

Monday, October 3, 2011


Self-proclaimed civil rights "activist," well-known, as well as very skilled, race-baiter, and faux preacher, Jesse Jackson has now come out and warned that the American economy resembles nothing so much as the Titanic, and if Barry “Almighty” and Congress don't do something, and very soon, well then, we can soon expect the streets of America to explode in civil unrest. And speaking as one who has been a major contributor to the level of violence that has already taken place, our friend Jesse is one that should know of what he speaks. So it was then, that Old pathetic Jesse, who I might add is always in constant search for any stray TV camera or a microphone in which he can step in front of, warned in a recent interview that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg might just have hit on something when he predicted rioting on the streets. Bloomberg, another inciter of violence, like every other liberal, is trying stir up as much chaos as possible, and stupid Americans seem to be only to happy to take the bait. “There is real tension in the streets because people are becoming so desperate,” Mikey Bloomberg has said. “We’re really on the edge of an explosion.” Thank you for clueing us in there Mikey, where would we be without you. Where would we be without these guys? I'll tell you where, in a much better place, that's where!

Jesse has gone so far as to make the idiotic recommendation that now is the time to revisit Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty, and the targeting of jobs in the most needy areas. Oh yea, now that’s the right answer, there Jesse, let's go back to the failed policies of dead Democrats and spend more money, that we don't have, on those same programs that never worked to do one thing to reduce poverty. Spewing the same mindless drivel that’s he’s become famous for, or infamous, Jesse said, “We must now reconvene that basic White House commission on malnutrition and human need and not give jobs indirectly through tax cuts but direct jobs in the Roosevelt vein.” Adding, “When people are able to work they get their self-esteem back; their families gain strength again, they buy houses, they buy cars." Get their self-esteem back? Who the Hell has done more to destroy the "self-esteem" of these people that characters like Jackson? Jesse droned on, “But we are giving more and more to fewer and fewer and they are investing less and less. Put the money where the people are who spend it.” You have to ask yourself, does this guy have a single brain cell left in that big round head of his? Hey, Jesse, just between you and me, I'm forking over enough of my hard earned money so that fat slobs like yourself can live the high life.

And like I said, Jesse went on to liken the situation in America now to the sinking of the Titanic. “We keep feeding the wealthy on the deck while the water is coming in at the bottom,” he said. “The great Titanic did not sink because the wind blew the chairs on the deck, it sank because the water came in from the bottom. The bottom is feeling the impact of rising water and desperation.” You know, in one sense I kinda agree with Jesse's analogy, only maybe not in quite the same way. You see, while I too see America as kinda being like the Titanic, how the Titanic was made to sink way back when, is allot different than how America is being made to sink today. You see, in the case of the Titanic, it hit an iceberg. In the case of America, it has been torpedoed and the lifeboats have had holes punched through their bottoms, by Democrats and greedy racists like Jesse and his old friend, Al “Bull Horn” Sharpton. These two shysters are peas in a pod, and together with their army of parasites, who just love to claim that they are the victims of an unjust society, they form the tip of the torpedo. Were the entitlement crazed parasite in this country ever to take a little responsibility for their pathetic little lives, they just might find that they'd have more to show for it. But no, that's just too much work, it's much easier to just lay on their back, pump out kids they can't support and let that unjust society come in to foot the bill for raising them.

Jesse has went out of his way to implore his "friend," and partner in crime, Ralph Nader not to try to set up a third-party challenge to Barry "Almighty" an exclusive message relayed through a recent interview. Jesse sounded a bit desperate and did his best to label Ralph’s plan as being “not wise” and said it would have Republicans “salivating” because it would make the path to the White House so much easier for the GOP. “While I’m a great supporter of Ralph Nader, his run allowed [George W.] Bush to get in,” Jackson said in the exclusive interview during a break at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. “Your strategies must correspond with your objectives.” Jesse, who turns 70 next month, noted that he himself ran for president in 1984 and 1988 through the Democratic primary system, not as a third-party challenger. “I wanted to expand the options, expand the issues, but not in any way that will in fact create unintended consequences,” he said. And yet, it's guys like Jackson who are fervently attempting to stir up just such a notion on the right. I mean, who is it that's doing more "salivating," to use Jesse's vernacular, than the Democrats, and Barry specifically, at the prospects of a Third Party candidacy that would make it much easier for Barry to be successful in his bid for re-election?

