

Monday, October 17, 2011


This esteemed Ms. Jackson Lee is, quite simply, the gift that keeps on giving. Our most recent encounter, and one that very clearly demonstrates the brain power of Ms. Jackson Lee, Democrat from Texas, came during the House floor debate on the Protect Life Act last week, when she took the rather bizarre step of defending abortion as a “needed action” and referring to the heartbeat of a fetus as a “sound.” How twisted is that? And an "needed action" for who exactly? Or is it whom? So now, if we're using this imbecile's criteria, the heartbeat of a fetus has now effectively been reduced to being nothing more than a sound.

Voicing her opposition to the measure on Thursday, Ms. "Dumb as a doorknob" Jackson Lee referenced a previous Texas law, “Just as the courts ruled unconstitutional and upheld the provision of the Texas law that required a doctor to talk first to a woman seeking an abortion and to allow or force them both to listen, uh, to sounds that, uh, might discourage this needed action, this is going to be held unconstitutional. This is not a law that can pass,” Jackson said. What is it about these supporters of infanticide? You would think it would a common, and very acceptable, practice to for a doctor to have a serious discussion with someone contemplating the ending of their infant's life.

But not, uh, this bitch, uh, who is, uh, a complete freakin moron. The ‘sounds’ to which Jackson Lee was referring are heartbeats that doctors and women hear during a sonogram. Despite the Texas congresswoman’s most strenuous efforts to derail it, the Protect Life Act did pass the house as 15 House Democrats joined 236 House Republicans to pass the measure. The legislation amends the Democrats’ Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to prohibit federal funds from being spent on any health plan that includes coverage of abortion services. The bill also provides conscience protections for health care workers who oppose abortion.

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