

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


More and more of these leftwing haters of President Trump, as well as of those who continue to support him, seem to be coming more and more unhinged by the day. And whether they’re in politics or are merely members of the ‘fake news’ media machine, it matters not. They are all behaving as someone who is clearly off their meds and have been for some time. These people seem totally dumbfounded that there are still millions of Americans who stubbornly support President Trump while at the same time being totally incapable of hiding their disgust, and their frustration, that there are so many folks who refuse to support their guy, Joey.

It was during another bizarre exchange that took place on MSDNC’s ‘Morning Joe’ that commentator, and resident imbecile, Donny Deutsch made the rather idiotic claim that Republicans supporting President Trump would be “voting for the end of democracy.” So I’m curious, if I’m a threat to ‘democracy’ because I support President Trump, what exactly does that make someone who supports Joey other than a child molesting pervert? Or, someone who thinks it’s just fine for children to be exposed to all manner of sexual deviants and/or who believes boy can be girls and vice versa. I mean, that’s only fair right? This sort of logic works both ways.

Host Joe ‘The Schmo’ Scarborough started things off saying, “This year, you’re not just voting for a Republican, it is a vote for a candidate who doesn’t believe in the most basic principles of democracy. I don’t want to waste my breath on it. Everybody knows about the killing of generals, et cetera, et cetera. But you have Republicans, the Peter Millar vest-wearing Republicans who want to say, you know, it is Republicans and Democrats. What’s the difference? It’s a vote, actually, for somebody that does not subscribe to the most basic precepts of American democracy against a candidate who does. It’s that simple, Donny, isn’t it?” In a way he’s right, just not how he thinks.

Deutsch responded by saying, “It is. We’ve said many times on the show, when an authoritarian tells you what they’re going to, do pay attention to him. Now, his followers are going to tell you what to do so pay attention to it. For anybody, Joe, we can take off the list, whether it is no longer a free election, whether it is a weaponized Justice Department, whether it is an independent Federal Communication Commission, on and on. People say, it’s not going to happen because we have the checks and balances, institutions. You’re already seeing, there will be no checks and balances.” But it’s Joey who seems to ignore those checks and balances.

He added, “We have the tell for fearless leader and the tell from the followers. So there’s no mystery here. So there is absolutely no mystery here. So anybody that votes Republican and doesn’t understand you’re voting for the end of democracy, just pay attention to the Sunday shows this past weekend.” Donny is a howling Deutsch-bag! An end to democracy comes after you’ve jailed your political opponent for political crimes right before an election. You don’t need an expensive law firm when you have the DOJ. Every time someone on the left touts the death of democracy, I wait for just one concrete example of how that will happen, and I’m still waiting!

And just out of curiosity, this end of democracy that they continue to rave about, do we actually know that that it would be a bad thing? After all, look at what Democracy has done to places like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and California, to name just a few examples. The Founding Fathers hated Democracy and with good reason. If the imbecile Donny Deutsch believes that this is democracy under Joey’s oppressive regime then democracy must end and we have to once again elect Trump as president. Deutsch is just another panicked Democrat providing an absurd opinion without any facts whatsoever, and just makes himself look like a clown.

Conservatives believe in following the Constitution, while the Left believes that it only gets in the way. Which sounds more like a threat to democracy? And I keep hearing how democracy will die if we reelect President Trump. But what all of these morons ignore is the guy they’ve chosen to support. I think most Republicans would admit that President Trump does not always seem like the nicest guy, and he clearly says things that I would not say myself. But you cannot argue that the policies that he put forward during his first term had a positive impact on the life of every single American. We had far more disposable income leftover after paying for necessities.

Western civilization appears to have entered an age where, under the cover of media malfeasance, mentally and morally defective creatures have weaseled their way into positions of power to inflict their broken moral compass and mental illnesses onto normal people. Allowing clueless ‘free stuff’ boobs to elect seditious leftists who loot the public treasury to enrich themselves, their cronies, and to pay for all that ‘free stuff’ has consequences. The only way to fix this is a planetary moratorium of the right to vote for the taxpayer funded free stuff people. If they are not intelligent enough to take care of themselves, then they are not intelligent enough to vote.

What, I ask you, does anyone on the left really know about ‘democracy?’ As far as they’re concerned, it means being controlled by the government and saluting Big Brother. I do believe that these Democrats need a new mantra. “Worse than Hitler” didn’t work, and “Trump will end democracy” is getting pretty stale, pretty fast. Liberals have nothing to offer but fearmongering, since they have no positive accomplishments on which to run. As usual they accuse their ‘enemy’ of doing all of the things they are currently doing. Perhaps those like Deutsch should try telling the world about all of the positives of Joey and his circus act of an administration.

And they never really say why, or how, democracy is going to end, and so lacking any facts or evidence they simply make shit up. Yes, we use the democratic process to elect our leaders. We also have an Electoral College to vote for president, based upon the number of votes the candidate gets. That’s not a democracy. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. If only more people understood that I doubt that they would be in such a hurry to believe such nonsense. The power was given to the people, not the bureaucrats. But they sold us out and now represent their own selfish interests while essentially telling the people to fuck themselves.

And considering we don’t have a democracy in the U.S., destroying it really doesn’t appear to be a problem, does it? How can we destroy that which does not exist? We are NOT a democracy. Never have been. We are a representative republic. Teaching our children that we are a democracy is wrong. Democracy and Republic are not synonymous. They are not one and the same. So the left needs to stop talking and believing as though they are and do some research beyond the superficial propaganda spewed by these shills. Whenever Democrats rant about how President Trump is such a threat it’s obvious they’ve taken what was said out of context and out of character.

I don’t seem recall a majority of Americans saying that they wanted open borders, wanted to increase the number of refugees admitted every year, wanted to add more judges to courts across the nation for the sole purpose of legislating his party’s agenda from the bench that would increase the number of people on welfare and food stamps, change our laws to allow illegal immigrants to vote in our elections, eliminate voter ID, give driver's licenses to illegal aliens, give free health care to illegals, eliminate the 1st Amendment to silence their opposition, destroy the religious right, give control of sex education classes to Planned Parenthood and so much more!

Obviously, it is those on the left who are trying to control free speech, eliminate the second amendment and institute one party rule by skewing the voter base with illegals. That is the true threat. These projectionists never stop. As the Republican candidate is being tried in four jurisdictions, they claim electing President Trump will somehow bring an end to ‘democracy.’ As Rush Limbaugh used to say, Democrats viscerally hate having to run for reelection. They truly believe you get voted in and stay at your own pleasure, because people need to be ruled. Look how Joey’s campaign is floating the trial balloon to have a virtual convention. That speaks volumes.

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