

Saturday, February 16, 2013


As silly or as stupid as this may sound, there is actually now in Congress a group of House Democrats who, and quite proudly so, refer to themselves as, the Safe Climate Caucus. This group of rather sophomoric crusaders held a press conference the other day, the specific purpose of which, if you can believe it, was to warn us all that if Congress fails to address global warming, the country could face some pretty dire consequences. And just what might these dire consequences be? Well, according to these loons they would consist of such horrendous, life altering things as detrimental effects to California wines and an even an end to Vermont skiing. Oh no, no more skiing in Vermont? One of these clowns even went to far as to express her deep concern that global warming could even destroy the entire People’s Republic of Maryland. "If we do nothing about what is happening, it will destroy our economy, it will destroy our state, and it will have a broad impact not just here in this country but around the world," so claimed Maryland Democrat, Donna Edwards at a press conference on Capitol Hill on Friday.

And it was another member of this rather unique little group, Jared Huffman, who said he fears that global warming could damage the ancient forests and vineyards in his California district. "Climate change is going to impact my coastal district not just in terms of coastal communities and infrastructure but also the health of our oceans and coastal fisheries," Huffman said. He went on to decry, "It will impact the great ancient forests in my district [and] it will even threaten to impact the world-class quality of the wine produced in Sonoma and Mendocino counties." And then we had Earl Blumenauer, yet another Democrat, who hails from that bastion of leftist lunacy, the great state of Oregon. He’s the one who’s appeared to be so concerned that there could come an end to skiing in Vermont and that that state’s famous maple trees could also actually be threatened by global warming. In introducing Peter Welch, a Democrat from Vermont, Blumenauer said Welch "comes from the state of Vermont that climate change is going to have – there will no longer be skiing and even the maple trees will be threatened." Come on folks, are any of us really buying any of this silliness?

Because, I guess, of the rather dramatic claims, presented by this odd assortment of nuts, Edwards apparently felt compelled to insist that neither she nor her colleagues are alarmists. What she actually said was, "The fact is that those of us who are here are not alarmists, we are not eco-hystericals, we’re not socialists." No, of course not, what could possible make anyone think that? She went on to say, "We care about our climate and we want to do something about it." I am a little curious about something though, why is it that she even felt the need to say that she, and her fellow caucus members, are not alarmists, eco-hystericals or Socialists? I would argue that what she and her fellow ‘caucus’ members truly care about, is furthering the anti-capitalism/anti-American agenda of Barry "Almighty" and today’s Democrat Party. The entire cockamamie theory of manmade global warming has been discredited and disproved more times than I care to count. Yet those on the left, like these clowns, seem to feel that if they only persist in sounding the alarm about bogus global warming long enough, they will be able to convince enough people that it is occurring and that drastic action, by the government, is required.

Those on the left continually tout the number of scientists who support the premise that there is in fact a warming of the globe underway and that the primary culprit in bringing it about, is man. And we’re all just supposed except their premise as fact and to support them in their desire to do whatever is necessary with no argument, no complaints, or we’re called names such as flat-earthers. But upon further investigation one finds, and pretty quickly, there are just as many, if not more, folks in the scientific community who either question whether global warming is actually occurring, or if it is happening, on why it is happening. So while there are those who may agree that global warming is taking place, they tend to say that it’s more cyclical in nature than anything being caused by man. But you very rarely hear about those people. And there’s very simple reason for that. It’s because anything they would have to say can’t then be used by Democrats, or any number of other concerned parties, to advance a political agenda that has as it primary objective the destruction of our free-market economy and the weakening of our country. Which is exactly why the whole silliness of climate change, or global warming, was concocted by the left in the first place.

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