

Monday, February 4, 2013


In what is said to be the fourth installment of his lunatic manifesto, but is in reality something described as being his 52-week sermon series, "The Time and What Must Be Done," 'Calypso Louie' Farrakhan now accuses former Sec. of State Henry Kissinger, of all people, of actually implementing a plan, the purpose of which, at least according to Louie, was to kill two to three Billion people all across the globe. Now I'm sure this would come as being quite the shock to Mr. Kissinger, but hey. Anyway, the controversial Nation of Islam leader also poses the question of whether AIDS was one of the chosen tools to be used and he goes on to warn Mexicans and other minorities that they, too, could soon fall victim to eugenics at the hands of the U.S. government. This kind of paranoia is far from being something new for this guy, we've been hearing for years, about how the AIDS virus was created in some lab somewhere and then set loose upon the blacks in this country. And Louie’s not the only one to float this theory.

Louie seems to drone on forever in his description of this supposed plot that he claims was implemented and has had some dire consequences for poor unfortunate black people across the globe. And apparently what the driving force behind the sinister attempt at population reduction, to which he so enthusiastically refers, was the scarce amount of resources and the quest by the United States for world dominion. Louie, in his most recent weekly address said, "Under Kissinger a plan was hatched that two to three billion people on our planet would have to be [killed]." He went on to say, "But the people that Kissinger — and the U.S. government agreed with Mr. Kissinger — these people who would be killed would be in the Third World. But since this culling has many third world people in industrialized countries, in would start as well in the industrialized countries." Man, does this not sound like some bad "SyFy Channel" movie or what? Where does he come up with this stuff?

So from there, Louie then launched into making some rather pointed, and somewhat bizarre, accusations at the U.S. government: "Could this be why, in Africa, AIDS is slaughtering black men and women by the tens of thousands, particularly in those areas where the mineral resources of that area is necessary to keep America in power in this 21st century? Could it be that this is why black women in America are said to be the number one carrier of the [AIDS] virus? Could this be that 30 years ago when the birthrate of blacks was outstripping the birthrate of whites — so much so that demographers said by 2050 blacks would either be equal to the population of whites or greater than their population — and they didn’t stand still on those figures? They went to work with eugenics and Planned Parenthood and pills that aborted children. And it was concentrated in the black community. At that time, the Hispanics were not the ones that were the majority of the minority populations. It was the blacks."

Louie next warned all who would care to listen that "the same genocidal thoughts" will next come against Mexicans and other minorities here in America. His claims of murderous intent then morphed into something else entirely as he moved away from the U.S. government and seemed to focus on "white supremacists," whom he said "cannot abide that this country that was made by white people for white people will now be in the hands of brown people." These are the same people, or so he claims, who have been particularly agitated by the fact that a black man, Barry "Almighty," now inhabits the White House. But what this loon seems to discount entirely is the fact that millions of white folks voted for Barry. And millions, like me, didn't. But the reason that they, and I, didn't vote for him, had nothing, whatsoever, to do with his race. It had everything to do with his socialist mentality and his continuing desire to shred the Constitution! So because we didn't vote for Barry we're "particularly agitated" about a black man being president?

I don't know, maybe in one sense, I suppose, you could say that there is underway, and has been at since at least 1973, what can be described as an attempt to thin out, so to speak, the size if the black community in this country. But those behind such plan would not be the ones to whom Louie makes reference. Because, oddly enough, the primary culprits behind this scheme would be the very same ones who, more often that not, call the Democrat Party home, and that would include Barry "Almighty" himself. I mean just look at the numbers. Taking into consideration the fact that minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, they account for approximately 36% of all abortions. And according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion. On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every single day in the United States. I find that absolutely astounding!

To say that this incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life, would, of course, be an understatement. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had roughly 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated, "Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America's Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member." And it's all true. And another point I'd like to put forward here is that because of the slavish devotion that blacks have for voting for Democrats, this mass annihilation is nothing if not purely self-inflicted. And yet another sad statistic comes to us in the form of a 1993 Howard University study that showed that black women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had an abortion.

So as much as I might hate to agree with someone who is as far removed from reality as is 'Calypso Louie," I suppose you could say that, to some degree, he has a point. Now I'm not saying that I agree with any of that stupid AIDS nonsense, but there's no getting around the fact that there have been an astronomical amount of black babies aborted. And again, those responsible are the very same ones to whom blacks, a long time ago, decided to hitch their wagons. Conservatives are not, and never have been, big abortion supporters, that would be your basic liberal Democrats who have a pretty long and storied history of cozying up to those who possess some pretty bizarre attitudes regarding the premise behind, and the actual need for the government to administer some sort of systematic policy based on, eugenics. But it's not something that's just directed at certain minorities, as Louie suggests, but also toward those who possess some form of handicap, whether the affliction is mental or physical in the nature.

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