

Friday, May 10, 2024


I think we can all agree that there are only two things at which the Democrats accel, thoroughly fucking things up before then making excuses for all the collateral damage caused by those things that they have so thoroughly fucked up. And one of the more proficient of the excuse makers on the left would be none other than he whose only claim to fame was in getting ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton elected back in 1992, James Carville. But then, even then he got some help from a third party candidate, but we won’t go into that, what’s done is done. It’s ancient history. What’s going on in the present is far more important, because our country is now hanging by a thread.

In getting back to those excuses I mentioned, this time around it was during an appearance this past on Thursday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “Cuomo,” that Carville was out practicing his craft and he stated that *president Joe Biden “listened to these idiot left-wingers when he got into office” on the border and fell behind on the issue, and went on to add that Joey can still salvage the issue. And it was host, and former CNN hack, Chris Cuomo who asked, “What do you make of Biden’s two-pronged pivot on immigration and why it took him so long? He’s got the executive action he’s doing. … The numbers are in the toilet. … Is it too little too late?"

Carville answered, “I don’t think so. I think he’d like — he listened to these idiot left-wingers when he got into office and got a little bit behind the 8 ball here. But there was a piece by my friend, Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX), the Democratic nominee for Senate, with a Republican businessman [that] is echoing what President Clinton said, let these people work. They’re in here. They’re waiting for asylum hearings. They’re waiting for this. Let’s put them to work. And I think Colin is exactly right. … We have these migrants, they’re here, we’re waiting to figure out what to do with them, but let’s let them be employed. Let’s put them in — let’s put them to work."

Gee, thanks for enlightening us, genius. To those of us with a brain it’s been obvious for the last three and a half years now that the Bernie Sanders wing of the Communist, oops, Democrat Party has been calling the shots. And it seems only to be dawning on this boob now? And you can bet that Carville will be among those claiming how heartless it is to send them all back. After all, who will do all the work? So we might as well let them stay, and as long as they’re here they might as well get Obama Care, a free education, Social Security, and oh yeah, they should also get to vote. How Democrats’ approach any issue is determined by how it can benefit their party.

And can we assume that Carville must be having problems will illegals right there in his own neighborhood? The only time Democrats ever get upset is when they’ve been forced to contend with the consequences of their own policies. And isn’t Carville one of those same idiot left wingers? So what’s he babbling about? Just sayin’! Carville can blame “these idiot left-wingers” all he wants, but it was Joey who opened the borders to “fundamentally transform” America. He openly applauded the fact that whites will become a minority in the land that they created just a few generations ago, all to ensure the creation of millions of brand spanking new Democrat voters.

Joey “listened to these left-wingers?” Really? Joey is nothing more than a piece of furniture. Clearly the deep state elites want to control America and they can only do that with Democrats in control of Washington. And what better way to accomplish just that than to flood the country with future Democrat voters. Joey is a puppet of these radical left-wingers, he owes them and is owned by them. We in America, as well as those in the world, are paying the price for what was clearly a fraudulent election. I know Carville can’t think about anything that isn’t politics, otherwise he would be totally independent, but surely even he must know that Joey is ‘BO’s puppet.

And, I am curious, just who is it that Carville lumps under the heading of “idiot left-wingers?” Might that be old ‘BO’ himself, or perhaps every Democrat member of Congress, various Democrat governors? Who? Because it was all of them that were cheering Joey on when he brought to an end all of those policies that had been so successful in stemming the flood of illegal immigrants into this country because they had been put in place by President Trump. So his claim seems to ring more than a bit hollow. He’s another rotten left-wing kook with an insane ego. That’s likely why he has continued to be a go-to guy for so many in the ‘fake news’ media.

Finally, we all know the Democrats play the long game and on the subject of illegal immigration that long game has been going since 1965 when Lyndon Johnson signed into law The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act and more recently as the 1965 Immigration Act. Clearly the goal has been to allow into this country as many illegals as possible so when the time comes Democrats gain complete power they can give citizenship to all those here illegally, and then its game over. The only chance we have to re-elect President Trump and begin work to deport as many as we can despite the fact that Democrats will likely try to tie them up in courts for years.

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