

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


As we head into our next election there must be one very clear objective for Republican voters if we are to have any hope of salvaging what’s left of our country. And just what might that primary objective be? First and foremost, we must make sure to vote against every RINO that appears on the ballot before us. In some cases one might as well vote Democrat, as the differences between the two are nearly nonexistent. When faced with the choice is between a RINO and a typical Democrat, take the Democrat. Democrats will reliably knife you from the front, meanwhile RINOs will wait for the perfect moment to plunge the knife into our back!!!

And we must operate on the premise that President Trump will be victorious in November, and we all remember who were the biggest obstacles last time around in preventing President Trump from getting much more done. And this time around we must focus on reducing the number of potential obstacles, not adding to them. Which brings me to Larry Hogan, Republican Senate candidate from Maryland. Hogan has made it clear on numerous occasions that he is no friend of President Trump. So why on Earth should he be elected to the U.S Senate when he has so very clearly made it known that he would not be there to help a reelected President Trump?

Hogan recently released a campaign ad in which he promised to codify Roe v. Wade if elected, to allow women to make their “own choice.” It was in a campaign video ad posted to X that Hogan said, “Today, with Roe overturned, many have asked what I’ll do in the United States Senate. I’ll support legislation that makes Roe the law of the land in every state, so every woman can make her own choice.” And it was during this same ad that Hogan said, “As governor, I promised to uphold Maryland law and abortion, while providing over-the-counter birth control covered by insurance. And, I kept my word.” That statement alone would disqualify him from receiving my vote.

Hogan has stated that he would support legislation to codify Roe v. Wade and has described himself as being “pro-choice.” And it was in a recent interview with the New York Times that Hogan said he would “support restoring Roe as the law of the land.” It was during that interview that he said, “I’ll continue to protect the rights of women to make their own reproductive choices just like I did as governor for eight years.” He said, “I think Marylanders know and trust that when I give them my word, I’m going to keep it, and I’ve protected these rights before. And I’ll do it again in the Senate by supporting a bipartisan compromise to restore Roe as the law of the land."

Hogan is set to face off against Democrat Senate candidate Angela Alsobrooks, who just might be the better choice here (bite my tongue). Alsobrooks seems to genuinely hold her beliefs, while Hogan simply says whatever he thinks he must to get elected. Name one major conservative issue that he would vote with Republicans on? He’s for abortion and citizenship for illegals. So riddle me this, what really is the difference between Hogan and Alsobrooks? I feel, with some degree of certainty, that Hogan, if elected, would work just as hard as any Democrat to disrupt President Trump’s agenda. Most certainly he would not be a help, he’d be a hindrance to MAGA.

And what does this so-called Republican actually believe in? He most certainly is no conservative. And assuming that he really believes what he’s saying, he is clearly unfit to be a Republican Senator. Look, Hogan is all about Hogan. He destroyed the Republican party in Maryland. Abortion On Demand, for any reason, is not where the National Republican base is right now. Hogan would be one of the most useful RINOs for Democrats if he gets in. Our cadre of RINOs has already gone too far to the left when it comes to rainbow nonsense and baby murder. Soon they’ll be all for butchering children and pumping them full of hormones. We are being conned.

Hogan is a Democrat, plain and simple. Typical of deep blue states, he is the fallback candidate when the official Democrat is too radical for even Democrat voters to support. If elected, he will be just another Democrat in the U.S. Senate for Schumer to tell how to vote. The very claim that he wants to codify Roe V Wade says out loud that he rejects federalism. This is how we got the likes of Romney, Murkowski, Snow and so many more. Keep making these deals and wonder why when we’re in a majority nothing gets done. Just infighting and working against the duly elected president of their own party if it turns out to be President Trump.

With open borders and Bidenomics, abortion should not be anyone’s top concern, and yet Hogan insists upon making it difficult to vote for him. What’s his rationale for not simply allowing the decision to remain with the states, just as the Supreme Court ruled? Reproductive Choice is picking a condom or the pill. Once the baby is formed reproduction is complete and now “the choice” becomes one of whether, or not, to terminate that promising life that has zero say in any of it. Hogan is a morally bankrupt fool and as such is not worthy of anyone’s vote. He is not the lesser of two evils, we do not need more his type in government. His type are the problem.

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