

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Ok, so it’s 2024 and the 2016 presidential election was almost eight years ago. And while you would think that Hitlery would have finally come to grips with her rather humiliating defeat, as most intelligent people would long ago have been able to do, that appears not to be the case. And while she has composed a rather impressive list of reasons for having lost, she always returns to the same old excuse. You see, she lost the 2016 election for the very simple reason that she’s a woman. She remains unable to accept that there were a number of reasons why she lost, not one was because she is a woman. Most likely it was because people just didn’t like her.

And so it was that in a recently released interview Hitlery again blamed the fact that female voters abandoned her back as her 2016 presidential campaign came to a close and on her not being “perfect.” Seriously? It remains obvious that Hitlery is still smarting from her defeat by Trump in 2016. And if he wins again in 2024, old Hitlery’s head will likely explode into a million pieces. What the propaganda press should be asking her is if she’ll accept the 2024 election results regardless of outcome. She has yet to accept the 2016 results which would seem to show that she suffers from mental illness. She’s going to die a bitter, angry, old woman, and she will not be missed.

It was in an interview she did with the New York Time back in February, and released this past Saturday that Hitlery said, “They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me because, as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect.” She went on to argue that female voters took a “risk” on President Trump because he is a man. She said, “They were willing to take a risk on [Trump] — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander-in-chief.” Just a thought, but maybe she lost because she’s simply a mean-spirited, self-entitled, old shrew with a bad attitude?

Hitlery also chose to criticize fellow Democrats for not cementing abortion rights into law before the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade in 2022, which, as we all know, simply resulted in sending abortion back to the states. She said, “We didn’t take it seriously, and we didn’t understand the threat,” Clinton said. “Most Democrats, most Americans, did not realize we are in an existential struggle for the future of this country.” And she added, “We could have done more to fight.”  She went on to say, “Authoritarians, whether they be political or religious based, always go after women. It’s just written in the history, and that’s what will happen in this country."

And so there you have it, those men who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 were, so says Hitlery, were nothing but a bunch of male chauvinist pigs. So there!!! You have to ask yourself, does this woman ever blame herself for anything? She was one of the worst candidates ever to run for president. She was a mediocre, at best, U.S. Senator and an even worse Secretary of State. And let’s be honest, the only reason she was that candidate in the first place is because she’s a woman. Personally, I love the fact that it keeps her up at night, that she remains unable to grasp her loss, the fact that she is a monumental failure, and her rapid descent from power.

Hitlery still blames everyone but herself. She will still be doing this even as she’s cast into the fires of Hell! She lost because she was simply not all that likable. Any thinking person knew that she was only out for herself, that was as plain as the nose on her face. She’s blamed her loss on everything except on the fact that she’s a fascist bitch. It doesn’t get any funnier than this. The best thing about Hitlery is knowing that she will never, ever, be President of the United States. Never, never, never. Hitlery needs to get back to the basics. She is a loser, she needs to accept that fact and move on from there. Stop trying to blame others for her shortcomings.

And I have no doubt that she celebrates every time they come up with a new way to try to punish President Trump for having the gall to challenge the status quo by running and winning. That’s part of their motivation, not just the upcoming election. I went to bed early the night of the election, fearing having to watch Hitlery prance around with her celebrity posse, yet again, and for the next four years. I was quite surprised when I dared check the results the next morning. Then, I went quietly throughout my day with a smile on my face. My one and only fear is there are still those in this country willing to side with those like her who want to destroy America.

She sucked as a candidate, and in every possible way she could. First, she got defeated by a guy who had yet to finish out two full years of his first six-year term as a U.S. Senator. Then she got defeated by a complete novice to the world of politics.  She was a lousy candidate, uninspiring, entitled, no charisma, and no platform. She ran a lousy campaign, ignored sound advice, assumed that people would elect her because it was her turn. So how many years have to go by, how many emails does she have to illegally erase and how many ambassadors does she have to abandon to their deaths, before she finally realizes that she is incapable of being elected?

And the liberal ‘fake news’ media pundits keep criticizing President Trump because of he continues to claim that the election he lost was rigged. Meanwhile, it’s Hitlery who can’t stop complaining about how it was that she was robbed back in 2016. And no one seems to mind that she keeps bringing it up incessantly. I have no doubt that she will end up taking it with her to the grave, and possibly even beyond. Isn’t that the definition of an election denier? the Democrats have gone all out in their effort to get President Trump for doing the very same thing. And yet, after eight long years Hitlery is allowed to continue to bitch and moan with nary a word every being said.

Democrats and their army of ‘fake news’ media enablers will never admit it, but Hitlery remains the Election-Denier-in-Chief. She still refuses to accept her 2016 defeat by Donald Trump all these many years later, but she’s run flat out of excuses and alibis and is now reduced to recycling oldies-but-baddies. She’s again back to moaning about being a victim of sexism and abandonment by a feckless sisterhood still under the Stepford-like psychological domination of the patriarchy. Her ridiculous “woe is me, I’m a poor li’l oppressed woman” act will faceplant as usual. So, I ask you, can a rerun of the Russia-Russia Collusion Delusion be far behind?

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