

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Like something stitched together in the laboratory of Dr. Baron Von Frankenstein, there has been an increasing amount of chatter about a possible Obama/Hitlery Clinton team being put together in preparation for the next go round in 2012. This rumor/theory/speculation/spin/Hail Mary pass has been circulating around the political inner circles for over a year now. The rumor mill has been working overtime regarding the issue that old "Slow Joe" Biden will take a political bullet to the head for his president and step off the 2012 presidential ticket to make way for Hitlery. It has been said that Hitlery Clinton, Barry "Almighty’s" archrival-turned-secretary of state, has grown tired of the international fly-arounds and serving as red meat for America’s attack dogs. I think that we can all agree, that deep down inside, Hitlery still has the cockamamie notion that she was put on this earth to be the first female president. Well I don't think that she could all that much worse than our first black president. Although I don't think the country would survive for more than a very short time

So there is an opportunity that just might exist to where poor old Hitlery could take advantage of just such a scenario to remove herself, at least indirectly, from the world stage and into a nice comfy vice presidential nomination, and God forbid, a shot at becoming the headliner in 2016. It’s a way that many political soothsayers are saying that Barry could perhaps rekindle that old “black” magic that worked so well in 2008. From what I've been able to find out, apparently it was Washington Post reporter, author, and Watergate sage, Bob Woodward who first floated the prospect of a Barry/Hitlery ticket back during an October 2010 interview. Clinton News Network (CNN) Host and faux journalist, John King suggested that “a lot of people think if the president’s a little weak going into 2012, he’ll have to do a switch there and run with Hillary Clinton as his running mate.” “It’s on the table,” Woodward replied. “President Obama needs some of the women, Latinos, retirees that she did so well with during the [2008] primaries.” He added that it’s “not out of the question."

And the idea has more than its share of supporters. Little wonder, really, because politically, our "Dear Beloved Leader" has been having a rather bad year. A recent ABC/Washington Post poll found that four in 10 Americans “strongly” disapprove of how Barry is handling his job. It’s “the highest that number has risen during his time in office and a sign of the hardening opposition to him,” the Post reported last week. And of course, Barry’s posse has gone out of its way to ridicule the concept. But as always with politics, when the voices of denial are the loudest, it's usually a pretty good indicator that things are not quite what they seem. It is said on any number of occasions that Barry is quite happy with "Sloe Joe" Biden and Clinton in their current roles. The idea of an Barry/Hitlery ticket has been greeted with everything from scorn and ridicule, to incredulity and glee, all depending on who it is that you're talking to. Personally, I'm not sure how bringing Hitlery on board the "Hope and Change" express will alter how Barry does his job. But I do know this, if these scumbag Democrats see it as remotely improving their odds in 2012, all pressure will be brought to bear to make it become a reality.

It is said that there were plenty of women and feminists of all genders who begrudgingly voted for Barry "Almighty" back in 2008 but are still hankering for Hitlery Clinton's return. Sarah Palin has punted and Michele Bachmann is imploding, not that that many would chose to vote for conservative women over Barry. But with Hitlery, Democrats see themselves as having one more chance to make 2012 the Year of the Woman. Any number of political gurus have pooh-poohed the idea as warmed-over grist from the never pausing to take a breath D.C. rumor mills. “It’s very hard for a president to do that because it seems to me that what the president [would be] doing is admitting failure,” said Michael Mezey, a DePaul University political science professor and expert on the American presidency. “The storyline will be that the campaign is desperate,” he added. “I just don’t think they’re at a point of desperation.” I’m not so sure about that. A Barry/Hitlery ticket would be a potent and historic lure. It would pander to female voters, and blacks like never before, so I'm just not willing to say one way or the other whether they’ll actually go with it. It would also open the door for a Hitlery presidential bid in 2016.

As far as I am concerned this would prove to be a worst case scenario, the nuclear option so to speak, and a lose/lose proposition regarding the efforts of all those who are so desperate to wrestle this country from the clutches of those exemplified by these two corrupt characters. Both of these folks are socialists to their very core, with one being just as bad as the other, and would become only worse were they to actually join forces. Should this dynamic duo actually come into being and then go on to win the election, that would dramatically reduce our ability to survive. Neither of these two are friends of America, and their rather unique talents that they would then put into practice would only work to further damage our being able to remain a free and sovereign nation, and in ways that are simply incalculable today. And their lack of possessing even the slighest amount of any actual leadership abilities would only serve to compound their respective dificiencies, therefore magnifying their very obvious shortcomings in all vital areas. Therefore, the only viable solution to our current economic, financial and international problems is to set about the ridding of the White House of Democrats and to flush the Congress by sending as many Democrats as possible scurrying back into the sewer where they rightfully belong.

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