

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


‘Slow Joe’ Biden’s Chief of Staff is some moron by the name of Bruce Reed. Recently, in advocating for stricter gun control, Reed said, "If you’re a gang member in Chicago you can go to a gun store in the suburbs and have a friend or a girlfriend buy a gun from a gun store." You sure can see why this bonehead is 'Slow Joe’s' Chief of Staff, can’t ya? Anyway this clone, Reed, was discussing gun laws during what was an online White House event titled "Open for Questions: The State of the Union and Reducing Gun Violence." Personally, I would argue that whenever we hear slugs like this guy say they want to "reduce gun violence" they are really using 'code words' for what they really want to do, which is to ban guns altogether.
One of participants of this little group-gaggle commented, "If gun control worked, Chicago would not have had 500 murders last year. Time to target gangs - not guns." In his idiotic response, Reed said, "With respect to Chicago, you know Chicago’s an example--Chicago the city has strong laws but it’s surrounded by suburbs and a state that have much looser laws. So, if you’re a gang member in Chicago you can go to a gun store in the suburbs--have a friend or a girlfriend buy a gun from a gun store." Did the boy have his dancin shoes on, or what? Personally I'd say this little twerp was doing nothing more than grabbing at straws, desperate to somehow justify his idiotic premise regarding a need for stricter gun laws.
Goofs like this guy give the phrase, 'lying political hack' a whole new meaning. And apparently being one of those guys who has a tendency to exaggerate, to say the least, he went on to promote his silly little premise saying, "Maybe that person is legally able to buy a gun." Reed continued, "They can turn around and sell it to you and then you go back into the city of Chicago and wreak all kinds of mayhem with that gun. So guns are the kind of problem that if the national system has a bunch of holes--if the national background check system is just swiss cheese than criminals will find their way into it." Again with this notion of a national background check. This guy is such a pathetic fraud, and a pretty good liar to boot.

And despite Chicago’s brilliant Police Superintendent's claim to the contrary, his city's does possess some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. Laws that have prevented gun dealers from opening up shops anywhere within city limits. A recent study on guns seized by Chicago police showed that guns used in crimes come in from other areas. Over 29% were bought in Cook County Ill., the region that includes Chicago. The remaining guns came from other areas of Illinois and surrounding states. And that, folks, is exactly why stricter guns laws will never, ever work. But flaming liberals either continue to refuse to understand, or choose to simply ignore, that fact, as they continue with their quest to completely disarm us.
Liberal/progressives continue to believe that you can someone legislate behavior. And to certain degree, I suppose you can, just not good behavior. After all millions have now become conditioned to mooch off those of us who work. But as much as they would like us all to believe that guns, and the right to own one, is the problem here, it's not. Unless, of course, you happen to be a Democrat who sees the Second Amendment as being a potential impediment to you're wanting to completely disarm the American people and thus remove that last line of defense against tyranny. Then I suppose it's a problem. For those of us who still believe in our Constitution, and who do not trust those in government, it's no problem at all.

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