

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm beginning to feel a little like Rip Van Winkle here. Because I find myself wondering if I fell asleep in the United States of America but woke up in some third rate, socialist banana republic somewhere. The cause for my confusion stems from my having recently heard Barry "Almighty" suggest, as he did on Monday, that the nation's banks should "take a little bit less of a profit" rather than raise fees on customers. Now wait a minute here. How come that little idea is never worthy of consideration by Barry and his merry band of Democrat thieves? Why are they so eager to raise taxes instead of being so totally unwilling to reduce spending? Seems a little hypocritical, if you ask me. Maybe I'm the one who just doesn't get it. But you know, Barry is very good at making up the rules by which the other side must abide while considering himself as being someone to which those very same rules do not apply. So it's business as usual, with government spending ever larger amounts of money that we simply no longer have. I mean, how does he come up with this stuff? Does he think we're not paying attention here? The right thing to have said would be that if as a customer of said bank you disagree with the fees being imposed upon you, take your business, and your money to another bank. That's how the system is supposed to work. And if the bank loses a sufficient number of customers, most likely this new fee would be ended. That's how the system is supposed to work.

Back in a previously written post, I mentioned the interview that Barry did with ABC's Stephie Stephanopoulos. It was in that same interview that Barry was asked if the government can stop banks from imposing a new debit card fee on their customers. "Well, you can stop it because ... if you say to the banks, 'You don't have some inherent right just to -- you know, get a certain amount of profit if your customers are being mistreated. That you have to treat them fairly and transparently.' And -- and my hope is that you're going to see a bunch of the banks, who say to themselves, 'You know what? This is actually not good business practice.' "Banks can make money," Barry said. "They can succeed the old-fashioned way, by earning it -- by lending to small businesses, by lending to consumers. By making sure that-- you know, we are building the economy together." Well, maybe Stephie might have mentioned that maybe the banks would be doing just that if it were not for some of the more draconian regulations that have recently been imposed upon them by an out of control Barry "Almighty" and his rabid political party. Since the coronation of Barry and with the Democrats controlling Congress during the first two years of his reign, government interference is now reaching what can only be described as critical mass. And the level arrogance exhibited by our "Fearless Leader" in his attempts to justify said interference seems to know no bounds.

Barry went on to advocate certain "protections," (read regulations here), that those free-wheeling Republicans would like nothing more than to roll back. Of course, Barry was kinda not bothering to mention the fact that it is a direct result of those same regulations, that the nation's major banks are now considering a plan to charge customers that previously mentioned, $5, monthly service fee for debit card transactions. A provision in the Dodd-Frank Act cut the amount banks could charge merchants for debit card swipes, so the banks may shift the burden onto consumers. "Well, what the banks are saying is -- that rather than take a little bit less of a profit, rather than paying multimillion dollar bonuses, let's treat our customers right." Again with the bonus crap? Barry droned on, "And this is exactly why we need this Consumer Finance Protection Bureau that we set up that is ready to go. And what we need is a confirmation of the person I've appointed, Rich Cordray, treasurer of Ohio. Back in Ohio, Republicans and Democrats both think he's terrific and he's fair. But this is exactly why we need somebody who's sole job it is to prevent this kind of stuff from happening." Look, what the banks are talking about doing here is the very same thing that has been done by any number of other business, that is pass along the cost of doing business to the customer. And to single out the banks is more than just a little unfair.

Something that I found to be more than just a little perplexing was the results of a recent Washington Post/ABC "News" poll regarding the level of dissatisfaction folks now have with the way their government is being run. Apparently, the majority of respondents place the blame for things not getting done on the Republicans and, for whatever reason, to a lesser degree, on Barry "Almighty." The perplexing thing here was the fact that there was no mention of dissatisfaction with the Democrats. Now this little partnership of the Post and ABC is never known to really produces much useful information with their polls, but if it is anywhere near being accurate, I'm trying to figure out just what it is that the morons who took part in this poll would like the Republicans to do. Do they want them to stand up to Barry and say no, or would they prefer that the Republicans simply bend over and spread 'em? If we are going to attempt to get things turned around in this country, and be successful in that endeavor, then there is going to be a tendency for things to get a little painful. It's a short term thing versus a long term thing. So you'd best be up to the task and be a little less willing to shoot the messenger. If we're going to be placing blame, then we best place where it rightfully belongs, right on the doorsteps of Barry "Almighty," "Dingy" Harry Reid, and Nancy "My face is stretched as far as it will go" Pelosi. They have it within their power to improve things, but they refuse to do so out of pure partisan politics.

1 comment:

  1. You're in hell, Dan. And so are the rest of us.

    As always, a very well written post, sir!
