

Friday, February 1, 2013


Rumor has it that Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, may be considering a run for a US Senate seat from New Jersey in 2014. And why not, if Al Franken can do it, why can't Jerry. After all, he's never really been much of an actual 'journalist', so maybe he'll make a better senator, but I doubt it. Once a no talent boob, always a no talent boob. And seeing the caliber of individuals usually elected by the folks in Jersey, you know like Frank Loutenburg, that horny old pervert Bob Menendez and John Corzine, I suppose anything in possible. Now ordinarily I'd say that he could give 'Super Cory' Booker a run for his money, but oddly enough, apparently, Jerry plans on running under the GOP banner.
I only mention that last part because he said Thursday on his mid-day radio program that, "I am and have been in touch with some people in the Republican Party in New Jersey. I am truly contemplating running for Senate against Frank Lautenberg or Cory Booker in New Jersey." I suppose Jerry trapesing around Garden State on the campaign stump could very well prove to be a journalist’s dream. After all, can you imagine the campaign appearances? The bombast, the flags, the moustache! Imagine the possibilities, joint rallies nominee Rivers and Chris Christie. The level of self-assuredness on a podium occupied by that pair would surpass any level ever measured by the EPA.
But is old Jerry up to the task? Going into trackless deserts to catch terrorists with your bare hands is one thing. Winning that 2014 Senate seat is quite another. New Jersey is, after all, a pretty blue state, Chris Christie notwithstanding. But many would argue that while the fat man isn't an over the top liberal, it's pretty hard to call him a conservative either. And lets not forget that Barry won New Jersey by 18 points. According to the Cook Political Report, the upcoming 2014 Senate race is solid Democrat. Big surprise there! Let's face it, Jersey is another northeastern state that populated by those of a rather bizarre mentality, believing that the state should take care of them.
But I'm curious about some something, are those to whom Jerry say he been speaking, serious? Or, might those "some people in the Republican Party" only be on the hunt for a rich person to carry the flag and perhaps self-fund a campaign that others are turning down because it’s a sure loser? Who knows for sure? But to be fair, there is a scenario where the GOP might win. But it would involve a primary fight between the incumbent Democrat Frank Lautenberg and Newark Mayor 'Super Cory' Booker, who has already filed papers to run for the seat. It's important to keep in mind here that old Lautenberg is 89 and many state Democrats figure it's time for him to retire.
But crusty old Frank has, at least thus far, given very little indication that he has any intention of going anywhere, but has given every indication is that he’s more than just a little irritated, even pissed off, by what he considers to be Mr. Bookers's, that young whipper-snapper, presumption. But look, there is something else that I would think that Democrat have to be thinking about, what if old Frank does get re-elected. It's a six year term and as previously mentioned old Frank is 89. Suppose he were to, you know, die in office and Republican governor Christie got to appoint someone to fill his seat. Granted they wouldn’t necessarily be a conservative, but they would be a member of the GOP. Just sayin.
Booker may need a "spanking" for being "disrespectful," said old crusty Frank demonstrating his displeasure in a brief interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer last week. Polls show Booker ahead at least for the moment. And a divisive primary between the two could alienate numbers of Democrat voters and perhaps send them to the arms of a Republican candidate who can present him or herself as a moderate. It is possible, however unlikely, that Jerry could be that person. While he is a self-described NRA member and also someone who supports some gun-control measures, I suppose he could garner for himself a certain level of support. But he’s definitely no conservative, he’s proven that a number of times,
But I'm guessing that long before 2014 gets here the Democrats will have gotten their candidate dilemma straightened out. Jerry might not match up so well against Booker in particular, since Booker is just as much a person-of-action as is the action 'journalist.' In 2012, you'll recall, Booker personally saved a woman from a house fire, and even more recently saved a dog from freezing to death. That’s pretty hard to compete with. And Booker has even cut a commercial with Christie spoofing this image. In the short the Newark mayor tells Christie "I got this" as he fixes the governor’s flat tire, helps Bruce Spingsteen deal with a missing guitar, and then catches a baby dropped from a state Capitol balcony. So it may prove to be in interesting spectacle to watch.

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