

Thursday, February 7, 2013


As conditioned as I thought I was to hearing all manner of silly and rather pointless rhetoric spewed daily by those on the left, I recently heard something that left me feeling somewhat sad. You see, according to Rep. Jim McDermott, a very progressive DEMOCRAT, it has now become the responsibility of the government, and no longer of families, to make sure that grandma and grandpa are taken care of in their old age. McDermott was appearing on C-SPAN at the time he uttered what I see as being yet another example of how we, as a people, are loosing, or have lost, our collective soul. McDermott uses as the premise for his opposition to cuts in Medicare, the fact that the government program paid his own parents' medical bills: "Now we have a Medicare program, where my father -- and my father lived to 93, my mother to 97 -- and my brothers and sisters and I did nothing for them, except pay their taxes."
McDermott said there is no reason to cut Medicare benefits for senior citizens, even though spending will escalate as millions of Baby Boomers come into the program: "So we simply have got to deal with the fact that the population is going to mean more spending," he said. "It's not that spending is out of control." Every time I hear some Democrat make such an idiotic statement I can't but wonder what it is that these people WOULD consider as being spending that's "out of control." Then of course it comes to me! That would be anytime that we send our military folks out in harms way for the purpose of defending our homeland, or anytime we need to ensure that we have the necessary weaponry, and thus the capability, to fight off what seems to be a growing list of countries, thanks to folks like McDermott, here, and of course our brilliant president, who relish the opportunity to do us grave harm.
He said Republicans want to raise the retirement age, essentially for no other reason than to save taxpayer dollars. And, he asks, what would seniors do then? Proceeding to answer his own question, he then says that they would do what they did before Medicare -- which is "turn to their children" to pay their medical bills. And then this doof, McDermott, proceeded to use as his example, his own grandmother. He said, "When I grew up, my grandmother had four daughters, and she spent three months with each one of them. And she had no Medicare, she had no Social Security. And she lived with her daughters. And we took care of her. I mean, I got thrown out of my bedroom. My bedroom became grandma's bedroom, I slept on the couch in the living room, because that's the way families took care of their seniors before 1964." And most were glad to do it! It was what families were expected to do.
And then in sounding like he was actually bragging about the fact, and really quite proud of himself, he said, "Now we have a Medicare program, where my father -- and my father lived to 93, my mother to 97 -- and my brothers and sisters and I did nothing for them, except pay their taxes." This idiot went on, "One year, we gave my mom a Christmas gift, a hearing aid. A hearing aid cost about $800, a lot of money. So all of us chipped in and we bought my ma a hearing aid. That was her Christmas gift...Medicare doesn't cover that." Finally he said, "And so as you get older and lose your hearing, good luck, you're on your own. That's what we say to seniors with their hearing problems. And my view is, that we're a better country than that. We can find a way to do it and make the system more efficient." And yet Democrats never take any actions to stem the losses to fraud that amounts to Billions of dollars every year.
McDermott very confidently claims that Democrats are "going to find the money to cover all the senior citizens in this country under the Medicare program at 65." Speaking in vague generalities as Democrat most of ten do, he said there are "all kinds of ways" to save money in the Medicare program, "but it doesn't mean taking benefits away from senior citizens." Worst case, I suppose, would be that we cold expect Barry to simply print some more money. And besides, I'm sure tops on the list when it comes to determining ways to come up with more money for entitlements, is how much more can be cut from our military and national defense. That's usually where hacks like this claim that cuts can always be made. Because, honestly, how important is that in the big scheme of things. It's much more important to make it easier for folks to slough the caring of their parents off onto the rest of us.
So, am I really the only one here who sees it as being more than a little sad that this screwy mentality seems to have now become so prevalent in America these days? And that we would actually hear a toad like McDermott bragging about how it was that he and his siblings willingly turned over to the government the care of their elderly parents is absolutely mindboggling. And who in their right mind would even consider such a thing. Ya know, I would think that it must take a pretty high degree of selfishness to see it as being ok to leave the care of ones parents up to an incompetent government. It just seems so unfair, somehow. Personally, I don't want the government anywhere near my mom, who is now 81, especially in this new age of Obamacare when it’s now very likely that she'd be told that, sorry, she's just too old for that knee replacement of that hip replacement or that breast cancer surgery. Sorry!
But such a statement, especially coming from someone in government makes the point, more clearly than I ever could, of just how far, and really as a country, it is that we have now allowed ourselves to be talked into perceiving such behavior as being totally acceptable. Many of us seem quite content with our now gutter existence, morally speaking, that has now been created for us by the likes of this clown McDonald. In the old days it was the desire of most folks to stay as far away as possible from any government interference in their lives. Handouts were seen as something to be avoided. These days, more and more people damn near crave the government's encroaching farther and farther into their personal lives. Frankly, I just see it as being a little sick not to want to take care of the parents who were there to take care of me. I owe them that. I dunno, maybe I'm just too old fashioned and not as enlightened as folks like this pond scum McDonald.

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