

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It would seem that we now have a newly combative Barry "Almighty" on our hands. One who seems to consider himself as now being the official underdog regarding the upcoming election. In his effort to demonstrate this new found aggressiveness, he has now engaged the Republican field of presidential candidates, as recent as Monday, attacking them for wishing to do nothing more than to pursue the failed policies of the past. He makes such accusation while at the same having pretty much conceded to a TV interviewer that Americans aren’t any better off today than they were before his cool self came strutting in the Oval Office. Now of course, I can only assume that those failed policies to which Barry is so confidently referring, are such things, for example, as the Reagan tax cuts which resulted in millions of jobs being created and the longest period of peacetime properity in our history. The economic policies of Reagan also produced a period of economic growth that lasted nearly all the way through the "BJ" Clinton administration. Yup, anyone can plainly see that those policies were an unmitigated disaster, especially when compared to the wondrous results from the policies that Barry and his band of socialist Democrats have successfully managed to put into place. The result of those policies has been a net loss of over 2 million jobs and a real unemployment rate which is very firmly stuck in double digits. Now there's a success story!

Anyway, I guess Barry's re-election team sent out a recent memo which stated that Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “and the Republican field” are out of step with most Americans by their opposing tax increases for the wealthy and the passage of Barry's brilliantly conceived $447 billion jobs bill. A jobs bill, at least from all that I've been able to read, has zero chance of even making it through "Dingy" Harry's Senate. I think the whole notion that a majority of folks side with Barry on that issue of taxing the rich more, may be closer to being an example of some pretty serious wishful thinking on the part of this team of than it is of actually being a reality. But hey, if that's what these guys think, go for it. But asking those who already pay the lion's share of all the taxes paid to cough even more, especially when we have 50 percent of households in this country paying absolutely nothing, that is what's not fair. And while the trailer park crowd may support jacking up the taxes paid by those crooked old rich folks, I doubt that he'll get the same level of support from those who are among the 50 percent who do actually pay taxes. But Barry never say die campaign team put out a statement that said, “The campaign to win the Republican nomination has become a campaign to win the hearts and minds of the tea party.” This came to us by way of Barry's campaign press secretary, some dolt named Ben Labolt said.

And in an interview with that stellar, self-professed "journalist" now residing over at ABC "News," besides being a retread from "BJ" Clinton's administration, Stephie Stephanopoulos, on Monday, Barry blasted GOP officials as being unwilling to compromise. It was while looking little Stephie dead in the eye that Barry did nothing but lie, saying “I’ve tried every step of the way to get the Republican Party to work with me." Whining, “Each time, all we’ve gotten from them is ‘no.’" Have you ever heard a bigger load of crap in your entire life? From anybody? This guy has done nothing but to very loudly proclaim that it's his way or the highway and that Republicans are welcome to come along for the ride as long they ride in the back seat. And then he has the gall to whine and complain when the Republicans say, "Ok, Mr. President, we'll just take the highway." And why is it that whenever in any of their dealings with this guy, the Republicans are the only ones ever expected to "compromise?" So after a summer in which we saw Barry spending allot of time locked in negotiations with congressional Republicans about deficits and debt, Barry has apparently now chosen this time to intensify his attacks on the Republicans. He criticized the entire field of candidates in a speech Saturday night for failing to speak out against a few people who booed a gay soldier’s question about the ending of “don’t ask, don’t tell” at a Republican debate. Really Barry, is that the best you can do? Pretty pathetic!

Also in the same interview with Little Stephie over there at ABC "News," Barry even went so far as to take a sizable swipe at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has now made official, I think, that he will not be a candidate for president this time around. So maybe that was some wasted ammo being expended there on the part of Barry "Almighty." By the way, it was Mr. Christie who just last week called Barry a “bystander in the Oval Office” who has divided Americans. “If the guy’s thinking about running for president, he’s going to say a lot of stuff,” Barry said. “I’m not sure folks in New Jersey necessarily agree with him.” Perhaps even a bit more wishful thinking on the part of Barry? Granted New Jersey is pretty Blue, but I'm not sure there remains a majority willing to side with Barry. Either way, it would seem to be a moot point now anyway, but that said, it doesn't make what Gov. Christie said any less accurate. So even as Barry grows a bit more combative those Republican presidential contenders all vying to be his opponent in the next go around, Barry attempted to portray himself as being the one in the weak position regarding the next election. Stephie asked Barry how he thought he might be able to persuade people that they are actually better off than they were four years ago, the question made famous by Ronald Reagan when he challenged that pathetic loser, Jimmy Carter in 1980.

