

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


So now Barry and many of his fellow Democrats are quite busy trying to create all manner of a doomsday scenarios in their effort to warn us of the catastrophe that will occur if the automatic cuts in the sequester are allowed to take effect next week. They claim that criminals will go free, parents will lose day care, airport security will be compromised and the sun will be extinguished. Ok, that last one was mine. But Barry did recently say, as he was flanked by a group emergency responders, meant to serve as nothing more than window dressing, "As a consequence, we’ve got these automatic, brutal spending cuts that are poised to happen next Friday." Spewing his typical idiotic rhetoric he went on to say, "Now if Congress allows this meat cleaver approach to take place, it will jeopardize our military readiness, it will eviscerate job creating investments, education, energy, medical research.

And as is usually the case whenever Barry is trying his best to create the impression of yet another supposed crisis that simply doesn't exist, he went on to say, "Border Patrol agents will see their hours reduced." Barry said, "FBI agents will be furloughed. Federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go. Air traffic controllers and airport security will see cutbacks, which means more delays in airports across the country." I think this is all a bit over the top even for Barry, he seemed to get a little carried away with himself in his attempt to create as much hysteria as possible. Because as if wanting to make sure he was making his point, he added, "Thousands of teachers and educators will be laid off, and thousands of parents will have to scramble to find childcare for their kids. Hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose access to primary care, preventative care, flu vaccinations and cancer screenings"

If we back up just a bit, we see that under the terms of the sequestration deal, which was dreamt up by Barry and agreed to by Republicans in 2011 under the guise of what's called the Budget Control Act, the Office of Management and Budget is responsible for coming up with $1.2 Trillion in cuts in discretionary appropriations and mandatory spending to be divided equally among defense and non-defense and to take place between 2013 and 2021. John Boehner has said no one wants the sequester and called on Barry to work with Congress. "Today the president advanced an argument Republicans have been making for a year: his sequester is the wrong way to cut spending," Boehner said in a statement. "That’s why the House has twice passed legislation to replace it with common sense cuts and reforms that won’t threaten public safety, national security, or our economy.

Boehner added, "But once again, the president offered no credible plan that can pass Congress – only more calls for higher taxes," Boehner continued. "Just last month, the president got his higher taxes on the wealthy, and he’s already back for more. The American people understand that the revenue debate is now closed." He did go on to say, "We should close loopholes and carve-outs in the tax code, but that revenue should be used to lower rates across the board. Tax reform is a once-in-a generation opportunity to boost job creation in America. It should not be squandered to enable more Washington spending. Spending is the problem, spending must be the focus." It's not often that I find myself agreeing with Speaker Boehner, but on this I have to say he's right. The focus MUST be on spending, because it's our spending that out of control!! Real, meaningful cuts must be made, we really have NO choice.

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