

Sunday, February 3, 2013


This week in his weekly address to those he views as being his subjects, he who has been described, by some, as being "Our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama," blamed our continuing economic problems on what he called" bad decisions." What he said was, "[T]his week, we also received the first estimate of America’s economic growth over the last few months. And it reminded us that bad decisions in Washington can get in the way of our economic progress." Presumably Barry was referring to the uptick in unemployment from 7.8 percent to 7.9 percent and the news that the economy contracted in the final quarter of last year. Bad decisions? No sh!t, Sherlock. Look, we’re talking about people who even on their best day couldn’t make a good decision if their life depended on it!

Now Barry, our ‘Dear Beloved Leader’ made no mention of what decisions he might think were "bad," nor did he name who he thinks might be specifically to blame, least of all himself, for making any of those "bad decisions." But he did, and as usual, blame Washington. Once again lying through those pearly whites of his, he said, "2013 can be a year of solid growth, more jobs, and higher wages. But that will only happen if we put a stop to self-inflicted wounds in Washington. Everyone in Washington needs to focus not on politics but on what’s right for the country; on what’s right for you and your families. That’s how we’ll get our economy growing faster. That’s how we’ll strengthen our middle class. And that’s how we’ll build a country that rewards the effort and determination of every single American." Again folks, it is not now, nor has it ever been, Barry’s intention to "strengthen our middle class."

Barry, yet again, reiterated his support for what he called a "balanced approach" for going forward in dealing with the economy. But, I’m curious about something, would this "balanced approach" of his be anything like his "all of the above approach" he proposes for dealing with our continuing energy situation. You know, that same approach that consists of nothing more than blowing Billions upon Billions of dollars on bogus "green energy" theories and ‘green’ companies that appear to be good at nothing more than going belly-up. He said, "We all agree that it’s critical to cut unnecessary spending. But we can’t just cut our way to prosperity. It hasn’t worked in the past, and it won’t work today. It could slow down our recovery. It could weaken our economy. And it could cost us jobs – now, and in the future."

He continued, "What we need instead is a balanced approach; an approach that says let’s cut what we can’t afford but let’s make the investments we can’t afford to live without. Investments in education and infrastructure, research and development – the things that will help America compete for the best jobs and new industries." He then proceeded to claim, "Already, Republicans and Democrats have worked together to reduce our deficits by $2.5 trillion. That’s a good start. But to get the rest of the way, we need a balanced set of reforms." Ok, no who in their right mind actually believes that there have been any serious attempts made to reduce what is now our $17 Trillion, national debt? Come folks, are we really thought to be that stupid? And if so we need to make him aware that we’re not!

I think most of us realize that Barry has absolutely no intention, whatsoever, of agreeing to any amount of spending cuts, unless of course they’re cuts having to do with our military or our national defense. And if his boy Hagel actually survives his confirmation hearing and the senate vote that follows those cuts will most likely be a done deal. Barry’s primary focus is on raising taxes and nothing else. And what we need now are folks on our side willing to do what’s right, and to demonstrate the necessary back bone by standing up to a president who would appear determined to bring about an economic implosion the likes of which we have NEVER experienced in this country. It’s all part of his ongoing mission to "fundamentally transform" OUR country! He must be STOPPED! We must make our voices heard!!

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