While giving a response to the above question, Barry demonstrated one of the few lucid moments when he, for the first time in the 3+ years of his presidency, displayed just bit of actual honesty. This rare bit of honesty came when Barry answered Stephies's question saying, “I don’t think that they’re better off than they were four years ago.” Of course that little blurb was very quickly followed up with what was nothing more than a very obvious and very blatant lie. He made the claim that, “We’ve been able to make steady progress to stabilize the economy, but the unemployment rate is still way too high.” Excuse me, did I miss something here? I find myself wondering how it is that Barry defines, "steady progress." I guess what I hadn't realized was that Barry had actually done anything that was actually intended to "stabilize" the economy. I guess if by stabilize, Barry means it is now stabilized in it's very rapid and steady decline, actually more like a freefall, then I guess in that regard, maybe he's correct. For Barry to have the audacity to even make such an obviously false, and very easily disprovable, statement, lays bare the level of narcissism possessed by this cartoon character of a president. As I have said on any number of previous occasions, what has been underway since this guy first assumed office, is exactly what he has intended to have happen. And he's thinking that if he can only manage to get a few more people addicted to the government, he'll be "In Like Flint" come 2012.

It was then that Little Stephie, whom we all remember as being one of the principal architects of "BJ" Clinton’s successful 1992 “It’s the economy, stupid” campaign, noted that a new ABC "News" poll shows that 55 percent of Americans think Barry will be a one-term president. Asked whether that would show that he's the “underdog,” Barry very quickly replied “absolutely,” because of the economy. “I don’t mind,” the president said. “I’m used to being the underdog. But at the end of the day, people are going to ask — who’s got a vision?” What scares me is the fact that it may prove to be the country who is the true underdog in all of this. And I'll tell you what, if where this country is today is a product of Barry's vision, then I think it safe to say that he's in pretty bad need of some new glasses. Now I was never a big supporter of this whole "Hope and Change" thing, but it would seem to me that it just ain't quite workin out as advertised. It has resulted in change, but change that has definitely been very much for the worse, and it has created a level of despair that is about as far removed as you can get from anything that can even be remotely described as being hope. And with the number of Americans receiving food stamps having now reached a record 45.345 million under Barry's reign, it only add to a level of rampant hopelessness.

And as always in his continuing effort to commit a little political pandering, Barry gave a speech Saturday night to a crowd of gay-rights advocates, during which he pushed a re-election theme in which he said he wants a “big America” of inclusiveness and "robust government spending." Whoa, wait a minute there Hoss! Isn't it robust government spending that got us into our present mess? This guy is absolutely determined in his efforts to take this country down. But as we progress down the tubes, by golly we got to make sure that we maintain our efforts at being inclusive and diverse. Barry accused the Republicans of pursuing something that he referred to as “smallness” demonstrated by what Barry defined as their apparent unwillingness to rebuild America’s infrastructure and by their failing to promote an agenda of shared sacrifice. “When you tick down which approach the American people prefer, they say it’s mine,” Barry told ABC "News". Again with this idiotic mantra of "shared sacrifice." What the Hell is Barry sacrificing? His weekly golf games? How about his numerous and very lavish vacations? Personally, I don't see a whole lot of sacrifice coming from Barry or the Mrs. Which is typical for hypocritical Democrats, everybody must be made to sacrifice but them. And of course those leeches among us who continue to feed off the rest of us, without ever being asked to pay their "fair" share, happily go along with pabulum.

On Monday, the president’s re-election campaign criticized Republican candidates for their stand on everything from “economics to immigration,” citing any number of various polls. But a funny thing about polls, you can pretty much make the results say anything you want them to, so it's best, at least at this stage of the game, to simply ignore them. As much as Barry would like to proudly run on his record, he can't. Because to do so would bring about a most certain defeat. But he does still have the blacks on his side and then there are those who make up that 50 percent who pay no taxes who will most assuredly vote for him. So Barry is going to prove to be a formidable opponent and he is not to be taken lightly. And I don't agree with him being the underdog in this race. With the rampant voter fraud that will most assuredly take place and those individuals who are now even more firmly attached to the government teat, whichever Republican wins the nomination, he, or she, is going to have a very tough row to hoe. But the fate of the country is now very firmly hanging in the balance, with us now being in the position of simply no longer being able afford four more years of Barry. So whomever it is that ends up as being the Republican candidate, they are going to need to be gotten behind and supported to the maximum in this our last chance to save some semblance of our republic. The Barry "Almighty" chapter in our history has to be brought to a close so that we can begin the long healing process.

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