

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Knowing as I do that we have a president who I seriously doubt would be able to tell the difference between a Bible and an old Sears and Roebuck’s catalog, I found it a bit more than ironic that Barry recently, in speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., made the claim that he often searches scripture "to figure out" how to be a better man and president. Is that not the most hysterical thing you've ever heard? Come on, does anyone really think that there’s a Bible to be found anywhere in this White House? And I'll tell you something else, had I been in the room at the time he said that, I, most certainly, would have been looking for the nearest table available for me to dive under out of fear of being struck by the bolt of lightening that I, most assuredly, would have thought to be coming through the ceiling at any moment. I just don't think God likes impersonators, especially Democrat ones.
Barry actually said to those assembled, "Sometimes I search scripture to determine how best to balance life as a president and as a husband and as a father. I often search for scripture to figure out how I can be a better man as well as a better president." Barry said that he often searches "for the words to console the inconsolable." He went on to say, "And most of all I know that all Americans, men and women of different faiths, and yes those of no faith that they can name are nevertheless joined together in common purpose, believing in something that is bigger than ourselves and the ideals that lie at the heart of our nation’s founding that as a people we are bound together." Barry suggested that those "with the most power and influence need to be the most humble." Right, our guy Barry is the definition of humble! In fact, if one was to look up the word, they would most likely see Barry's picture as being at least part of the definition.
Yup, by golly, humble is Barry's middle name, Barack Humble Obama! And I'm pretty sure that whenever any of us try to think of someone whom we view as being truly humble, Barry is the first guy that comes almost immediately to mind. Personally, I think to have been a witness to this bizarreness first hand must have akin to being in the audience watching a bad Saturday Night Live skit. Sorry, but I just have a rather difficult time trying to conjure up the image of Barry "Almighty" sitting around thumbing through the pages of a Bible. This guy is probably the least religious president we've had, probably, since FDR. I mean, can anybody remember the last time he was spotted going to church? And campaign stops don't count. Let's face it, I think most of us are well aware of the depth of Barry's 'Messiah Complex' so I'm pretty sure that he views God as being somewhere beneath him. He was, after all, the one that we were all waiting for, right?

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