

Thursday, February 14, 2013


What do you do when you're the Secretary of State and you put in a call to your respective counterparts and…nobody answers. For the answer to that question all you would have to do is to ask John Kerry-Heinz, who is, in all likelihood, our most inept Secretary of State in history. Worse than Hillary or Cyrus Vance, who was Carter's Secretary of State or Warren Christopher who served under 'Slick Willie'. Ok, maybe I'm being a bit unfair here, because some called him back. But does it really matter when it's only the bit players who are bothering to take the time to call you back? The only reason I even bother to bring this up is because when Secretary of State John Kerry-Heinz recently called the foreign ministers of all the countries that deal with North Korea, following Monday's nuclear test, and all but one of them picked up the phone. And that one was Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Am I the only one here who sees this as being more than little embarrassing? I mean, really, even Hitlery got folks to either pick up the phone or at least to call her back. I think this makes pretty clear the fact that Kerry-Heinz is seen as pretty much a joke.
Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Kerry-Heinz made his first remarks about the new nuclear test, which the North Koreans 'warned' the State Department about in advance. And sounding like the incompetent boob that he is, he said, "With respect to the DPRK, President Obama made it crystal clear last night and previously in all comments, as have other countries, that North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program are a threat now to the United States of America, because of what they are pursuing specifically, as well as to global security and peace." Which he then followed up with, "Following their latest provocation, which we have termed and believe is reckless and provocative, needlessly, I called Foreign Minister Kim of South Korea, I talked to Foreign Minister Kishida of Japan, I talked to Foreign Minister Yang of China, and we have placed a phone call to Foreign Minister Lavrov, and consulted with all of them with respect to the steps that we need to take." Kerry-Heinz droned on, "The international community now needs to come together with a swift and clear, strong, credible response, as pledged in the U.N. Security Council Resolution 2087."
As you may know, or not know, those much ballyhooed six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program, the participants of which included the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and Russia, have long been officially dead. And now it rests in Kerry-Heinz's less than capable hands to come up with a 'Plan B', so to speak. At Wednesday's State Department press briefing, outgoing Spokesbimbo Victoria Nuland denied that Kerry-Heinz was frantically trying to reach Lavrov. Well no shit Sherlock, what the Hell else is she going to say? Ya know, I can just picture this guy, Lavrov, watching the phone ring, knowing that it's Kerry-Heinz on the other end and laughing his Ruskie ass off. Because that's where we are now, under this administration. How can anyone possibly think that we take our foreign policy serious when we've got a clown like Kerry-Heinz in charge of it. "There's been nothing frantic about it. He reached out to Foreign Minister Lavrov yesterday, made it clear again today that he's ready to talk whenever Foreign Minister Lavrov can find the time," Nuland said. Don't hold your breath there, Johnny.
This is just one more symptom in what is, and continues to be, a growing problem. And I think it makes the point very clearly that stature on the world stage is very important. For America, in general, and even more importantly, for those in charge of representing it. Under this administration, as well as because of it, America is no longer taken seriously, and the natural result of that is going to be an increasing level of chaos and turmoil all across the globe. We're already seeing that take place in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula to name just a couple of spots. Who in their right mind thinks it’s a good idea to have John Kerry-Heinz as the face representing this country? At least if you have any honest desire to be taken seriously. He's a caricature, and he's in way over his head. And the consequences of his ineptness are likely to be huge. But, realistically speaking, it's his obvious inability to do the job that's probably the primary reason that Barry selected him for the job. Barry is determined to diminish the influence of America on the world, and what better way to that than to follow up Hitlery, with a boob like John Kerry-Heinz?

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