

Monday, February 11, 2013


According to slimly little sh!t, ‘Little Dick’ Durbin, that stellar Senator who hails from what is quite possibly the most corrupt state in the union, Illinois, and the fella who also serves as Assistant Senate Majority Leader, Barry "Almighty" originally designed the budget sequester as a threat to get Republicans to agree to raise taxes, and never intended for it to actually be policy. "[S]equestration was designed as a budget threat, not as a budget strategy," ‘Little Dick’ said on NBC’s "Meet the Press" Sunday. He went on to say that, "When the president proposed the sequester, it was as an incentive to those of us in Congress to work together on a bipartisan basis to solve these problems. It was supposed to be so awful that the super committee would finally reach a bipartisan agreement." Democrats just don’t operate in a bipartisan way.
‘Little Dick’, of course, was referring to the congressional committee created by the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA) and assigned the task of cutting $1.5 trillion from the deficit. Under the BCA, if the committee, idiotically dubbed the "Super Committee," failed to achieve the cuts, then those cuts would happen automatically. These automatic cuts are what’s known as the sequester. ‘Little Dick’ claimed that Democrats want to avoid sequestration, but insist that Republicans agree to raise taxes even more, despite the fact that the GOP already agreed to allow rates on wealthier Americans to rise in January as part of the fiscal cliff deal. "Let's sit down and do this in a thoughtful manner. And let's include revenue. We should have half of this as revenue from tax reform and the other half in spending cuts. And I support those spending cuts," he said.
So ‘Little Dick’ expects us all to believe that it’s the Democrats’ desire that everybody come together, for what sounds like a congressional a group hug, and then in a thoughtful manner try to force the Republicans into agreeing to more tax hikes while avoiding any attempt to make the level of spending cuts that are needed. I’m beginning to think that the only way we’re ever going to get the level of spending cuts needed is to just allow sequestration to happen. Granted it might be painful, but what’s the alternative. ‘Little Dick’ says that half of the total needed should come from revenue and half should come from spending cuts. But Democrats already have gotten their tax hikes, now it’s time for them to cough up some spending cuts, that don’t come from national defense. Once they do that, then maybe we’ll talk about more revenue.

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