Always doing his best to stir up a little hate and discontent, Jackson has continued to spread the typical liberal mantra, to annoyance who will listen, as he has alleged that those racist old Republicans in 38 states are trying to do nothing more than to suppress votes and Ralph’s plan would only serve to drain support from Barry’s re-election campaign. “If they are going to add to voter suppression the loss of 3 or 4 million votes, [Republicans] will win hands down. I don’t want that to happen.” Well of course, because if that were to happen, the chances are, however slight, that his little gravy train would be shoved off the tracks. What's actually taking place in those states is that the Republicans are working to prevent the rising frequency of voter fraud perpetrated by Democrats and instill a higher respect for the privilege of voting. It is not a right, and people should not be allowed to vote more than once. Nor should dead people and their pets be allowed to vote. Ya know, and it's a funny thing how all of those dead folks and animals always see fit to vote for the Democrat in the race. So might that be the reason old Jesse takes offense at any of the ongoing attempts being made to have folks properly identify themselves before they vote? Why, how dare they, Jesse, attempt to reduce the Democrats' ability, and apparent willingness, to commit blatant voter fraud election after election.

Jesse also expressed his disappointment regarding the fact that there appears to be no one currently on the campaign trail who is talking about the issue of poverty among Americans. “We have nearly 47 million Americans in poverty,” he said. “Poverty is bad for your health. People who are in poverty are least able to get insurance, the infant mortality rate is higher, life expectancy is shorter, many illnesses go undealt with.” He went on, “It’s bad for education: Children with good minds cannot afford to go to school. Today’s student loan debt is greater than credit card debt, many lose aspirations. Communities do not have a tax base, so it destabilizes communities. “There must be some commitment now to reinvest in America from the bottom up. The trillion-dollars plus that we have spent in Iraq alone, that misappropriation of funds is coming back to haunt us.” Now what our old buddy Jesse neglected to mention here, is the fact that Barry “Almighty” has done more successful in increasing the number of people currently living in poverty than anyone since that other Democrat scumbag, Jimmy “The Moron” Carter. So it would seem that Jesse, instead of complaining about the 47 million people supposed living in poverty, Jesse should be complaining about how it is that they got to be there in the first place. But that would entail complaining about the socialist policies of Barry "Almighty, and that old Jesse just can't bring himself to do.

And one more example of Jesse's hypocrisy, is the fact that even though he believes that Barry’s jobs plan probably will not benefit black America, he still supports it because of the proposal to increase the tax burden on corporations and the wealthiest and, of course, because Barry is black. “We gave them the most subsidy. The banks drove over the cliff because of greed,” Jackson said. “They invested over lending and we bailed them out, the government gave them a tax deal, but not linked to lending. “So banks are now awash in capital and home foreclosures continue to rise.” Despite Jesse's eagerness to blame the banks, it's pretty common knowledge outside the Democrat "Cone of silence," that what the banks did they did with a gun pressed very firmly against their head, held there by the "BJ" Clinton administration. So old Jesse can peddle that crap to somebody else. And of course Jesse also criticized the Barry’s, so far successful, seizure of our healthcare system, saying it didn't go far enough because of its lacking a public option, which he said will mean that insurance companies continue to make money at the expense of the consumer. On top of that, he said, “The five major oil companies made a trillion dollars since 9/11, they’re still getting tax subsidy. The Bush tax cut extension amounts to more money than all the state budget deficits combined.” Always the practitioner of class warfare.

So with all of the horrific results that we have had coming from the liberal policies of Barry and the Democrats, all this imbecile Jackson can bring himself to advocates is, more of the same. Why? It’s simple, policies like these continue to direct massive amounts of money into the coffers of Jackson’s famed “Rainbow Coalition.” Socialist methodology has never succeeded in improving the lives of anyone, other than, of course, those like Jackson, who are firmly atop the socialist food chain. It has resulted in nothing more than the creating of an environment rife with abject poverty and misery for all of those forcibly subjected to live under its rule. The Barry regime and its disciples like Jackson are working feverishly to bring that failed political system to our shores. And in a very short span of time they have been very successful, too successful, in endeavor. That's the main reason that the upcoming election is so crucial. Should Barry gain re-election, this country simply will not survive as it was initially designed. We will have effectively done to ourselves something which our enemies have never been able to accomplish. The United States will simply come to cease to exist, as they say, not with a bang but with a whimper. Or maybe not so much of a whimper, instead maybe, just a big, heavy, sigh of relief. A sigh of relief because it's become just so darn difficult to remain a free nation, you know with all of that self-reliance and personal responsibility stuff.

1 comment:

  1. The guy's an extortionist. The only ones I find more nauseating are those who give in to this pine cone.
