

Saturday, May 4, 2024


The closer we get to the next election, the louder the Democrats, and their supporters, become regarding the need to save our democracy and the threat to democracy posed by President Trump as well as by those who continue to support him. But it’s important to keep in mind here that the Democrats do not actually define democracy in the same way that normal people do. And it’s a mistake, a very dangerous mistake, to believe that do. Democrats have their own rather unique way of defining democracy, one that is far more conducive to their leftist way of thinking, and one that more closely supports their grand plan for America.

Which brings me to Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” during which host Bill Maher stated that voters who aren’t talking about democracy and are worried about the cost of living instead “need to be slapped up the head,” because the democracy issue is important as well. He argued that people “do care about democracy also,” in addition to economic issues. While the panel was discussing whether 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Donald Trump would leave office at the end of his second term if he wins in 2024, Fox News Contributor and former Trump Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway wondered why that was the topic of discussion.

Maher responded, “Why are we talking about whether elections matter in America?” Conway responded, “I’ve been a pollster for decades, a fully recovered attorney and happy about it. My job is the prism of the people. People are not talking about that. Bill, they honestly are talking about bacon and eggs, the insurance, the utilities, they’re trying to meet everyday expenses.” Maher cut in to state, “Well, then they need to be slapped up the head, because it’s [important]. People do care about democracy also, they do, maybe not the circles you run in.” Isn't this the same turd who wanted a recession and inflation if it got rid of President Trump.

Even though Maher occasionally challenges the leftist agenda, he's really just a shill for the Democrats. There’s no question that he intends on voting for Joey. This whole canard about President Trump not leaving office at the end of a second term and the “end of Democracy” is beyond stupid. They act as if there’s this interminable time President Trump will remain in power, forgetting the fact that he will be in his 80s and nearing the end of his life. To say nothing of the fact that he already did leave office the first time and on the date appointed. It would seem that the stage is now being set to fool Americans again with another fake election.

But then, that’s all they have. That and a gaggle of far left lawyers who got law degrees because of their minority status and who continually reveal a shocking lack of knowledge of the duty they have to upholding the law. They, like their handlers, just want to win at any cost. If Joey doesn’t succeed in his quest to jail President Trump then it’s all but guaranteed that Trump retakes the White House in November, where he will then be able to start arresting and throwing in jail his political opponents. As for inflation, how in the heck are we supposed to promote China and/or meet our climate goals if the middle class is allowed to live a comfortable, modern lifestyle?

Asking about whether Trump will leave willingly after his term is the most insane, stupid, asinine question! Maher asks insulting questions like that to conservative women only. How do you answer a “why do you beat your wife” type question? Maher is a stone-cold stupid. Claiming to be worried about democracy when President Trump wins but refusing to see the wholesale attack on our liberties and utter lawlessness under Joey. I guess trying to jail your political opponent doesn’t qualify as a threat to democracy for Mr. Maher. He must have short term memory loss if he doesn’t remember the government abuses of the people during the covid years.

Hungry people living paycheck to paycheck are more easily controlled. And if you happen to be someone who can’t pay the rent, the utilities, or for groceries, I’d wager that that would be the number one thing that’s on your mind. And I would also wager that you would like see getting rid of Joey as being the solution to your dilemma. Because getting rid of Joey would go a long way in reclaiming our constitutional Republic, and putting the Democrats out on the street where they rightfully belong! The economy is what’s important to most people, hence it’s whenever the economy is brought up it’s important for lefties to change the subject.

Finally, I’m pretty sure that Maher doesn’t have to scrimp to buy groceries or gasoline, doesn’t have to live paycheck to paycheck, and he’s now so far out of the mainstream that’s there’s simply no reason to listen to him. It’s Joey who’s the threat to our democratic process, and to free speech and to a system of justice based not on politics but of the rule of law. Democrats understand that if they maintain their rhetoric that President Trump represents an existential threat to our democracy, there are those who will believe them. But it’s quite the contrary! Wake up America and vote to retain your rights and your freedoms. Vote for President Trump!!!

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