll be some kind of eleventh-hour surprise replacement for Joey? The next time one of her predictions comes true will be the first. You don’t need to keep track, she’s been wrong every time so far. Once again Hitlery is playing to the fools. We all know that President Trump will not touch the abortion issue. He accepted the Supreme court decision that took it out of the hands of the federal government and gave it to the states where it has always rightfully belonged. Hitlery knows this but is counting on her useful idiots to get bent on it, ignorant idiots too lazy and incompetent to actually research it. As usual.

And why not say that President Trump is going to bring back Prohibition? Or allow driving only on weekdays? Or that one can buy only certain foods on certain days? Their claims have now gotten that ridiculous. These people’s fear mongering is getting pretty old. It’s hard to believe there’s still an audience for it. We can likely thank our public school system for that, that and our supposed institutions of higher learning who simply finish the job started in our K-12 public schools. And if Joey and Democrats are re-elected, abortion will then become mandatory in the United States. And the country will continue down the road to ruin, make no mistake.

Every four years the world’s greatest liars show up claiming to have knowledge of events that are going to happen if someone they dislike happens to win. And they can always count on being provided with a platform from which the able to spew their idiotic nonsense because such is the state of modern ‘journalism.’ We no longer have bona fide ‘journalists,’ all we have are political activists who simply call themselves ‘journalists’ and who expect to be taken seriously. Hitlery is a pathological liar, a cancerous chancre who, far from being someone to be listened to, should be shunned until she brings herself to wander off into the wilderness never to be seen again.

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