

Thursday, February 14, 2013


So while those of us who go to work everyday in order to cover the escalating costs of Barry's policies will be lucky to get a vacation at all this year, in just a couple of days Barry "Almighty" will be going on what will be his second vacation this year. Ah yes, the rigors of spending other people's money must demand sufficient time to recoup and to recharge one's batteries. Because you know, it's gotta be a pretty tough job, spending trillions of dollars of other people's money. And so it is then, that the 50 percent of us who still pay taxes will now, once again, be footing the bill for Barry "Almighty's" second vacation of this very young year, when he departs this Friday aboard Air Force One for a little Presidents’ Day Weekend excursion to West Palm Beach, Florida. Without apparent irony, Barry has apparently decided to jet off to the well-trod stomping ground of the rich and famous just days after presenting himself to the nation as being pretty much the sole guardian of the middle class. Barry presumably will head directly to some fabulous golf course, having been unable to play of late because of the cold weather in Washington.
And while Barry may pay some hotel and other miscellaneous costs related to his vacation travel, taxpayers will ultimately be left to pick up what will be the rather significant portion of any expenses incurred, shelling out for the president’s travel aboard Air Force One, a cargo plane that carries supplies, and the cost of the president’s substantial staff and security squad. So while unemployment stands at nearly eight percent, really it's much higher than that, Barry is taking yet another vacation with the year being barely six weeks old. Gee, how many of you get to go on an extravagant vacation every couple of months? Barry initially traveled to Hawaii in late December but returned after a several days to 'work' on a fiscal cliff deal, and then went back for several more days in early January after signing a bill. So this will essentially be the third time in less than two months that taxpayers will have footed the bill for a round-trip presidential vacation. It’s not clear whether 'Michelle With The Large Derriere' is going with him, however, she usually goes skiing in the Rockies around this time of year. That must be a hilarious thing to watch.

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