

Saturday, May 18, 2024


I’m sure that I’ve likely made this argument before, but please don’t hold that against me. You see, I think we can all agree that Democrats come in varying degrees dishonesty and lack of character. Most always try to boost their resume by claiming to be something they never were or, for that matter, something they could have never been. For example, it was one of those Democrats who once thought it might be a good idea to claim that he had once served in Viet Nam and fancied himself sort a war hero for having done so. In truth, this same guy received at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and enlisted in the Marine Reserve, a move that virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam.

The military record also suggests that this same Democrat made every effort to avoid going to war. But none of that seemed matter to those who tend to vote for Democrats, which, I would argue, says as much about them as it does this particular Democrat. And, I might add, the fact that this particular Democrat happens to be worth 100 million dollars like afforded to him the luxury of burying any derogatory political ads that might have come his way. That and a very friendly ‘fake news’ media that was likely more than happy to make sure that the story never made it out into the light of day. Because that’s just how it works when you happen to be a Democrat. And the Democrat of whom I speak is Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

So despite his blatant lack of character, Democrats in his state saw fit to elect him as one of their representatives in the U.S. Senate back in 2010 and again in 2016 and yet again in 2022, which, as I said, says far more about the imbeciles who live in his state than it says about the man himself. So the only reason I bring this up is because the fraud, this fucking liar was recently out and about doing what he does best, which is to lie. I can only assume that the folks back home must be oh so proud of this moron who they sent off to Washington to represent them. You see, it was this past Friday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that this fraud declared that Democrats must make the Supreme Court an election issue.

It was during this particular interview that Blumenthal said, “What I think we need to do now is put the Supreme Court on the ballot, say that membership on the Supreme Court is going to be a lasting impact of this election, and that the choices as to who will replace the current justices likely will be made by the next president. The choices we make in this election will determine whether or not the Supreme Court really reflects America. As to its plummeting support in the American public, you know, the Supreme Court is a fundamentally anti-democratic institution, chosen by a president, elected by no one, sitting for life. If it begins losing trust, as it’s doing, it will be very, very difficult for it to recover."

And he went on to say, “But we need to make sure that there is support for a Supreme Court that would reflect America’s basic values.” He added, “We need to put the blame on Republicans for what’s happening in the Supreme Court. They are the ones responsible for the current members, Thomas and Alito, are flagrantly are violating basic standards of principle and decency. The American people ought to understand these choices that are made in elections will have consequences for the courts, and that is putting the courts on the ballot.” Now I must admit that I do have to chuckle every time some Democrat touts how it’s his party that is the great supporter of American values, when nothing could be further from the truth.

If the Supreme Court reflected American values instead of the Constitution, a percentage of Americans would be chattel. The purpose of the Court is to interpret law according to the U.S. Constitution, not according to the whim of the people. The Supreme Court is the one institutions that the wokesters haven’t, quite yet anyway, succeeded in capturing by force. And when you’re on a campaign of brute force world domination, that’s simply intolerable. So they seem to have decided as a party that if they can’t capture it then the only other option available is that they must try to burn it down. It’s how they operate. Noble guardians of our democratic institutions that they are. And Blumenthal is one of the arsons.

Most noticeable, I think, is this clown’s failure to address the role that the Senate plays in the appointment of Justices. By that omission he claims that a sitting president can place anyone on the court and thus unilaterally influence future generations. That is only true if the Senators abrogate their sworn duty to only confirm those appointments deemed qualified. Anyone watching confirmation hearings on television will witness ‘party’ partisans supporting obviously unqualified appointees simply because they’re willing to support the radical leftwing agenda. During the Kavanagh hearings unbridled hatred of ‘all things Trump’ resulted in Senators lying, bearing false witness and generally making fools of themselves.

Don’t you just love hearing from lying Democrats. Knowing their background and their dishonesty makes me believe everything they have to say. Every time this guy opens his mouth, he reveals who he is, and what kind of a person he is. The question is, are those who put him into his current position of power listening. Likely they are not, or they simply don’t care. “Decency,” says this promoter of late term abortions and who lied about his service in Vietnam. More than a little ironic, don’t you think? To have a disgraceful proven liar champion this blatantly communist move is very fitting. Americans should disregard anything this liar has to say and vote clowns like him out of office. But will they, that’s the question.

The end goal of those like Blumenthal is to de-legitimatize the Supreme Court, now that it's a majority Constitutional conservative court, thanks to President Trump. And what makes their blood run cold is the slightest chance that President Trump will, this time, win his re-election and may actually get the opportunity to appoint one or two more justices during his tenure. So the Democrats are in a fevered panic to de-legitimatize the Supremes, so they can then justify and encourage ignoring any decision they make and justify encouraging violence from their crazy leftist base for any decision they disagree with. Just look at how they’ve justified and encouraged the mindless left to go full-Nazi and attack Jews the past several months.

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