

Monday, February 4, 2013


I'm sure everyone is very familiar with by now, or should be, regarding Barry’s having made it quite clear that he's nowhere near through regarding his desire to bring in more 'revenue' to the government's coffers. And for those who tuned into the Super Bowl, only to be subjected once more to Barry's ugly mug, they shouldn’t have been surprised to hear again, in the interview that aired on CBS during the big game, that he isn't yet done raising taxes on those whom he continues to identify as, wealthy Americans. Because as he has also insisted, repeatedly, he just doesn't see where we have any kind of a spending problem. Nope, I guess being $17 Trillion in the hole is just fine with him. But I can't help but wonder how anyone can listen to this guy and actually hear someone speaking who is genuinely interested in getting our economy, as well as our finances, back onto solid footing. Because that's not what I hear.

I mean here we are only a month after Barry signed a bill that raised tax rates on those families making $450,000 or more (and individuals making $400,000-plus), and Barry is saying that he now wants to close "loopholes." 'I don't think the issue right now is raising rates," Barry said. He went on to explain that the goal now is to find "smart spending cuts," "reduce health care costs," and "close loopholes and deductions." He added, "If you combine those things together, then we can not only reduce our deficit, but we can continue to invest in things like education and research and development that are going to help us grow." What a bunch of pabulum. Come on folks, aren't we smarter than this? And when he talks about reducing Healthcare costs, I think he's particularly dishonest with the American people. Because the last time I checked healthcare costs are going up faster now than they were before we were saddled with Obamacare!

But I suppose the clincher came when this lying sack of sh!t said, "There is no doubt we need additional revenue coupled with smart spending reductions in order to bring down our deficit. And we can do it in a gradual way so that it doesn't have a huge impact." Smart spending reductions? Right! Most likely what he means by that is further cuts to our military and anything having to do with our national defense. During this idiotic conversation Barry twice drew distinctions between "average Americans" and those evil rich folks who dare to "take advantage" of perfectly legal tax rules. Now look, I like to think that I'm just an average fella, far from being rich, but I can't help but wonder just how much more I'm going to be required to go without just so I can assist with Barry's desire for more revenue. As it is, I can't afford to buy a new car, or the new appliances that I need and I'm trying to help my daughter pay for college.

Barry said he wants to close loopholes for "folks who are well connected and have a lot of accountants and lawyers...so they end up paying lower rates than, you know, a bus driver or a cop." "Well connected?" What the hell kind of crap is that? And then a short time later, Barry again set the "average person" against those who are "able to take advantage." He said, "When you look at some of these deductions that certain folks are able to take advantage of, the average person can't take advantage of. The average person doesn't have access to Cayman Island accounts, the average person doesn't have access to carried interest income, where they end up paying a much lower rate on billions of dollars that they earned. So we just want to make sure that the whole system is fair, that it's transparent, that we're reducing our deficit in a way that doesn't hamper growth...." Again with the need to make things more fair.

Because as is usually always the case with most everything this pathetic liar says, Barry always makes sure that there are never any actual specifics discussed. He seems to always make sure to leave things just a little too vague to assess factually and that will make it more difficult for anyone to pin him down on what he plans. He's really quite slimy in that regard. However there was one important point that kinda jumped out here. It was when Barry said he does not want to raise tax rates, only to raise revenues by closing loopholes and deductions. And if remember things correctly, wasn't this the same approach Barry himself derided for its vagueness during the election? I guess when determining what is or is not vague it would depend entirely on the individual whose idea it is that's being examined. Because if there is anyone who is an expert at being vague, it would be our 'Dear Beloved Leader,' Barry.

So Barry continues on his little quest to rob from the rich and the not so rich, or from those of us who are still able to keep our job in spite of his best efforts to pretty much make that nearly impossible to do. He does so as a means of being able to entice more and more people onto the government dole, while expecting those of us forced into continuing to cover the cost of his little endeavor, to just suck it up. After all, those who now seem to be Barry's priority are those who are either too lazy to work or feel that they shouldn't be required to work. Frankly I'm getting a little tired of going without so that Barry can use the money he steals from me to buy votes. I mean I've got a kid that I'd like to send to college too, but because she's not black and the fact that I'm told I make too much money, even though Barry takes a good chunk of it, I’m prevented from being able to help my daughter in any meaningful way. And it SUCKS!!

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