

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I think it safe to say that our country is now hanging by a thread, and also, I think it pretty obvious how it is that we came to be in our current predicament. We have allowed our political leaders, and for far too long, the luxury of ignoring that which is laid out in that most brilliant of documents ever to be created by man, the United States Constitution. Whenever listening to any of today’s politicians, particularly Democrats, and particularly our president, you come to realize, and pretty quickly, that those who choose to disrespect our Constitution and the rights that it guarantees, are the very same ones who know the least about it. Many of those who proudly identify themselves as conservatives are painfully aware of the fact that what we are engaged in today, is a hyper Democratic tyranny.
What’s missing today, to the detriment of our country, is even the slightest evidence of a little something that has been referred to as, "Constitutional Conviction." Too many Americans, and so therefore too many of our politicians, are lacking what could be called even the most basic knowledge of what our Constitution says. And I know of what I speak, because I spend the majority of each and every day being surrounded by people who couldn’t tell you one relevant fact about the document on which our system of government is based if their life depended on it. Respecting the Constitution, requires at least some understanding of what it says, and why. And that, my friends requires at least a limited amount of knowledge of it, and yet while many are educated about the Constitution, they remain pretty much completely ignorant about it.
Sadly, far too many of those Republicans whom we choose to elect, and often even choose to re-elect, lack the necessary conviction when it comes to the Constitution. And I think it fair to say that it is because of their silence and their lack of conviction, that we have now seen the government stray way beyond the sensible limitations placed upon it by Constitution. Far too often it is simply ignored with nary a whisper being heard from we the people. So how it is that we are to now move ‘Forward,’ to use Barry’s word, from here? It is going to be difficult, make no mistake, especially with us now forced into the position of having to endure four more years of Barry, but not impossible. And it will demand hard work from all those involved. How do we move forward and correct this? First of all we must stop tolerating the intolerable.
But that’s just the beginning. Here are several points presented for your consideration. I suppose first and foremost would be that we must avoid electing officials who seem to require any level of training on what it means to actually uphold the Constitution as well as what it means to abide by their oath of office. And something that never made any sense to me and is something that occurs far too often is that we seem to be willing to define success as squelching dissent. And something that has been made very obvious in previous battles fought, and mostly lost, is the fact that strength is the only thing the opposition understands, therefore we must project power. And in so doing we must do a much better job of taking the fight out of the legislature, bypassing the state-controlled media and into the court of public opinion.
Look, I really don’t think that I’d be too extreme if I were to describe the current battle, a battle for the very soul of our country, in which we now find ourselves has us pitted against forces that can be described as being evil, at least in their intent. There have been times in the past when I have found myself wishing that those on our side would use the same tactics employed by the opposition. But having said that, I suppose it’s safe to say that progress is rarely made when we resort to such things, but just the same, we must learn to use tactics that are strong and are of sufficient strength to get our plan out before the people. And, most importantly, we must never be afraid of upsetting our opposition, and that we’ve normalized decision making processes that aren’t embedded in our flag and our Constitution.
It will be necessary for us to formulate both a short term and a long term battle plan, and to also recognize the fact that our problem has not been our message but our marketing. And we must exhibit the necessary confidence in our plan, because if we’re going to succeed in instilling confidence in others, we must first convince them that we believe in what we are presenting to them and how it’s what’s needed to get our country back on the right track. And just as important, we must not allow ourselves to be dissuaded from implementation, the country can’t afford it. We can’t spend the next four years sitting idling by leaving Barry and the Democrats, free to complete the ‘fundamental transformation’ begun four short years ago. Too much damage has already been done. That’s where belief in and support of those things outlined in our Constitution become all the more important.

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